A/N When I first started Angela's Pet Monster back on March 15th this year, I never expected it to be so popular! 18 chapters with 43 reviews! Honestly, I thought it was a stupid idea at first, and just posted the story for the heck of it, and when I got so many reviews, I was amazed!
Then Angela's Pet Monster 2 came into writing on April 4th. 17 chapters, with 43 reviews, more than APM temporarily! They say the sequel isn't always as good as the first. Well, in my opinion, APM 2 was better than the first! Now here's the third and final installment, Angela's Pet Monster 3, with familiar characters, including a new villain. I do not own anyone except Angela, Lucille, and other OCs; Monsters Inc. belongs to Disney Pixar.
A cloaked figure ran through tall grass towards a warehouse; he had the appearance of a cheetah with grass patterns. Once he got to the warehouse, he knocked once, waited three seconds, knocked three times, waited three more seconds, then he knocked twice. The door opened; the cheetah slipped in, and transformed into his true form: he was a monster. He was a long lizard with eight limbs; he walked on four legs and had four arms. He a flat head with six blue-tipped fronds; he was green in color, and had blue spots along his back and tail. His hands and feet had four appendages, each equipped with a retractable claw.
"I'm here." He said in a Japanese accent.
"Excellent." A male elderly voice chuckled. He stepped out of the shadows; he was a gray crab/spider mix-like monster. He had eight crab-like legs, two seven-fingered hands, and five eyes. He wore an orange prison jumpsuit. "You may remember me, but it is tradition for new members to be introduced to the leader. I am Henry J. Waternoose."
"I am Henkan Boggs." The green monster said. "Randall Boggs is my cousin."
"Randall!" A feminine voice cried. "You're related to that love-blind son of a-"
"Sylvia!" Waternoose pressed a round red button on a remote; in the shadows, there was a large blue light. The female who snapped yelled out in pain. "How dare you!" She screamed.
"I'm your boss." Waternoose said. "I can discipline you when needed. Now are you going to shut your mouth and behave?"
"I don't have to shut my mouth if I don't want to!"
He pressed the button again; the female was shocked. "Stop!" She was shocked again. "Knock it off!" Again. "I'll be good." She whimpered.
"See that you do." Waternoose said; he turned to Henkan. "This is another ex-employee, Sylvia Schneider."
Henkan looked at the figure, switching on a light; hidden in the shadows was an angel! She was a silver wolf with white under her chin, underside of her tail, and wings. She had white hair on the back of her neck flowing down to her shoulders, icy blue eyes, red-lipsticked lips, blue-purple eye shadow, and four round gold earrings, two on each of her ears. She was slender, had six limbs, and was wearing a tight orange prison suit. And she was gorgeous!
"Well, hell-oo." Henkan grinned, placing his hands on his hips.
"You look like Randall." She said flatly. "I wanna rip apart that son of a–"
"Sylvia." Waternoose warned, holding a thumb over the button on his remote.
"I'll behave." She said pitifully, cowering down; Henkan noticed she was wearing a shock collar. He raised one eyebrow at Waternoose. "Explain." He said.
"In time, son. In time." The elderly monster sat at a table. "It is customary for the members to explain how they ended up in the human world. I was arrested in Monstropolis, but was able to escape."
"Seems kind of brief, no?" Henkan said, sitting down as well.
"Don't rush me! I was first arrested for trying to help Monstropolis. I escaped and tried to recruit my old employee, your cousin, Randall Boggs. However, he refused, and defeated me in hand to hand combat in order to save a human girl."
"A human! My cousin befriended a human! How dare he!" Henkan slammed his top fist on the table.
"Indeed." Waternoose nodded. "I was rearrested. About two years later, Sylvia came to the cell next-door to mine. Sylvia, would you like to tell your story?"
"Gladly." She humphed. "I was nearly caught when Waternoose was arrested, but I left for the human world. I came up with a plan to get Randall back in my life. However, it failed miserably, thanks to that human girl, and a human dog."
"A dog? You lost to one of your own kind?"
"Do not rub it in! I was arrested, and was declawed, had my wings clipped, and my camouflage gland removed! I have never been so humiliated in my whole life!" She began panting hysterically.
"Calm yourself, Sylvia." Waternoose handed her a glass of water, which she took and began drinking slowly; he turned to Henkan. "After her plan failed, and she was…altered, she went a little crazy."
The lizard monster turned to Sylvia, who was chuckling to herself. "A little?" He raised one eyebrow.
"Indeed. And what about you?"
"I grew up, often playing with my cousin, Randall. When I grew up, I grew bored of life in Screamattle, so I went to the human world, and never looked back. Since then, I've been but a memory."
"But do you have a reason for revenge on Randall?" Waternoose asked.
"Yes. I took him to a cool place, which was dangerous at the time. It was an old building with an old playground. I told him not to tell anyone, and he complied. While we were playing, it collapsed. I told him not to tell anyone, but he told our parents! I got grounded, and he got off scot-free with only a talking to! I had never been so angry in my entire life! Afterwards, I never took him to any of my places, and my bitterness towards him grew into one that matched yours."
"I see." Waternoose nodded. "Not quite something to hold a grudge over, but no matter. We all agree that Randall is a menace to the society of monsters, right?"
"Right!" Sylvia slammed her now-empty glass on the table. "We need to destroy him! No, we need to kill him! Slowly! Painfully!" She began laughing hysterically, spinning on her hind legs.
Henkan picked up the remote and pushed the red button; the female monster's collar glowed brightly, shocking her greatly. Finally, she fell to the ground, panting; her collar was smoking. "She needs help, honestly." He said.
"We've tried; there's nothing we can do for her." Waternoose said, shaking his head slowly. "She's truly gone insane."
"Perhaps the defeat of Randall would calm her down?"
"Perhaps." He nodded. "Perhaps. But we'll need to formulate a plan; he has strengths as well as weaknesses. Now, why don't I tell you about his life after banishment?"
A/N SgtYayap suggested a villain similar to Randall, but with another ability other than camouflage: shape changing. I thought it was a pretty cool idea! He didn't give me a name, so I decided on Henkan, which is Japanese for "transformer". I decided for him to be related to Randall, and decided to have him as our favorite Lizog's cousin.
You all remember Sylvia? How the end of APM 2 said she had gone crazy? Well, does she sound crazy? I kinda based her behavior on the Joker from the Batman series, kinda giggly and nonsense talking. It's kind of a change from snooty and prissy to crazy and nutty.
Thanks for reading and enjoying the APM series :D Review please.