
Selena Black


Jacob Black's little sister. Contains spanking. Don't like? Don't read.

Chapter One:

AN: Special thanks to my new beta Luvsanime02 Well, if you read my other stories, you probably should have seen this coming, lol. I hope you like. In this version, Jacob doesn't have two older sisters. Instead, he has one younger sister, Selena Luna Black. Also, the current werewolves are Sam, Jacob, Paul, Embry, Quil, Leah, and Seth.

"JACOB!" I yelled, trying not to cry. The high pitch of Jacob's steps surprised me. As he ran down the hall my ears throbbed, beating as fast as my heart. Everything seemed louder.

Of course, with the same thing happening before to Jacob, I pretty much knew what was going on, but that doesn't mean it didn't scare the hell out of me. "What's wrong?" Jacob asked frantically.

"It's happening!"

"What do you mean?" he asked, holding onto me. When his skin touched mine, he realized what I meant. His voice became calm and soothing when he spoke again.

"You'll be okay; just relax. You'll get used to it, trust me; it'll be okay." I buried my head in his chest.

"Is it going to hurt a lot?" I asked.

He let out a small laugh and hugged me tighter. "No, it doesn't hurt at all. I'm sure you, of all people, could take it if it did though. Come on, we have to go see Sam."

He stood up, carrying me with him. I was grateful for the lack of movement this required on my part. Jacob ran to Emily's house, where we saw the rest of the 'dogs,' as I called them. I had a feeling I wouldn't be using that term anymore.

"Whoa, whoa, where's the fire?" Embry asked, smiling and running to greet us. Jacob told Sam in one look what was happening. The rest of the pack was there too. I stiffened when all the eyes turned on me.

"Well, let's see then" Seth said. I blushed and looked away. Jacob lifted my chin up and nodded at me. I sighed and nodded back. I turned my back to them and quickly undressed.

This was it.

After this, I would be an official member of the pack. What if I just couldn't change? I'd feel like such an idiot in front of everyone.

I put all my effort into thinking about changing, and the next thing I knew, I was standing in front of them looking down. This was really weird. Normally, they were the tall ones who looked down at me.

Sam looked me over, and I felt like a puppy at their first trip to the vet. "Whoa, she's so beautiful" Seth said. I blushed, and was glad they couldn't see it. He blushed too when everyone turned their attention on him.

His sister seemed very displeased by the comment. But there was something else, something I couldn't figure out. Maybe something I wasn't supposed to know?

I looked down at my paws and stared, shocked. The silver coloration of my new coat shimmered in the rays of the sun. I always wondered what my fur would look like if this happened to me.

It was remarkable; the only downside was that I'd be incredibly easy to see, except in winter. I had them all beat there. I smiled. This might not be so bad after all.

I waited as Sam continued to look over me, and was once again reminded of my name. Particularly, my middle name came to mind: Luna. As in the moon, and based on our tribe's heritage. Now, I would experience all of it first-hand.

I was excited now. This was going to be great. I will show every single other wolf up. I have to. I mean, I am Selena Black after all.