✈Marik's Holiday✈

WARNING: Story contains adult language, sexual references, minor drug usage and violence. This is intended for mature audiences only.


"Breaking Point"

'I need to get out of this fucking town before I put a bullet in my head. I don't know how much more of this I can take.' Marik thought to himself as he threw his school bag down on the floor. Swearing, he rips off his uniform jacket and tosses it onto the floor, next to his bag. He stomps off, leaving poor Malik to trip over the mess in the front hall. "Marik! Come pick up your shit!" He calls, but there's no answer. 'I suppose I could always get another tattoo, but that gets old fast.' Marik's thoughts were interrupted, as Malik slammed his bedroom door open and dumped his shit in his room. "This is getting to be a pain in my ass." He said angrily to his Yami, who seemed to be ignoring him. 'I've got it! Bakura and I will go on holiday. I know he's at his breaking point as well.' He pushes Malik out of the way, puts on his leather jacket and heads out the door, with not so much as a word.

Malik races down the stairs, opens the front door to see Marik pulling away on his new motorcycle. "Hey! Get back here! Where are you going?" In response, Marik flips him the bird and disappears around the corner. 'For Ra's sake, this is getting fucking ridiculous.' Malik thought to himself as he went back into the house to take care of his long overdue stack of homework.

Meanwhile, Marik was pulling into Ryou and Bakura's driveway. The windows were open and rugs hung out of the two lower windows. 'Hm. They must be cleaning.' "I'M NOT BLOODY DOING IT!" Came the angry voice of Bakura from one of the windows. There was a heart stopping crash and lots of foul language following it. Marik let himself in and flopped down on the sofa hoping to catch a little bit of the excitement. Ryou came down the stairs first, his face flushed. "I don't see what the big deal is! All I asked you to do was clean the bathroom! I do everything for you! Wash your clothes, cook your meals and give you a place to stay! It's like I'm your mother." Bakura came pounding down the stairs after him. "Yeah? Well I'm sure as hell lucky that I didn't slide out of your vagina. I would have been suffocated, you're so fucking uptight." "Take that back!" "Make me!"

Ryou ran into the living room, to see his yami's best psychopathic friend stretched out on his couch. His heart sank. Before he could say anything. Bakura came running up behind him and tackled him to the floor. Marik let out a snort of laughter, that alerted Bakura to his presence. "Oh hey, asshole. When did you get here?" "Well cockstain, about five minutes ago." "Language!" Ryou cried, from underneath Bakura. "Well, I heard some pretty colourful things coming out of your mouth earlier." Ryou blushed at Marik's comment and fell silent. "What brings you to our house?" "I came to ask you if you wanted to go out, but in that outfit, I'm afraid to ask." Bakura remembers what he's wearing and casually brushes it off. "You know, cleaning day." He says, ripping the hair net off his head and tossing the apron on the floor.

Ryou managed to wiggle out from under Bakura and stand up. "Well you two have fun. I have a roast to attend to. Then after that I'm doing laundry. I'd better not find any more teeth in the pockets of your jeans, Bakura. God knows what you're doing with all those teeth." "I'm creating my own throne of decay." Bakura smirked at his comment and Marik followed suit. "That's just disgusting. I'll see you later." Ryou hurries off to the kitchen why Bakura and Marik snicker. "Is that really what you're doing with them?" "Ha, no. I get into a lot of fights and I keep the teeth as souvenirs. The pharaoh once mentioned that there is this broad that breaks into your house at night, takes the teeth that have fallen out and in their place leaves cash."

"I didn't know that you cross-dressed, Bakura." "Only on the days I'm going out with your sister! Now, what did you really want?" "Oh, I'm tired of this fuckin' place. I need to get out of here before I explode. Even setting fire to landmarks has become dull and plain." "Yeah, I know what you mean." Bakura commented. "What do you suppose we do about it?" "I think we should go on holiday. I hear Malik talking about going on one all the time." "Where do you want to go?" "Nowhere in fuckin' Japan, that's for sure. I'm tired of grilled fish and rice." Bakura laughs. "Is that all you think there is to eat here?" "It's the only Ra-damn thing Ishizu serves." "You should stay for dinner tonight, Ryou's making a beef roast! Rare, just the way I like it. And that way, we can tell him that we're leaving on an outing."

