The twentieth chapter to this not so little tale. I'm actually very, very happy to have made it this far. It's come a long way, though I'll admit it has even longer to go. Still, I'm glad everyone has been so loyal through all the hiatuses and everything else going on. You're all great.

As a reward for being so faithful and a big thank you, I hope you enjoy all the fluff (and other stuff) that will come in this chapter. Again, big big thanks.

Chapter 20: Dirty Cleaning

The morning came in a soft light, so gentle and slow. Loki's eyes opened with a lazy manner, the man not wanting to get up. He felt very comfortable where he was, in soft sheets and under a warm and thick blanket. He curiously looked around at the walls, finding the surroundings unfamiliar but welcoming.

He didn't even try to suppress the grin on his face. He was a man that loved victory, achieving his goals, and last night had been a very nice goal to meet. Sigyn was his, all his and the night with her had been the best evening he'd had in a very long time.

He sat up and looked around for her, though she wasn't in the sheets with him. Curious, he climbed out of the bed and went to look for her. He needed to collect his pants anyway. That is, if he could remember where they were. He was pretty sure he'd lost them in her living room.

It was as good a place to look as any.

Heading out of her bedroom, he went to where they'd done many naughty things with one another the night before, happy to see his clothing still discarded where they'd been dropped. Chuckling, he began to get dressed before he felt smooth hands touch his stomach and move south.

"Don't bother," Sigyn whispered in his ear from behind. He straightened up with a pleased groan and leaned against her as she explored him. Sadly, she wasn't naked like he was, but her bare hands were pleasing enough. Still, he was sure he'd kill right now to feel her breasts against his back.

"Good morning to you too," he sighed out, his hips giving a little jerk to her ministrations. "Having fun?"

"Indeed I am," she said. "Breakfast is ready, when you want to eat."

"You're talking about breakfast now?" he asked with a chuckle. "Really?"

"Well, I'm hungry. I figured you would be too," she informed him.

"I could think of certain things you could eat," he purred.

He'd been joking, but when he found Sigyn whirl him around and fall to her knees to take his suggestion seriously, he reminded himself to ask for such things often. He sat on the couch in a happy goo long after she'd finished and she brought him a plate right where he sat.

"You should eat up, you're going to need your strength," she informed him as she sat down on the couch next to him as he began to eat. "I have a bath ready for you too, when you want to take it and get ready for your day. I'll change your bandages afterward and apply some more numbing salve to your ribs."

"You're really going to too much effort for me," he said. "Are you just looking for a reason to fondle me?"

"If I'd wanted that, I could have just stayed in bed," she informed him with a coy grin.

"You must have been up for a while, to have made breakfast and clean up. Why didn't you wake me?" he asked as he consumed the eggs and sausage she'd made for him.

"I didn't think I'd get any work around the house done if you were with me," she said with a bit of a blush. Considering how she'd been the one to jump him, he didn't feel she had anything to be embarrassed over. A woman with a sexual appetite was a good thing to him.

"You probably wouldn't have," he conceded though. "I am pretty distracting. Though you show an appreciative amount of enthusiasm."

"Well... you're just so... I like it a lot. I've never felt so lustful before. It's... nice," she said softly. "Also, it's very... fun to play with you."

"It will be even better when I'm healthy enough to take care of your needs properly," he said, running his hands over the bandages. "I wish I hadn't been hurt."

"If you hadn't been, you might not have ever had the courage to confess," she said, speaking frankly. "I still can't believe that was only yesterday. I told myself I would wait to think it all over rationally but..."

"I had no real intention of allowing that," he said. "I know you wanted me the second we kissed. You gave me hope, and at that point I wasn't going to rest until you yielded to me."

It certainly was an interesting way to put it, and she seemed to think so from the way she fidgeted and blushed. He liked the fact despite her eagerness, she still could get easily embarrassed if she thought too much about what they were doing with one another. It made her absolutely adorable to him.

"Now that I have yielded, what are your wicked schemes for me?" she asked softly. He was already thinking about all the things he could teach her, though her question made him think of more somber things as well. Things like the future and what he could give her. Of course he desired her, and he knew to what extent, but he had a feeling she didn't. Not yet anyway.

"You broke off your engagement to Theoric," he said slowly.

"Yes," she mused. "He took it better than I had hoped. I was very lucky."

