Hey, this is my first Outsiders Fanfic, so please don't get bored...

In Nella's POV ((nella = OC...))

I DON'T own the outsiders. Heh, I wish I did though.

Awkward Turtle = uhm, I don't feel like explaining, it's something you do with your hands, when something is awkward.

EDIT: well, took me a while to write this, but for some odd reason, it didn't save properly. That's what I get for using my mum's computer... D':

Two-Bit, Johnny, Steve, Sodapop, and Nella ((you will see her in the fanfiction I am working on, later...))

were all sitting in the Curtis's Living room, watching some Good Ol' mickey mouse.. Anyway, so I'm sitting on the floor showing Sodapop how to say

"F*** you" in Italian, when we hear a big crash, thinking it was just Two-bit being the drunken whore we all know him as, but realized it was just Ponyboy... looking


"Hey, pony, why so BIIIIG?"two-bit giggled like a girl.

Pony looked up, surprisingly serious, and said something shocking

"I'm Pregnant"

This was my cue to make an Awkward Turtle.

Two-bit cocked his head, and you could clearly see him having a inward-debate if guys REALLY could get preggo.

I couldn't help but laugh, but I held it in. Because, I was the only one who new that this was a big prank.

"W-what?" Sodapop looked at Ponyboy

"Yes, it's true.." Pony sighed.

"Who's the Daddy?" Two-bit chuckled

Pony looked right through Our poor, poor,sod-

"Sodapop" He said very seriously

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? N-NO!" Soda turned beet-red.

"Well, since we know the father..." Two-bit started again,

"How did you do it? In your room? In a closet? In the shower?"Two-bit was laughing so hard I thought he was going to burst, oh yeah, soda was already exploding with embarrassment at this point of time.

"No, actually, on the floor"pony pointed to the rug Johnny was sitting on.

Johnny got up and was all "!^&*W(&#*/TGSYUA^W&#)(#*#I#_)(*H((!"

and jumped a mile high, wiping invisible germs off his pant legs, then got a little comfort from Two-bit saying

"Don't worry, they couldn't have hade sex... dudes can't have sex... or... can they...?" now, he was back to the Internal-Debate.

Ponyboy, by this time, started to take out his Shirt stuffings ((Haha, retards! You actually thought he was preggo? Che.))

and threw them at Soda's face, which was nearly purple at the moment.

"I gotcha' guys GOOD. Didn't I!" he was rolling on the floor, laughing his ass off.

FINAL SUMMATION; Pony boy really knows how to make Saturday, FUCKING AWKWARD.

HAHAHA! Wasn't that funny?
