Broken Trust


Chapter Six

Disclaimer: They do not belong to me.

Author notes: Wo Fat is not who he seems to be either. Steve is in for the shock of his life. After great input from a reviewer, I made a little adjustment when it comes to our evil nemesis Wo Fat. It actually makes for even better drama in the end. Thanks Sammie28.

The next day Steve sat with his lawyer and presented the evidence they had found. Kono and the others had gone out to get lunch and bring it back.

"The evidence is stacking up in your favor. The tazer, the diary, the pictures and this birth certificate help as well. Once we convince them Wo fat's involved, we have a case. How did you find this?"

Steve filled him in on the clues Laura had been leaving and the locker key that had been in one of the envelopes. He told him about how they had searched the island trying to find it. He was so proud of Kono, Danny and Jenna. They really had his back in all of this. Chin too, although he withheld that piece of information from the lawyer. He turned over everything he had to the man and walked him out onto the porch.

"I'll enter this as evidence today and we'll see where this gets us."

Steve watched him drive away and he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this would all be over soon. He had to catch Wo Fat though. Bringing him to justice was very important to him now that he knew his parents and his birth mother had died at the man's hands.

As soon as he closed the front door he knew something wasn't right. He saw a blur to his left and then he felt a bone-jarring crunch and went down. When he woke up he found himself lying on a cold concrete floor. The bracelet had been removed from his wrist and he had a huge knot on the back of his head. When he opened his eyes to look around they blurred and he felt sick.

Across town Chin heard the call go out that Steve McGarrett had violated his bail conditions and he was instructed along with several other units to pursue him. He called the team and they joined in the search.

"Wakey, wakey Commander McGarrett."

His name was a hiss on the lips of Wo Fat. The man was sitting on the edge of a table watching him. He had a gun trained on Steve's chest and a smirk on his face. Hanging from his fingers was Steve's wrist bracelet.

"Looking for this?"

"I had to hang on to it so they could find your body, but I'll be long gone before then. This scenario looks so much like the one your father lived through. Maybe we should call up your team, especially that woman. What's her name? Oh, yes, Kono. Looked to me the other day like there was something happening with you two on the beach. She can listen to me kill you just like you listened to your father die."

"You knew my parents. You were partners with my dad. How could you have him killed like that?"

"My, my, you are delusional. How old do you think I am? Those pictures are not of me. They're of my father, Chin Fat. I have big news for you Steven. You're my half brother and our mother and your father ruined my life. My parents were happy until your father became my father's partner. My mother would never have left him if it hadn't been for your sorry excuse for a father! When they brought you home from the hospital I knew you were not my father's child, so did he. I remember them fighting about you and my father saying he would not raise a bastard in his house. He started hitting my mother and when he left for work she took us and ran. My mother took us to meet your father. I sat in the car and watched them as she begged him to take us. Your father said yes to you, but he didn't want to take me because he knew my father would be too angry. That was the last time I saw you. Your father put you in his car and they started fighting again. My mother ran to the car crying. She took me to school and kissed me goodbye. She told me to be good and to mind my father. She got in her car and drove away. I never saw her again. My life ended the day you were born. When I was sixteen, my father killed himself. He ate his gun. I was lucky enough to come home from school and find him. It wasn't until later that I went on my father's computer and saw the pictures of her. He had been following her political career. I think he still loved her even then."

"Why did you kill Laura Hills?"

"She knew the truth. Our mother had confided in her. She was helping her send you clues. She was trying to get the truth out to you without me knowing. The foolish woman was blinded by her love for you. She loved a child she only had for a short time more than she ever loved me. I'm not sorry she's dead."

"You shot our mother!"

"She betrayed my father and me. I hated her. I hate you for what you did to my family. I fixed her though. I've been blackmailing her for years. How do you think I got so powerful on the islands? I threatened to tell the story of my father's suicide. I threatened to tell the world that she was an adulteress. She would do anything to protect her "boy". She sort of forgot her other son. I only have one more loose end and that is you. So, "Brother", it's time to end this once and for all. I had hoped to pin it all on you and enjoy watching you spend the rest of your life in a hell like the last 30 have been for me, but it looks like that isn't going to happen thanks to you and your friends. I'll have to settle for killing you myself. It's almost as satisfying. Poor Mary, she will lose the last member of her family. Maybe I'll have to look her up and offer her some comfort after the fact. Now wouldn't that be ironic, your sister and I together, grieving for our lost sibling? This is too good."

Steve's eyes started to burn as angry tears formed.

"You stay away from her you sorry bastard!"

"Now is that any way to talk to your brother? Besides, I think you're the one who's the bastard child."

