Epilogue: Farewells and Good Byes

"Tsunade-chaaan," Matsumoto cried out and hugged the other woman tightly. "I'm going to miss you so~ much," she cooed, but then firmly grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes: "But don't you dare take that as an invitation to die anytime soon!"
"I-I wont," Tsunade assured her, awkwardly patting the other woman's arm.
"She's right, you know? I'm not ready to have you pestering me all day. I'd like to explore the afterlife a little before, if you know what I mean …," Jiraiya agreed, grinning mischievously.
Tsunade lifted her arm to hit him again, but dropped it and laughed instead. "I can't go yet. My village needs me."
"Good choice," Jiraiya agreed opening his arms for a hug.
Gladly accepting the invitation, she reminded him: "You better not cause any more trouble until I get there."
"I'll try," he promised when they broke off.

"You're leaving already? But, but you just got here!" Naruto complained, staring at his mother and his godfather in turn.
"We have to sweetheart, we don't belong here any more," Kushina tried to explain, but knew how horrible it sounded and how much she wanted to stay just a little longer.
"Uzumaki-kyuuseki, there would be a way," Byakuya interjected solemnly. As everyone's attention had turned to him he continued: "As previously discussed the inspection interval for this realm will be shortened and as you showed a keen eye for barriers and excelled at your given task, we might be able to arrange that you might become the courier between our realms."
"You would do that?!" Kushina asked in glee, hugging the Captain. "Oh, I'm so sorry ..."
Byakuya merely shook his head and turned to leave.
"Wait, what about the resurrected warriors?" Tsunade called out.
"We can't interfere. If they are meant to be part of this war, then there is nothing we can do. I'm sorry," he replied without turning back, knowing that this answer was as much a disappointment to her as it was to him.
"Thanks for everything." Byakuya only nodded and stepped into the Senkaimon, Sui-Feng close behind.

"Well, this is farewell Naruto," Kushina told him ruffling his hair. "Behave my dear, will ya?"
"'Course I will! Like totally!" He assured her putting his fist to his heart, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I doubt that."
"Tsunade–baachan!" Naruto exclaimed looking insulted at the current Hokage over his shoulder.
Laughing his mother put her hands on her belly. "I see you will take good care of him, Tsunade–sama."
"I will. Everyone will," the Hokage assured her with a warm smile.
One last time Kushina bent down to tightly hug her son. "I'm so, so proud of you …," she mumbled into his hair. "And I promise you, your dad and I will be waiting for you."
"I love you, mom."
"I love you, too," she assured him kissing his head.
To not make their farewell even harder, Jiraiya gently ended their embrace. He waved at his god-son and Tsunade, as his arm was draped over Kushina's shoulder. Desperately she tried to wipe away her tears, but new ones always took their place. Naruto did not fare better as they both waved at each other. Tsunade pulled him into her arms, stifling his sobs in her shoulder.

"Well, this is good bye then," Renji concluded rubbing the back of his head.
"It is," Choji agreed, his eyes fixed on the ground.
"Or rather farewell as we'll most likely meet on the other side. You know, when you're wrinkly and old." Renji grinned at the shy boy before him.
"Yeah …," he meekly agreed. "If I make it through the war ..."
"Choji!" Shikamaru scolded him.
"What? I'm nowhere near as strong as these guys?" Choji told his friend, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Then get better," Renji merely commented, grabbing the boy by his shoulders. "You're a great guy. Use that to become stronger. I'm sure you can do it."
"I'll try my best," Choji promised.
"Expected nothing less," Renji grinned and briefly clapped the boys shoulder. "By the way: I REALLY would have liked to see you fight. The growing thing sounds awesome!" Renji added, remembering the explanation Choji had given him about their fighting style earlier.
"M-maybe you come back one day and I'll show you?", Choji suggested, looking up at the Shinigami.
"Sounds like a plan," Renji agreed holding out his hand.
Choji took it and a grin spread on either of their faces.

"Gaara. I want you to promise something." Rukia then changed her attention towards the other boy.
"That would be?" He asked suspiciously.
"I don't want to see you on our side within the next – let's say – fifty to eighty years. Got that?" She told him grinning.
"I'll do my best." He partly promised, a smile on his face.
"And we'll make sure you keep it!" His brother stepped in putting an arm around his shoulder.
"We sure will!" Naruto mimicked the other one in doing as he did from the other side, dried tears, still clinging to his red cheeks.
"Naruto, what about your mother?" Gaara demanded to know wondering about his appearing.
"She left. She's where she's supposed to be, ya know?" He assured him trying to be tough, still some more tears made their way into his eyes.
"I hope our father will find his way back one day as well. Mother is probably lonely without him."
"Gaara?" His brother wondered.
"We will see," Renji replied grinning.
"Abarai–san! Kuchiki–san!" Isane called for them being the last.
"See ya in a century!" Renji waved at them stepping into the gateway.
"Thank you." The young boy quietly muttered.
Seeing the gates close in behind them they realized that this was the end of their meeting with the Soul Reapers. The conversations shared would linger within each of them for a while, but for now they would have to focus on the next stage of the war again.

Author's Notes: Well my dear reader(s) you have reached the end of this story.
Thank you so much for bearing with me for so long, for your support and kind words.
And yes, it is entirely my own fault for taking so long, with this simple update … I'm really bad at finishing things and then original work and life happened. I am truly sorry ... and this is a truly terrifying experience ...

Not differing from my previous comments I shall introduce you to the last two songs applying for this epilogue. Two ballads that perfectly capture the atmosphere.
The first song is Avantasia's "Farewell", which says "good bye" and "we will meet again" in an amazing way, played during their two world tours this song holds even more emotions then the recorded version.
The second and also the last song is from Avantasia as well, sung by one Bob Catley in both the live and the original version, with a wonderful rhythm and melody it tells you that "The Story ain't over".
This little side thing might have ended, Bleach and Naruto may have by now ended.
Still no story ever completely ends. In the people's imagination and hearts they live on.
I hope one day I'll be able to create something that inspires people as much as Kishimoto's and Kubo's and all those amazing author's work out there does.

I hope you enjoyed my little "Filler Arc", if you want to see it as such.
See you around with a different story. =)