"Want to still be engaged anyway?" he asked her mildly. It was, of course, a horrible proposal. He should have given her a dinner under moonlight with roses and gifts. Still, he didn't want her to think for even a moment this was only sexual for him, and from the shocked look on her face, he had a feeling she'd been having those sort of ideas.

"Loki... Loki I..." she said, and to his surprise she looked both scared and horrified.

Okay, that was not what he had wanted at all.

Maybe a romantic dinner would have been better after all.

"Your family would never accept me," she said, and Loki could only stare at her. He cracked a grin before suddenly he was laughing. He couldn't help himself. He just lost it. It didn't stop for several minutes until she looked absolutely confused at what was going on.

"What in the nine realms gives you an idea like that?" he asked her. "Accept you? They adore you, Sigyn. I know Thor does. He saw I liked you almost immediately, and Mother and Father are incredibly grateful to you. They would love you being part of the family."

"But I'm not a noble," she said.

"Technically, neither am I," he retorted with a snort. "Even if I was, it would be right in my nature to elope with a beautiful and charming woman. They'd expect no less."

Sigyn seemed somber though, something that confused him. He never would have thought she'd be scared of something like this. Was she really that terrified of his family? Now that he thought of it, she'd never spent time with any of them that he could recall, except the party Volstagg had thrown. Even then she'd clung very closely to him, and she'd practically fled when he'd first woken up and met her, not from him but the All Father.
She looked suddenly so worried, Loki leaned in to lick up her throat just to distract her.

"L-Loki?" she asked softly as he pulled at her dress, yanking it off of her slowly but insistently. "What are you doing?"

"You're mine, Sigyn," he breathed over her breasts when he pushed her shirt up to expose them. She whimpered, but didn't fight him. His tongue flickered out, teasing a nipple as she shuddered. "Aren't you? All mine? And I am yours?"

"Y-yes Loki," she gasped. "You know I am."

"Then marry me," he whispered. "They love you. I love you. There's no need to be scared."

She opened her mouth to protest, but it died in her throat when he closed his mouth over her breast and sucked hard. He could hear her harsh breathing, trying to hold back for some reason.

"I... I'm not... good enough..." she whimpered out. "Loki, please... I'm... I'm..."

"Yes, you are," he whispered. "I'm not letting you go until you agree to be mine completely."

Her face was flushed, and when he looked up at her, she covered her face like a child trying to hide. He wasn't about to allow that. If she would accept him no matter what his blood was, he would do the same.

Sitting up to face her and pulling her hands away, he kissed her fully on the mouth. She gave in after a moment and he eased her back onto the couch, pushing her dress aside and slipping his fingers over her womanhood.

"Marry me," he said insistently, rubbing at her sensitive body. "Don't you want to share my life?"

"I do, but..." she whispered. "What if they don't like me?"

"They adore you, Sigyn. If you weren't so worried about their acceptance then you'd see that, ironically," he said with a snort.

"They're royal though," she said. "You're royal. What if everyone thinks I was just going after you for prestige?"

He shook his head and chuckled. She really did see the world in him, didn't she? The entire realm hated him, and she thought so well of him she was sure the world would think of her as not good enough. It was so ridiculous he just couldn't stop himself from wanting to laugh at her again.

"Sigyn, if anyone is going to think poorly of either of us, it's going to be that I'm not good enough for you," he informed her. "Trust me, I'm not lying about that. If anything, I might be condemning you to disdain because you're marrying a trickster prince who everyone despises."

"They don't-" she started weakly, but he gave her a frank look and she couldn't finish the lie, as kind as it would have been.

"I love you, Sigyn. All I want to do is show you how deep my commitment is. If I had wanted only your body, I would have just seduced you and left your and Theoric's relationship in tact."

She lay there, silent for a moment before he twitched his finger inside of her and she gave a little gasp.


"You really want a scatterbrain like me for a wife?" she asked with a moan.

"I solemnly swear that scattered brains are all I look for in a woman," he said in a mockingly deep-voiced tone as he put his hand to his chest. "Well, that and the luscious and sweet nectar I can enjoy from their mmmmph!"

She gave him a little glare as she covered his mouth before wiggling out from underneath of him and straightening her clothing. He watched her warily from the couch, wondering if he'd actually convinced her or had simply made her angry.