Steve couldn't stand it any more. He lunged for the gun and it went off. Steve felt a stinging sensation in his side and the two of them went down rolling. The gun flew out of Wo's hands and Steve started to beat him senseless. He forgot about the pain in his side as the adrenaline started surging through him. Wo started to come back as Steve felt his strength leave him. He shoved Steve aside and lunged for his gun. Steve managed to get a leg out and trip him before he started to pass out. Fat scrambled back up with a curse and headed for the gun again. He picked it up, stomped on the tracking transmitter, spit out the blood in his mouth and aimed the gun at Steve with a smirk.

The rest of the team was going crazy. They had been following Steve's signal when Chin lost it. They knew he was somewhere in these buildings, but there were six of them and they were huge.

"Okay, we split up and each of us takes a building. Stay in contact and radio the others if you hear anything."

Everyone scattered along with the officers that had come with Chin.

"Roll over so I can see your eyes when you die."

Steve did his best to get upright.

Kono stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a loud gunshot ring out in the quiet afternoon. She started to run as fast as she could towards the sound. Please God, let him be all right.

The others were running as well. The sound came from the building Chin had headed towards. She flung open the door to see Chin and two other officers pointing their guns. Steve was on his knees on the floor. Wo Fat lay in a heap just a few feet from Steve. Kono ripped off her over-shirt and rushed to Steve's side pressing it to his wound. He looked up at her and tried to talk.

"We…we got him…huh?"

"Yes. We got him."

Steve went slack in her arms as he lost consciousness.

"Get an ambulance here now!"

Four hours later Kono sat with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Her cheek rested on the top as she tried to doze a little. She was exhausted but all she could think about was Steve. She couldn't lose him, not now after everything they had gone through. Danny and Jenna sat down on either side of her. Danny offered her coffee and Jenna handed her a sandwich.

"You gotta eat Kono. Steve is going to need you."

Kono reached out for the food and took several bites. Just then Chin arrived at the waiting room.

"So, what are they saying?"

"The ADA dropped Steve's case. Yours has been dropped too. After taking the governor's office apart they found her tied to Hesse and Wo Fat. The Assistant Governor is stepping in to take over and he's agreed to meet with Steve about continuing to head up the Five-0 Team. It looks like we're back in business folks."

"That is as long as Steve is okay."

Kono's chin trembled and Chin knelt down in front of her. She slipped into his arms.

"Cousin he's going to be okay. He's tough. You know, Navy SEAL, booyah!"

"I wish I could believe that, Chin."

The doors to the operating rooms opened at that moment and the surgeon came into the room.

"Family of Steve McGarrett?"

All four of them stood up at once.

"He's out of surgery. Nothing major was hit. He did lose a lot of blood, but he's in excellent shape so I don't predict any long-term problems. He's going to need to take it easy for about a month. Any possibility that's going to happen?"

The four of them looked at each other. They spoke at the same time.

"Not a chance in hell."

"You can see him in another hour or so when they get him settled in a room. He'll need to stay here for a few days and then have someone to watch him for the next couple of weeks."

"Thank you so much."

"Not a problem. He's a strong guy."

"You have no idea."

An hour later the four of them entered the room to find a sleepy Steve smiling at them with that crooked smile Kono loved.


"Hey yourself."

Kono didn't hesitate. She walked straight over to the bed and put her arms carefully around him pressing her lips softly to his. Danny and Jenna grinned as Chin's jaw dropped.

"Someone want to tell me what's going on?"

"Um, let's step out into my office and I'll fill you in on the "Details"."

The three friends left them alone.

"You were supposed to stay at your place."

"Sorry about that I had a proposition I couldn't refuse."

Kono carefully climbed on the bed on his good side and wrapped her arm across his waist avoiding the bandages. She lay her head on his shoulder.

"You scared me today. Don't do that again."

"I'll try not to."

Steve turned to find her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I can't lose you. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Okay then.

She snuggled closer and kissed his cheek.

"What now?"

"We get married of course."

Kono giggled.

"Of course."

Steve turned his face to hers.

"No for real."

"Yeah right."

Kono looked up at his face. His eyebrow was raised and she realized he was serious.

"You're really asking me."

"I am. Marry me Kono. I realized through all of this that life is short. You need to find happiness wherever you can. You make me happy Kono and I want to make you happy every day for the rest of our lives."

Kono's tears slipped freely down her face now.

"You make me happy too."



Kono rose up on her elbow and palmed his cheek. She placed a soft kiss on his lips and they heard three throats being cleared. The two of them broke contact and looked up to find three faces frozen in shock. Danny finally spoke.

"Did someone say wedding?"

Author Notes: Sorry guys. I'm going to end it there. I did a Steve Kono wedding just recently and I will have to think for a while before I write another one. I for one hope the fall comes fast. I can't stand it. It's like Steve is in lock up for the summer.