Hey guys! I HAVE A MAJOR CASE OF WRITTERS BLOCK for my other story, 'The Runaways'. While coming up with new ideas for my story, (so I wouldn't bore you with the same old' same old') I thought of a new plotline! I have come to the decision to focus a little more on this story since I am so eager to write it :) I really hope you don't mind the transition.

I would also like to add that this first chapter is dedicated to my best friends, Raefah and Anne Marie. They really helped me a lot on fixing my writing mistakes…

ANYWAY, I really hope you enjoy the first chapter: D!

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride ~_~

Claimer: I own the plotline to this story! :D

Chapter 1: Screwed

I sat up on the bed not knowing where I was.

The room was all white, white curtains, white tiled floors, white walls…

I looked down at myself and I saw that I had a white gown on.

Shit. I was in a hospital room.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my hair in frustration, but unfortunately my arm was sustained by an IV machine "WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled as I pulled the IV off my arm. I heard a small alarm go off and a middle aged nurse came rushing to my side…

"Please Sweetheart…" she spoke in a sweet sing- songy voice. "Calm down… it's not healthy for you to be acting this way in your state." I stared up at the nurse.

I sat in silence for at least 10 minutes before I responded:

"What do you mean… My 'state'?"

The nurse patted down my hair "Do you want me to bring in your doctor so he can explain your… um…. 'Situation' better?" I slowly nodded not sure what was going on…

The nurse nodded and walked out of the room. I turned my body to lie down on my side to ponder about what had happened.

No more than 5 minutes later a young man, probably around the age of 25 came walking into the hospital room. He wore a white lab coat, and under his coat he wore a baby blue dress shirt along with a pair of black dress pants…

"Hello Ms. Maximum Martinez, my name is Steven Hermosa and I am your doctor." he smiled brightly and attempted to shake my hand but I refused.

"Yes, well" the doctor took back his out stretched hand and continued "Your Nurse, Ms. Apple bottom has informed me that you want me to explain your situation…?"

I nodded slightly and looked down at my tooth pick arms…

"Oh… no…" I whispered to myself low enough for the doctor not to hear me.

"Well Maximum… I'm sorry to inform you, but you were in a coma for three days. And the reason for this was because of the lack of nutrients in your body. As we all already know, you have been starving yourself for a very long period of time, thus causing you to go into your coma…"

"So what are you trying to say, Doc?" I asked staring into his eyes

"Well I am sorry to inform you Maximum… that you have anorexia…" he responded eyes glued on to his clipboard…

"Wh-h-h-a-t…. how this… this is… this can't be… how are we going to fix this… how am I going to get through this?" I asked starring at the doctor, my eyes wide with sadness. Madness…. Disappointment….

"Well Ms. Martinez, we are going to put you through therap-"

"Get the fuck out." I retorted.

"Excuse me?" Said the doctor, taken aback by what I said.

"I said…. GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled at the doctor my face reddening with anger.

The doctors cheeks flushed and his face fell.

"I can't leave, I am your doctor…" he stared at me his eyes worried.

"Fine then…" I responded throwing the covers off of me and setting my feet on the ground. At first I wobbled back and forth but then I found my balance. I glanced over at the wide open door and quickly thought of my escape plan… run out, go to exit, run back home.

"I will." I ran through the door, sprinted down many hallways and turned many corners in order to find the exit. I glanced behind me and saw that the doctor was running after me…

With two bulky security guards by his side.

Shit. I turned a sharp left and ran down the hall and turned a sharp right. I ran to the nearest door opened it and ran inside. I shut the door behind me and put my ear against it, hearing three sets of feet running pass the door. I sighed with relief.

I turned around and slammed my back against the wooden door. I closed my eyes and began to breathe in and out, attempting to regain my breath.

"WHO'S THERE?" a voice yelled.

Fuck. Now I'm screwed….