"You belong to me," she said softly, not facing him.


"All of you?"


"Then... I'll think about it," she said, turning back to face him. "A blessing from your family would put me much more at ease. They... well, they scare me. How do I know they don't blame me for your accident? It's because of our fight you weren't caring for yourself."

He stood up and hugged her tightly, barely able to resist the urge to pull her close and ravish her like he had the night before. It would be fitting, considering how badly she'd scared him with the thought she wouldn't accept him as a husband. Was the problem in her heart really with her own self worth? How could she think herself and not believe she was the one too good for him? After all, he was the scoundrel here.

Still, now that they were both being honest with their feelings, he had to admit this was exactly what he wanted with her. He wanted to be a good husband to her, to thank her everyday for accepting him so readily.

"So, you're basically saying yes once they do?" he asked her hopefully.

"Yes... I suppose I am," she said smiling before burying her face into his chest and hugging him back. He smiled as well and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I love you," he whispered softly. "No matter what happens, please don't ever doubt that."

He stood there with her, wondering if he should just cuddle with her or perhaps try to finish what he'd started when something caught his eye. Sitting on the table, both inconspicuous and jarring out at him as he watched it. He sighed and forced himself to pull away.

"I really should take care of that," he said, resigning himself to his fate as her eyes followed his gaze to what he was looking at.

"The letter to the Jotuns?" she guessed, to which he nodded.

He was surprised when she smiled and cupped his cheeks, kissing him on the lips.

"Write it quickly, and I'll take it to Heimdall myself so you can relax. Then I'll spend the rest of the day pampering you as much as you could possibly wish for. Does that sound agreeable to you, my darling?"

"What kind of pampering do you speak of?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Let's see," she said as she pulled him back to the couch with her. She maneuvered herself on the seats so she was sitting behind him, sort of cuddling against his back and holding him from behind, her knees wrapped around his waist. He didn't mind at all, and relaxed against her, even cuddling into her soft breasts.

"How about the kind where we're both naked, there are oils involved, we both end up screaming out in bliss and cuddle for hours on end afterward, and I have to change the sheets later?"

"If everyone pampered like you, we'd all look forward to sickness and injury," he groaned, already looking forward to it. He grabbed the letterbox, actually eager to write his reply and by done with it now.

While she cuddled him from behind, and read over his shoulder in curiosity he noted, he wrote the reply to the Jotuns on behalf of Asgard. Once he got started, he found it actually incredibly easy. He had a talent for words, and knew just what to say most times, when to be flattering or frank. He decided not to put too much emphasis on compliments or anything like that. No doubt the giants would see it as insulting or some sort of ruse.

After all, there was still sore spots between them. It was just best to acknowledge it. Anything else would be impolite.

So he kept it just to the facts. Yes, they were open to negotiation. No, they didn't want war either. He wrote down their instructions for the king as politely as he could though, explaining that Asgard expected him to come alone and that he would be guarded at all times. This was the trickiest part to work around, but he felt he put enough emphasis on the fact it was for everyone's safety and peace of mind so as not to appear rude.

He considered writing that he himself would be the ambassador Helblindi would have to do most of the negotiation and talks with, but decided to leave that part out. He had a feeling he was going to have to have many talks with the king of the frost giants and honestly he wanted to put all of it off until they were face to face. Besides, there was still the glaringly obvious fact he'd arranged for several of their deaths and he wasn't sure who else would see the letter. He wondered if they Jotuns would not want their king to go if they knew he'd be with their previous ruler's murderer.

No... executioner. Loki's actions had been far, far from murder in his own mind.

"Loki... you've pushed the quill right through the paper," Sigyn noted softly.

He suddenly looked down, broken from his black thoughts to see she was right. He'd jabbed it right through the paper and into her table.

"I uh... Well, I was just..." he murmured but she only kissed his back and hugged him again.

"Don't worry about it. I have a feeling I know what you're thinking," she assured him. "It looks fine. Just sign and seal it. I'll send it off for you."

"With the hole in it?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I doubt they'll even notice," she said, though he wasn't sure if she was speaking truthfully or just placating him. He decided he didn't really care, and signed it with the flourish, just glad to have this little task over with. If this itself had caused him so much stress, he couldn't even imagine what the talks and negotiations would do to him.

