Something About Me
A Touko and Bel Fanfiction
By Nagone
Summary: After a rocky night in Raimon City, Bel and Touko find themselves torn apart by their own emotions. Nearly a half a year later, Touko finds herself receiving a ticket to a play and the amusement park in Raimon City. She discovers that some of the simplest moments with the one you love are sometimes the best thing in the world when Bianca asks her to ride the Ferris Wheel in Raimon City on a starry night.
Pairing: Touko and Bel
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Rated: T for kissing
Author's note: I wasn't expecting this, as I mentioned previously, to end up turning into a multi-chapter story. Lately, most of my work have been one-shots that are pretty average or lengthy. It's nice to have a small, two-chap piece in my works, especially since it's T. Also, you'll notice I use the English names for the other Elite Four members. This is because I don't really like the name "Hilga" as compared to Touko, and although I like "Biance", I figured that if I was going to change Touko's name, I'd make the same chance to Bel. Hopefully, you'll like the end of this.
Touko gasped as the cold water hit her body.
She hadn't expected such tough trainers, but she founds satisfaction in battling them. She frowned slightly: she still couldn't sense the drive or fire that she had held in her heart in others. It seemed that now, gaining the title of being in the Hall of Fame was simply another notch in a trainer's belt, right next to catching 151 pokémon. She sighed and pushed back her slight sadness and focused on winning her seventh battle today. "Serperior," Touko shouted. Her pokémon responded immediately, turning towards the Carracosta that was quickly sucking air for it's next attack. "Leaf Blade!" Serperior dash forward on it's belly, whipping back and forth. The trainer's Carracosta responded slowly, Serperior's superior speed confusing it. The trainer's voice rose up as she shakily cried, "C-C-Carracosta, Hydro Pump!" The Carracosta shook itself out of its daze and bent over, taking in a huge puff of air, but it was too late. As soon as it released the huge spray of water, Serperior slammed its tail into the turtle, a sharp green light erupting from it. Carracosta fell over immediately, and the trainer fell to her knees. The referee raised a pink flag, pointing it at Touko. "Carracosta is unable to battle. Serperior, and his trainer, Champion Touko, win!"
Touko nodded and walked across the field to the trainer, her high, chocolate colored ponytail bouncing with her steps. "Here," she whispered, handing him six Revive crystals. "These will patch your pokémon up. You did amazingly. Good job!" She hugged the trainer, a wiry, petite girl by the name of Rayne. "I hope to see you here again one day, Rayne."
"Thanks, Miss Touko!" The girl tossed a ball out towards her Carracosta, who happily let the soft red light envelope him as he went back inside his home. The spry girl dashed off towards the plateau's pokémon center for a well-deserved healing and nap.
"Miss Touko," a soft, melodic voice called. She turned and discovered it was Caitlin, her long, lovely blonde locks mystically hovering behind her. "That is all the trainers for today, yes?"
Touko nodded. "Yes, Caitlin. We don't have anymore scheduled until next week, so the rest of the week, until Friday, is yours."
Caitlin smiled and nodded. "Actually," Caitlin hummed. "I need to talk to you about something."
Touko nodded. "Yeah, sure."
Caitlin waved her hand towards a moving spiral staircase at the back of the massive gym. "Come, let's go to your quarters."
Touko flopped down onto her massive pink and black bed, toeing her shoes off along with her sweaty socks. She wiggled her free digits, giggling softly as the air ran across her heels and in between her toes. "So, Caitlin," Touko said, her chin cupped between her hands. "What did you need to talk about?"
Caitlin folded her legs beneath her, looking very much like a doll. "Well," she began. "It's about the mail. I was out checking it after a few trainers had made it past my room, and…" Her voice trailed off.
"Yes," Touko prodded. She was 19 now, and knowing about the happenings at the league was just another part of being Champion. "Continue."
Caitlin nodded, her hair shivering with the quick bobs of her head. "Well… This came for you." She reached into a hidden pocket on her dress and pulled out a small box. Touko opened it and gasped. Inside lay a single ticket stamped with the well-known Pokémon Musical insignia. Hidden underneath was a smaller ticket stamped with the Raimon Amusement Park's insignia, a Pikachu with clown makeup and a polka-dotted hat. "You should go," Caitlin chirped. "You know you love her," she added, wiggling her eyebrows.
Touko sighed and rolled her eyes. "Caitlin, you know it's been half a year. I've already moved on."
"But Bel hasn't. She wouldn't send you these tickets if she had," Caitlin said, stretching out elegantly on the large bed. Her long hair flutter behind her, psychically twisting into three separate braids languidly.
"But Caitlin," Touko sighed. "I can't just go back. Bel and me… We're done. After that night…" Touko's voice broke off. "After Bel's mother made me realize that my career as the Champion was more important than Bel to me, I broke it off. Permanently."
