A/N: -t. Haha. Okay, so this is a dodge chapter but guise, guess what? I JUST FINISHED GRADE 11. k, on with the story.

Robert Anderson strode into the house, unaware of the two men standing on the landing of his stairs. His hair was greying too, his face morphed into a scowl from being miserable most of his life.

"Christina? Who's car is out-" he had caught sight of Blaine and Kurt.

"Robert…" Christina whispered as Blaine quickly let go of Kurt's hand, his eyes wide and fearful.

Kurt's heart rose into his throat as he watched Robert's face contort into rage.

"What are you doing here?" he spat, and Blaine flinched, recoiling.

"Robert, please. Come into the kitchen and they will leave."

"Don't tell me what to do." Robert glared, his gaze returning to Kurt and Blaine.

Kurt could feel the older man's eyes on him, and he stared at the ground.

"This your fag?" Robert growled, taking a threatening step forward. "Get out of my fucking house. I told you never to come back here."

Blaine said nothing, nudging Kurt to follow him as he practically ran down the stairs.

"Time won't change a fucking thing Blaine. You stay out of this house. I mean it. I catch you here again and I'll report you for trespassing. You're not welcome."

Robert stood aside as Blaine and Kurt fled, closing the door quickly behind them. Kurt's eyes welled with tears as they hurried to the car, and he didn't slow down until they had exited the gates.

"I'm so sorry." Blaine whispered as he saw the tears running down Kurt's face. "I didn't think he'd be home and-"

Kurt shook his head, pulling over. He grabbed Blaine's hand. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to grow up with that bastard and I'm sorry we hadn't met sooner." He kissed Blaine's cheek. "I'm sorry I forced you to take me to see them…"

Blaine smiled, kissing him gently. "It's okay. It was good seeing my mother again."

Kurt nodded, wiping his eyes. "Sorry about the…" he gestured to his eyes. "I was just…shocked…"

Blaine nodded, kissing him again and sighing. "Let's go home."

Both of them were silent on the way home, up until the very end, when Blaine put his hand on Kurt's thigh gently.

"You can't change everyone babe. My parents…they were brought up differently and I don't care if they have different beliefs. That's the past now."

"But Blaine…your parents…"

Blaine raised an eyebrow.

"You shouldn't have to live your life not being with them."

"I shouldn't." Blaine nodded. "But I'm going to. They mean nothing to me."

Kurt nodded slightly, but he didn't believe Blaine. His mother – she was nice – there was someone that cared for Blaine, hiding behind Mr. Anderson's strong, firm threshold.

Kurt was determined to find her.


Tuesday afternoon came quickly, and the issue of Blaine's parents didn't come up again.

"Welcome back!" Blaine clapped his hands to silence the Glee Clubbers. "Did everyone have a good weekend?"

There were happy nods and Blaine rubbed his hands together.

"I'd like to introduce you to three very special friends of mine." Blaine grinned, glancing over at Kurt.

Kurt opened the door, and the lights immediately dimmed, making the group of students let out a hushed gasp. Jeff, Nick and Wes slid out, dark sunglasses on their faces and their leather jackets slung over their shoulders, resembling any bad boy band. Their song was smooth and low, and Kurt and Blaine watched, stifling laughs as their students either rolled their eyes or were entirely captivated.

Thirty seconds in, and the tempo and mood changed, and the three boys produced a fantastic performance with a mixture of choreography that greatly resembled the Warbler's, and their own style thrown in.

They finished with great flourish and the room burst into applause.

"Hey guys!" the three men beamed at their audience, before Wes started the introductions.

"So we're just some of the Warblers from Dalton Academy." Wes started. "And when we left school we stayed together for a bit. I studied Law, Jeff studied Economics and Nick went to college for Early Childhood. While doing our studies, we started singing, and since most of us went to the same college, we started up a band."

"Music is our passion – but it will always come secondary to us." Jeff continued. "Music won't get you very far if you're not very good, and even if you are, you'll always have lapses. Having a stable background is so important."

"We've made a few CDs but we're fairly low-key at the moment, but we've started late and we don't do the kind of music that the majority of people enjoy, but we're getting there. Fame and Fortune doesn't always come at once, and maybe we'll never be on MTV or anything, but we love it, and that's the only thing that should matter." Nick finished, and the three boys grinned at each other.

"Did you all bring your instruments?" Blaine spoke up, and some of them nodded.

"Wes, Nick and Jeff are going to take it from here…." Kurt said with a grin, and then stood at the back with Blaine, watching as the three boys spoke in front of their students.

Kurt listened with interest as they spoke, and he kept one thing in mind; 'Fame and Fortune doesn't always come at once'. He had to concentrate on it, or things became too much. He wanted to be in New York so much, but he loved to teach and they really couldn't afford it at the moment.

But Kurt had something to keep him going, and someone to share it with.

He glanced over at Blaine, giving him a small grin.

"What are you thinking?" Blaine asked, returning the grin.

Kurt chuckled, dipping his head. "All good things come to those who wait."

A/N: Don't worry, we'll get some bonding time with the boys. I just couldn't be bothered writing Monday night.