He reminded himself firmly this would be for his own good in the long run, hopefully. Even if it wasn't, it was a way to prove himself to his father. That more than anything was reason enough to him to bare through with it.

"I'll be back soon," Sigyn assured him as she packed the box under her arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Get into the bath and wash up. I'll see you when I return from the gates."

He waited until she was out of the house to actually get up and make his way to her washroom, one of the few rooms of her home he'd never been into, never having a reason to. It was actually fairly cluttered in the place too, several jars scattered around the counters and sink, along with bottles and little boxes. In a completely unabashed curiosity, he looked through them and checked some of the labels. Some of them where skin lotions or soaps, but oddly enough most of them were medicines and herbs. He didn't understand why she was keeping them all in here until he went over to the bath, a huge white marble basin shaped tub that was intricately decorated with slivers of gold and silver running all over it. It was big enough to fit three people inside or more, and he shook his head. It was almost finer than some of the ones in the palace, and he wondered idly if her father had made this himself.

The water was hot and steaming, and when he looked inside, he saw several different types of crushed herbs inside of the water. Dried flowers rested on top, floating along and on the tub's edge there were many different types of lotion, all of them that were supposed to have a soothing effect for sore muscles.
She really was worried about him, to have set all this up. He wasn't about to let her effort go to waste either. He grabbed himself a few cloths to wash and later dry himself with from the small closet and set them aside as he peeled the bandages off. He really did feel better from yesterday, and he was sure all the stress relief Sigyn had provided for him had been the cause of that.

"Tip-top shape soon enough, I hope," he groaned as he sank into the tub when ready. He moaned in bliss as the heated water moved over him, making his body immediately enjoy itself. It was easy to indulge and he ended up spending a good fifteen minutes just soaking in the scented water before he even grabbed the soap or rag to begin washing.

Loki took his time too, suddenly having no need to rush himself. He reasoned the longer he was soaking in the medicine the better off he'd be. His hair was scrubbed for a half hour at least, and he was just setting to wonder if there was any conditioner around when the door opened.

"You're still in there?" Sigyn asked from the doorway. He only groaned and dunked his head to get the soap out of his hair.

"I decided to start pamper time early," he explained to her.

"Without me?"

"Oh, don't worry. I saved the best pampering for you to do," he assured her with a sly grin. "Join me."

"I already bathed," she informed him.

"Then I'll get you dirty again," he promised her with a playful growl. "I will get out of this tub and chase you down wet and naked."

"That might be fun," she said, kicking the door shut and walking to the tub, discarding her clothing as she said so. "Is the water still hot?"

"Yes," he said. "It's wonderful. You have to try it."

She grinned and refrained from mentioning she'd been taking baths in it since she'd been little and knew exactly how it would feel, and just climbed in with him. Banter at this point would just be teasing him.

"Let me wash your back," she said, taking the soap from him.

"How are you going to do that facing me?" he asked, but she answered him without a word, sitting herself in his lap and weaving her hands behind him to begin spreading the soap. The position was entirely too provocative but he didn't dare protest it.

After all, the view was spectacular.

"You're beautiful," he said, as her body began to rub against his own, spreading the suds from his chest to her body. His reached out to touch her and she happily let him do so.

"You are as well," she told him, kissing him sweetly. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen."

"Sweet of you to say, considering you have Vanir as relatives."

"Mmmm, they don't compare to you. Your expressive eyes, the curve of your mouth when you smirk, the way you cock the head to the side when you're thinking," she murmured.

"So you have been watching me," he said in triumph.

"It was hard not to notice," she replied. "I thought they were only feelings of friendship. I never would have realized... Well, maybe I did a little."

"We were both foolish to ignore it," he said. "Those days are over now though."

"Yes," she whispered. "They are."

The soap fell into the water with a plop as she grabbed him by the back of his head and suddenly they were kissing wildly. His hands grabbed her just was roughly, kneading her backside as he pulled her against his stomach where his member was beginning to harden. It was trapped between his stomach and her womanhood, and he quickly lifted her to begin sliding her over it.

She moaned in his mouth with delight, and he ate up the sound as he devoured her mouth. Sucking on her tongue, he began moving his hips to rut against her.

"Loki, your ribs," she gasped out.

"Fuck my ribs, woman," he growled out. "I'll have you, no matter what it does to me."