Caitlin sighed. "Touko, please, promise you'll go. You don't even have to go see her with this," Caitlin tossed a plastic card at Touko. "But just go. It'll give you closure at least. You'd get to see that she's following her dream, just like you are." Caitlin rose off the bed, landing on the floor silently. Her hair continued to braid itself silently. "You've only got two hours, including the travel time. I'll do your hair."
Touko smiled, realizing that Caitlin wasn't going to give her an out regardless. "Fine. I'll need to find a-"
"Got it," Caitlin squealed. "I've kept a dress for you for just something like this!" Caitlin grabbed Touko by the wrist. "Come on, let's go to my room!"
Touko smiled brightly, glad to have the support of the league with her.
Touko tried to stay still, but it was hard. Caitlin was curling ringlets into Touko's hair psychically with a hot curler, and that alone made her want to squeal in fright. The fact that Caitlin was only controlling it with her mind made her all the more nervous. Shauntal focused on doing Touko's make up, humming as she applied shades to her eyes, lips, and cheeks. Touko sneezed softly from the powders, but sat still until the hour of torture was up. "Okay," Shauntal chimed. "You can look in the mirror." Touko nodded and opened her eyes.
It was as though she was a different person. Her eyes seemed softer, and her cheeks redder. Her hair fell down to her hips in long, curly spirals or deep brown, and her entire form seemed to glow. "Now for the dress," Caitlin said, dashing to her closet. She pulled out a black hanging bag and passed it to Touko. "Fit for a Champion."
Touko pulled the zipper on the bag and gasped as a beautiful pink silk dress dropped out. "It's beautiful," she whispered. She pulled it out and held it up. It was sleeveless and strapless, and fell down to about her knees. A pair of dark pink heels toppled out of the bag too.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Shauntal and Caitlin cried together. "Put it on!"
Five minutes later, both the girls were cooing at Touko's form. She looked elegant. What she hadn't realized was that the dressed puffed out slightly. With the dark pink shawl and her pink lips, she looked like a princess. "One last touch," Caitlin whispered. She fished around in her drawer until she found a small comb encrusted with pearls and pink crystal. "Here," she smiled and gently combed up a mass of the ringlets, sticking the comb in them. "Now, you look like a true Champion."
Touko felt tears sting at her eyes. "What… What if-"
Caitlin broke her off. "Sometimes, you just have to take a chance, Touko."
Shauntal nodded. "If Bel doesn't love this, well, then… She's a big poopie!"
Touko smiled and nodded, the tears disappearing. "Thank you. Now, I have to leave. My and Archeops have to get going."
Caitlin gasped. "Hold it, young lady! If you think for one minute you're going flying in that outfit and with all your makeup done, you're as dumb as a Psyduck!"
Touko shrugged her shoulders. "Well, how else am I supposed to get there?"
Caitlin's eyes glinted. "Via Teleport, of course."
The teleport hadn't been as bad as Touko had thought. One moment, she was with Caitlin and Shauntal, and then the next moment, she was in front of the Pokémon Musical Theater in Raimon City, the bright flashing lights burning her eyes until they adjusted. She waved goodbye to Caitlin's Reuniclus as it dropped her gently on a bench and disappeared with a pop. Touko sighed and steeled herself, ready to walk inside and see the show.
After a quick flash of her ticket, Touko was led to the balcony to a private box. Geez, she thought. Bel really set me up. A small salad was brought to her courtesy of the theater, of which she hadn't expected would be followed by a seven-course meal and desert of her choosing. She placed her order right as the lights dimmed and relaxed in her chair, munching on a mixture of free spinach, fruits, and an oil and herb dressing.
The curtain rose and Touko gasped, nearly choking on her salad. Bel sat in the center of the stage, her head facing the crowd. She began to sing, her voice soft and sweet, as pokémon danced about her. Touko had forgotten what the play was about, but it clicked in that moment: It was a reenactment of the Three Legendary Dragons of Unova. Touko munched on her food silently, watching as Bel shifted through the acts. Bel's character was a girl from the country that encounters the dragons and was chosen to save the continent of Unova.
The play progressed over three musical acts, all of which left Touko crying until the next transition when she would perk up, eat some more, and watch intensely. Soon, the play came to and end, as did the desert, and Touko stood, clapping loudly. She reached down for her purse, which contained a few yellow roses and her backstage pass. She exited the booth and dashed down and around the corner to the location Caitlin had told her about. She flashed the pass and the escorted her down to Bel's room as per her request. She sat on a small chair, waiting for the blonde.
"Thanks guys! I'll see you tomorrow!" a voice echoed. Touko knew who's it was automatically: it was Bel's. The door creaked open and Bel walked in, gulping down a bottle of water. She locked the door behind her and sat in her chair before turning to Touko. "You…. You came," she whispered.
