Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya

Prompt: "Troubles before Marriage". Either Izaya is afraid of commitment or that things keep getting screwed up lately between them, or about other reasons is all up to the author :)

"Marriage…? Heh, you almost had me there! Funny, Shizu-chan."
Izaya wiped his brow and exhaled, a yellow smile trembling on his lips. Shizuo frowned.
"I wasn't kidding."
"Sure you were. For one, gay marriage is not legal in this country and second, marriage is…a bit…"
Izaya waved for lieu of an explanation. He felt exceedingly awkward and squirmed on his seat. Then grabbed his tea cup with two hands.
"A bit what?"
"A bit…odd. I suppose that people have private ceremonies even if they are not recognized by the state but it doesn't actually change anything so why do it?"
"Why not do it, then? Since I'd want to. What's your problem with it?"
"It's not like I have a problem with it…"
"What is it, then?"
Izaya sighed and put up his hands in a placatory gesture.
"Why so serious all of a sudden, Shizu-chan! Could it be that you want yours truly to dress up in a bride's dress? I didn't know you had that kind of kink, I'm all for-"
"Izaya? Drop it."
Shizuo was visibly upset at the flippant attitude.
"Look, marriage is just not for me. Why can't things just go on as they are now? I have fun with you, you have fun with me, it's all good."
"I want more than that."
"Like what?"
"Like coming back home and finding you there and falling asleep with you there, eating together. That kind of things, normal stuff."
Izaya brightened up.
"We can move in together. I'm fine with that."
"That's not the same."
"Plenty of heterosexual couples live together without getting married."
"I'm not part of 'plenty of couples', I'm me."
"Right…can't say that I understand you on this."
Izaya had no illusions as to the fact that theirs was a relationship of opposites somehow harmonized and that Shizuo had some thinking habits that were downright puzzling but this was the first time he was left wondering as to what his motivation was.
"I guess I want some commitment from you."
Izaya rolled his eyes.
"Gee, what, you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"
Izaya's sense of unease reached a critical point.
"Okay…even so, we already sleep together most nights and-"
"And one fine night you'll decide you're bored and move on to someone else."
Izaya shrugged.
"And getting married would change that how?"
"If you thought about it and agreed to marrying me then it means you're fine with me."
"I see, so you're insecure."
"Can you blame me?"
Izaya gave it some thought. He could see that Shizuo was in earnest and it bothered him.
"I suppose I see your point but I haven't been fooling around."
"But you don't see nothing wrong in doing so."
"I don't see monogamy as a virtue per se."
Shizuo nodded and became almost grim. Then he gathered his things and got up.
"If you feel that way then we might as well break up."
Despite the ominous prelude Izaya was still taken completely by surprise.
"You can't be serious."
"I told you already, I'm not kidding."
"Wait, let's just talk this over."
Izaya could not account for the feeling of panic darting through him. He knew that Shizuo had a way of being adamant in his stubbornness.
"Will you consider marrying?"
"Er, marriage is just too weird for me-"
"Then there's nothing more to discuss. Goodbye."
And with this Izaya was left staring at the empty space where Heiwajima Shizuo had just stood shortly.

That night Izaya waited for Shizuo to come over as they had agreed to prior to the out of the blue conflict. He did so in the hope that Shizuo would come to his senses. Izaya had not voiced his true feelings towards marriage, he had greatly softened his disgust for the entire institution but apparently to no end since wait as he might, Shizuo did not come by. Izaya checked his cell phone for the hundredth time.
Shizuo was being absolutely unreasonable. Which was nothing new in itself, Shizuo's bent for the irrational served as a counterpart to Izaya's highly calibrated reasoning, but it was a whole new level of ridiculous. As the hours ticked away and the neon kept blazing outside his panoramic window, Izaya began to feel angry. No one had any right to emotionally blackmail and corner him into taking an absurd decision. Heiwajima Shizuo was no exception. Izaya had no problem playing a submissive role in bed but only because it was just that, roleplay.