I owe an apology to all of my loyal readers who had been with me throughout this story. Due to my OCD, at one point I decided that the story was awful and I needed to redo the whole thing over again despite the many wonderful reviews. Because of a really rough period in my life, the remake never happened. I'm republishing it at the request of a reviewer with only a few minor alterations. This story used to have more chapters- unfortunately, I'm not awesome enough to conjure up 300 reviews in 5 chapters! Thank you to everyone for all your support and for sticking with me through all of my hiatus.

"Yay! Commoners Ramen!" Tamaki said excitedly, digging into one of his favorite foods. Haruhi smiled, scooping more onto the other's plates. "This is good, Haru-chan!" said Hunny, smiling as he cutely ate, the way he did everything. Mori nodded in agreement, "Mmm" he said, and followed by the twins: "You should invite us more often, we like seeing where you live!"

Just then the doorbell rang: "I'll get it," Haruhi said, standing up but was stopped by Tamaki. "I'll do it, my precious daughter. It's the least I can do!" he said, smiling cheerily as he walked out of the kitchen. Kyoya was eating silently, and Haruhi could tell that he enjoyed it, even if he wouldn't say anything.

Tamaki stood outside, looking down at the little light haired baby girl, wrapped in a light pink blanket staring up at him with big, purple eyes, sucking her pacifier. She was in a basket, and Tamaki looked over the railing, eyes scanning for the parent. Nothing- the area was vacant.

He looked at the baby girl once before calling out:

"Everyone, There's a baby!"

"A WHAT?" The host club, shocked, ran outside fast as he held her above his head in admiration, "Oh she's so cute-" he said before his face was greeted with a drizzle of drool and she smiled sweetly. The twins smiled,

"We like her already!"

"Where's the mom?" Haruhi asked, looking over the railing as Tamaki had. "There's no one, I looked." Tamaki said, wiping the drool off his face with his sleeve and held her normal. "You're right, Tama-chan! She is cute, she has pretty eyes!" he said, picking up her pacie,

"There's a note" Mori said, pulling out a letter under the pillow in the basket. Kyoya took it from Mori's hand and read it out loud:

I'm sorry it's come to this and that there's not more time, but I can't risk endangering the people around me anymore. Keep Ayame safe and make sure she knows how much she was loved.

"Endangering? More time?" Haruhi asked.

The baby, Ayame, was reaching for Tamaki's hair and pulling gently on it, babbling bumbumbum sounds. Tamaki ignored the tugging, his eyebrows narrowed and left in a somber silence.

Hunny was grabbing Mori's pant leg and swallowed.

"It's cold out," He headed back inside the still opened door.

"Yeah. She might get sick" Mori said, and he too joined Kyoya and the rest of the hosts followed behind.

"There's a baby... a baby…" Haruhi was muttering to herself in shock, unsure of what to make of the situation. She groaned and threw her hands down. "We can't take care of a baby! Why would someone leave such a vague note? If you're going to leave your child on some stranger's doorstep you should at least have the courtesy to explain yourself! I mean, I could've been a drug dealer! Secondly, we're living in an apartment- why wouldn't she leave a baby on someone who seemed better off or something? None of it makes sense!"

"Pressing questions indeed," Kyoya commented. Hikaru was bouncing the baby on his knee as she chewed on a small beanie baby that had been in the car seat with her, making uh-ha-uh-ha noises that were caused by the bouncing motion, "Regardless, she's here."

"Haru-chan, what do you think your dad will say?"

"I have no idea…" She said, her head falling in her hands. She sighed, "Guys, I don't think we can keep her. I mean, we're on the edge as it is- children are expensive..."

"~Uh, Hellooo? Rich kids here!~" Hikaru and Kaoru coursed together in perfect unison the way that only they could do. She looked at them.

"I don't want to have to take your guys money though," she said,

"~We don't mind, Haruhi!~" they said, Kaoru on his knees with her. Tamaki was leaning against the couch to get a good view of the new guest, who was now bored with her toy and threw it on the ground. She squirmed, wanting to be put down.

"Even so, they take a lot of time! Time that I don't know we have- I mean, dads got a job and I've got school, as you guys know. So what do I do?"

"You could send her to daycare," Suggested Hikaru, putting her down at last as she laid down, rolling around on the floor and Haruhi laughed, as did the twins, Hunny and Tamaki. Ayame grinned, sitting up and grabbing her toes as she made noises, "Muh, muh, bughed de GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She threw her hands up in the air. The cuteness managed to prompt a smile from even Mori.

"I guess that's a possibility" she continued, getting back on topic.