"Hah, okay. Gotta call Malik and tell him where I'm at. If I don't call him, he'll come and hunt me down. Where's your phone? I forgot my cell." Bakura raises an eyebrow, but says nothing as he hands Marik his cell. Marik punches in the number of Malik's cell and waits for him to pick up. By the fourth ring, Marik is losing his temper. "Where the hell is this prick?" He asks angrily. He's about ready to just say fuck it and hang up, when Malik answers. "Hello?" "Where the fuck were you! I've been calling! I could have had an anal aneurysm and you wouldn't know about it!" Bakura chokes on his laughter, but manages to stay quite. "Why would I care about your asshole?" Malik asks. Bakura cuts in. "That's the best thing I've heard all day!" He falls off the couch and continues laughing on the floor. "Fuck you. I'm staying for dinner at Bakura and Ryou's." "Well give your girlfriend, Bakura, my best." Malik hangs up before Marik can go through the phone and choke him. "Girlfriend?" Bakura asks grumpily. "What a bloody crotch booger." "Well, five minutes ago you were ready to go to bed with him." Marik hands Bakura back his cell and stands up.

"Let's go help with dinner, shall we?" "You read my mind." They head into the kitchen and see Ryou rolling out dough for dinner buns. "We're adding one more for dinner." "Fine, just set the table!" He snaps, still struggling to get the dough just right. "Mooooody." Bakura mutters under his breath to Marik, who nods. Bakura hands him three plates and Marik stares down at them. "They're so happy." He cringes. "Tell me about it." Bakura holds up a glass decorated with little bumblebees. Marik has to resist the urge to laugh. "I tried bringing some PlayBoy glasses, but Ryou nearly had a cardiac incident. It's like seeing a pair of tits is going to send him off the edge."

The pair's snickering is interrupted by a loud exclamation. "FINALLY!" Ryou slides the tray into the oven and checks on the roast. "Another ten minutes and it will be perfect! Hey could one of you get the salad out of the fridge?" Bakura and Marik groan in unison. Marik takes a seat at the table while Bakura gets the salad. "Beer?" He asks. Without rating for a response, he tosses a beer to Marik, who catches it. He sets the salad on the table and the pair watch as Ryou juggles pulling to roast and buns out of the oven. Ryou tosses the basket of buns to Bakura, who catches them with one hand.

"Nice." Marik remarks., watching Ryou carve the roast. He carries it over to the table and sits between Marik and Bakura. "Um, I forgot the potatoes!" Ryou exclaims, jumping up from his seat and heads over the counter. He sets the bowl of mashed potatoes in front of Marik. "Who wants to go first?" As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he regrets saying anything. Hands reach out at him from all directions. Pieces of tomato, small chucks of beef and roll go everywhere.

"So, why don't you tell Ryou why you're here." Bakura says, blood dripping from his chin. "Right." He says with a mouthful of potato. He swallows and clears his throat. "Bakura and I are going on holiday." Ryou nearly chokes and Bakura has to slap him on the back. "What?" He coughs out. "We're going on holiday." "Where are you going? Egypt?" "No. We're thinking we might go to Chicago." "Why?" "Because they have fucking awesome pizza and they have a high crime rate. We'll fit right in." "Well, if that's happening I'm going to." "That would defeat the whole bloody purpose." Bakura remarks. "I wanted to do a summer abroad anyway. I've got two summer assignments to work on anyway." 'No, no no!' Bakura thought angrily to himself. "It doesn't mean that I have to stay with you. I'll get my own hotel room and everything. I just want to make sure you don't get into too much trouble." "Fine." Bakura mutters. "As long as you don't cramp our style, I don't care where you go." Marik chews on a hunk of beef.

"I'll ask Malik if he wants to come too. He and I can work together." This time, it's Marik's time to groan. "Keep him out of my fucking way!" "I will." Ryou grins at the two grumpers. "Why don't you both come over tomorrow so we can go over the plan of attack." "I have to plan?" "Well, you've never been to America before and you both lack the knowledge of travel." Marik thinks it over. "You'd better have cocktails, Ryou."