Touko nodded, smoothing down the creases in her dress. She stood quickly and walked over to Bel. "These are for you," she managed, her heart in her throat. She passed the small bundle of yellow roses to Bel.
Bel sniffed them and smiled sadly as she counted them. "One for every month."
Touko slapped her head in her mind. Caitlin must have done that, she thought. She silently began to plot a way to get back at the psychic. Maybe I'll load her with more battles…
"Touko! Touko!" Bel broke Touko from her thoughts.
"Y-Yes?" Touko stuttered. Her mouth felt like it had cotton in it.
Bel fidgeted nervously in her seat. "Um…. Would you like to accompany me to the Ferris Wheel tonight? It's clear out, and not many people will be on there because of the games happening at the stadiums tonight."
Touko's mind flashed to the ticket in her purse. She felt butterflies creep through her veins, but nodded. "Sure. We can catch up on old times."
Bel was right: the Ferris Wheel had hardly any occupants, save for two elderly couples that waited for a single car. Bel and Touko stood side by side, Bel in a simply orange jumper with yellow trim and a long sleeved white button down and a green tie. Her knee-high socks were argyle, colored with a mixture of orange, green, yellow, and white. It looked cute on her, but Touko knew she could never wear anything that young. For a moment, Touko had felt overdress, but she also felt beautiful, so she let her feelings of beauty override her nerves. "Our turn," Bel chimed. They stepped forward into the carriage and took a seat across from one another and gasped in synchronicity as the machine lurched forward, starting the first of five slow loops.
"So," Touko began. "How have you been?" Touko wanted to say "How have you been since that night?" but she left it at that.
Bel smiled pleasantly. "I've been good. I'm one of the main performers at the theater, and I've finally got my own show. It's pretty exciting. Tonight was opening night too, and we sold out three weeks in advance and had to make more tickets and squeeze more people in. It was great!" Bel paused and nodded. "How about you?"
Touko nodded, glancing out the window. They were halfway through the first loop. "Life's been good. I've got a lot of duties at the League. I'm constantly battling, and I've been traveling lately to help with some upset in a few of the towns. It seems like Team Plasma still has a few ex-members that are rowdy and set in their ways." They shared a giggle, remembering their many fights against the team when they were both 15.
"Those were the days," Bel giggled. They had both been 15 and fresh to the world of Pokémon, but they had both had great adventures.
"Yeah…" Touko's voice trailed off as they entered their second loop. She wanted so badly to bring up the past, but it was hard to find a good place.
"I love you, Touko," Bel said suddenly.
Touko tore herself away from her silent thoughts. "What?" She hadn't been prepared for that at all.
"I love you," Bel repeated. "Even though we're been apart for half a year. I love you, Touko."
Touko felt her face heat up under the blush. "You can't, remember?" she spat. Her heart had ached for so long, and now the pain had found it's target: Bel.
Bel turned her head. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that about your position in the league. It's a hard position, and important too. I was… I was being selfish with you. I just want you to be only mine."
Touko took a moment to process her feelings. "Well… It wasn't right of me to call you immature. You're a lot more mature than I am sometimes," Touko said. "Especially tonight." Bel's face erupted in a blush as she wiggled in her seat.
Bel got up and crossed over to Touko's side, sandwiching herself next to the brunette. "Touko," she whispered. They were on their third rotation already. "Let's try this again." Bel's voice was filed with pain and sadness, but also a soft, radiating glimmer of hope. "Please, let's try this again. If we work together, we can stay together."
Touko's heart beat quickly with Bel's. She wanted to believe, she really did, but it was hard. "I…"
Bel nodded and smiled, pressing her legs together as though she were about to rise. "It's alright. I understand. My mother hurt your feelings, and so did I. I-"
Before Bel could finish her thought, Touko's lips sealed over Bel's in a kiss so desperate it threatened to such Bel's soul from her body. Bel wrapped her arms around Touko's waist, her tears and sobs breaking up the kiss. They sobbed together, their hearts meeting as one. "I missed you so much, my belle," Touko whispered into Bel's hair. She kissed the top of her head, holding her close. "I'm sorry."
Bel whimpered and sobbed, clinging to Touko tightly. "D-Don't leave me again please!" she cried. "I want to be with you!" Bel kissed Touko neck quickly, trying to convey her emotion.
Touko nodded and held her. They were on their final rotation. Suddenly the cart stopped, centered perfectly at the top as the nightly fireworks show began. Touko lifted Bel's chin and stared into the deep, lime green eyes. Bel shivered, her nerves kicking in. Touko simply smiled, and kissed her, the glow of the firework exploding as quickly as their hearts thudded. The sky glowed with giant hearts and yellow flowers and pokémon. Touko broke the kiss slightly for a breath, and simply whispered, "Let's be together forever."