The steam was getting to him, making him suddenly warm all over, especially for her. He'd probably have his way with her no matter what at this point. Turning her around, he leaned her over on the side of the tub and positioned herself between her legs.

"Loki... Loki what are you doing?" she asked as he pushed her hips to make her close her legs. His only response was a groan, his cock in between her milky white, soft thighs. If she had any more protests for his actions, they died to a whine in her throat as he began to move, rubbing against her in slick and hurried movements.

Her hands tightened on the edge of the tub, mewling out as he rutted against her and made her feel like she could melt right there in the water. His hand grabbed her hair and pulled it to the side as he began to bite at her throat, yanking slightly to force her to arch just the way he wanted her to.

"You're all mine, Sigyn," he groaned into her throat after a particularly harsh bite. "I'm going to do whatever I want with you."

"Ugh... yes, please," she panted out, biting on her bottom lip as his member rubbed right into her. It was driving her wild the way he was so close to entering her, yet he never did. It made her ache with a longing she'd never felt before, and she felt so empty all of a sudden. She wanted him inside of her, showing her the full extent of what it was like to be someone's lover. Suddenly she was just as eager for him to be healed up as he was wishing for, and the sooner the better.

Of course, this was probably just as dangerous to his cracked ribs, but when his hand snuck down and suddenly pushed against her clitoris, she screamed out loud in delight and found that was something she could worry about later.

The pace was getting faster, him on top of her and holding her in place as he slammed his hips into her backside over and over again. Water from the tub was all over the floor, with more and more of it splashing out with each of his thrusts. One of the bottles fell from the edge and landed on the floor with a crash, but Sigyn barely even heard it, nor could she find herself caring.

They were both too lost in the moment, not even talking any more. Like two animals, he growled and groaned over her while she whined and cooed out in her desire. She wanted more, and he wanted to give her more. His member felt so big against her, and she longed for the day when he would put it inside of her and make her reach orgasm after orgasm.

A scream tore through his throat, a split second warning before she felt him explode between her thighs, her skin feeling incredibly sticky now. Already wet from the water, she was a complete mess. Before she could move though, she felt a cloth between her legs, Loki washing the spunk off of her.

"You're so sweet," she said with a smile.

"Well, I was being rather lewd with you a moment ago," he sighed happily. He felt content at the moment and happy. She'd clearly enjoyed their little bath together and it made his ego swell. "You deserve me to clean you."

"Why?" she asked, turning in the tub to face him. There was an absolutely mouth watering way she eyed him at that moment, her foot rubbing suddenly against his member. "I'm just going to get dirty again."

He swallowed, wanting to take the foot and kiss her toes, slowly making his way to her inner thighs before... Well, there would be a lot he could do to her.
"Sigyn," he panted, crawling over her in the tub. "I'm going to do very sinful things to your body."

"Yes, I had hoped you would."

"I'm going to show you body every bit of pleasure it can handle."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"And I'm going to totally ruin you for marriage to another man."

"Well, then it's a good thing you proposed," she assured him with a lick of her lips. "Bedroom?"

"Bedroom," he agreed with a snarl.

It was just too bad they never made it to the bedroom, on top of each other and moaning their respected partner's name as they moved together against a wall before they even reached the end of the hall. Loki was fairly sure Sigyn's neighbors were going to have to relocate if they didn't want to be kept up by all the screaming.

End of Chapter 20

This, this right here was so satisfying to write. You can not believe how much fun I had with this. I'm the kind of person who loves a romance where there is more fun to be had between a couple than just straight out sex, and I am sort of using Loki's injury to drag out all the things they can do together before he actually fully sleeps with her. He totally would have tried to go all the way with her by now if he could. Pretty sure she'd let him too.

After all, wouldn't you, ladies? Know I would.

It was also a lot of fun to write Sigyn, who has always been sexual since the start of the story really come out of it and get physical. From reading dirty books to sneaking slightly unprofessional peeks at her naked charge, she's certainly a girl who wouldn't shy away like some meek flower. She's still a virgin of course, but with a man she really loves she's certainly coming out of what shell she had. Good thing for Loki, because he really does need that "pampering".

If you enjoyed this little naught dalliance of a chapter, feel free to say so. I always love hearing from my readers.

Next chapter, back to the plot and Jotuns.