Title: Do you love me?
Summary: Sometimes there are no happy endings.

I don't own Naruto.

A/N: This is a short drabble that popped into my head and wouldn't leave me alone. It isn't really sad but it isn't happy either - I'm not sure what it is! I've read so many stories where SasuNaru have a fairytale ending and in reality fairytale endings are hard to come by. So, here you have my drabble, "Do you love me?", I hope you enjoy it and remember to click the review button! :D

Do you love me?
by OMG I Found Waldo.

"Do you love me?"

Naruto wanted to kick himself for asking such a stupid question the moment the words spilled from his mouth. It seemed to get colder in the room, the air around them was heavy and thick with tension. He felt sick, scared to hear Sasuke's answer but at the same time yearning for it. He needed reassurance and to be told that the past two years of their relationship hadn't been meaningless to the stoic Uchiha. He didn't care if it was a lie - he was desperate to believe that Sasuke loved him. When had his love for Sasuke become this ugly, this tainted?

Sasuke disentangled himself from the bedding and re-clothed himself, a thoughtful expression on his pale face. He buttoned up his shirt and closed the zipper on his pants. He glanced over at the blond who laid naked on the bed - their bed - and opened his mouth to utter the lie he'd practiced time and time again in his head. He wanted to love Naruto, he truly did, but when he looked at him... He felt nothing. There was no love, no affection... Just pity and lust remained.

His mouth closed abruptly with an almost audible snap. He turned away from his lover, the life they'd built together and left without a word. No more lies.

No more lies.

Naruto's bottom lip trembled as he stared at the empty space where his boyfriend once stood - or rather, former boyfriend. It was strange. He'd always thought Sasuke's sharp tongue would be the end of their relationship but instead it was the opposite...

Sasuke's silence was the most painful thing Naruto had ever heard. It was deafening.

"No," Naruto choked out in a broken voice, blue eyes cloudy. "Of course you don't love me." He closed his eyes and pictured an alternative scenario where Sasuke admitted his love and they made love to each other on the bed in the morning light.

Sometimes love isn't beautiful and kind. Sometimes love is ugly and selfish. Sometimes fairytales go wrong, sometimes the princess - or prince, as the case may be - is never rescued and carried off into a romantic sunset.

Sometimes there are no happy endings.