"~Let's just wait till your dad gets home, Haruhi~" said Hikaru and Kaoru

"Yeah. Okay," she said, watching Ayame pull herself into a standing position with the table Tamaki beamed and got so happy that Haruhi thought he would burst, "LOOK SHE'S STANDING SHE'S REALLY STANDING!

She laughed at Tamaki's hyperactive nature.

Then there was a rattling at door, one that came from her father.

The door swung the door open, "Haruhi, I'm ho-"









"Ahhhh GEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" shouted Ayame, grinning and throwing up her hands.

"Well… " he said, calmly, setting down his bags, eyes closed, "which one of you ASS HOLES GOT HER PREGNAT?!" He said, re-opening his eyes and his pupils turned into flames.

"AAAAAAH!" Screamed the twins and Tamaki together, Honey looked scared and Kyoya raised an eyebrow. Mori didn't do anything but look at him,

"SHE HAS LIGHT HAIR I BET SHE'S YOURS!" Ranka screamed, grabbing Tamaki by his ear and pulling him over from behind the couch where he was hiding.

"Uh, dad-"

"YOUGOTSOMENERVETOCOMEOVERHEREANDGETMYDAUGHTERLAIDYOUPERVERT" he said, holding a fist in the air before Haruhi jumped up,

"Dad, she's not mine! I was never pregnant! I couldn't have been pregnant for months and had a baby for months without you knowing when we live in the same house!" She said, tugging on her dads arm. He paused, turning towards his daughter as Tamaki was left dangling in the air with tears running down his face and hands held up in denial.

"…yes, that would be rather improbable wouldn't it?" he said, putting Tamaki down and he collapsed back on the couch, sucking in a breath of air.

"Well… who is this little cutie pie? 3!"

"She was dropped off here- but you know, I think we should just talk about this another time," Haruhi shook her head frustrated.

"What? Why?"

"You're so drunk that you thought the kid was mine!"

"I'm fine Haruhi," He insisted,

"You don't think clearly when you're intoxicated," Haruhi passed Ayame to Mori as she suddenly stopped babbling. She stared at him for several moments silently before let out a huff and noming on her toes contently. Haruhi noticed how she immediately became calm when she handed him to Mori: I guess he's the kind of guy that can do that to someone, she thought, but focused on her father.

"Well if you're okay, then you know that we can't actually keep her,"

"Aww Haruhi, how can you say no to that adorable face?" Ranka said, getting on his knees and rubbing his cheek on hers, "Oh she's so cute now that I know that she's not HIS" he said, with venom in his voice.

Tamaki went to his corner of rejection, sulking.

"It's not that I don't want to, but she isn't a stray cat dad. This is a really big deal- we don't have the time or the money," Haruhi pointed out.

"It will be tight…" Ranka frowned.

"~We can help with that!~" said the twins,

"We can watch her when you're busy," Kaoru volunteered to Ranka.

Tamaki's head whipped around fast, and he was next to them in an instant: "WHAT?! I'M NOT HAVING THEM ALONE WITH MY PRECIOUS FLOWER FOR FIVE MINUTES! WHO KNOWS WHAT SHADY MORALS THOESE MINIPULATIVE DEVILS WILL TEACH HER!" He shouted, pointing accusingly.

"~We'd say the same thing about you, you pervert!~"


"Uh-uh-uh! We have children in the room," said Kaoru sternly, covering Ayame's ears.

"Why you…" he said with gritted teeth, about to punch him when Honey spoke up:

"Oh! Me and Takashi could take her! We don't mind, she's so cute!" he giggled his sweet bubbly giggle, and Mori nodded,


"If she were to come stay with us, then I would have to get my father's permission first" said Kyoya, nodding, pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"That sounds good!" said Honey happily, and The twins nodded, still giving Tamaki a noogie:

"~Yeah, we'd love to spend some time with her!~"

"Ayame's always welcome in the Suoh household!" Tamaki managed, pulling himself from Kaoru's arm, smiling in a princely fashion/pose.

"Hmmm…" Ranka mused, thinking it over. "You know I think that we still have your bassinette from when you were little, Haruhi! But are you sure you can take care of her and keep up with school until I can get the night shift off?"

"If its only temporary I should be okay I think" Haruhi said as she walked down the small hall that consisted of a closet, her and her dad's bedroom, and a bathroom, "I could just take some coffee to school with me for when I get tired."

"So it's settled then?" Kyoya asked.

"Yes- oh, I'm going to be a daddy all over again!" Ranka chirped happily.

Haruhi opened the closet door that was filled to the ceiling with boxes. She sighed, "Better start looking" she said to herself before pulling out the first box.