Roses small talk:
Just a little present for you Psycholiki!
Hope you enjoy it!
This goes with your picture:
psycholiki deviantart com/art/the-ride-176215049 (insert dots)


He was on the run.
Running away as fast as he could.
But there was no escape from his pursuer.
Not this time. He was right on his heels.
Buzz hadn't to turn around nor to throw a look over his shoulder, he could feel him approach.
The space ranger-toy darted around the next corner in to the parent's bedroom, dashed under the bed and – get caught by a rope.

Buzz felt the room moving upside down, could hear Woodys dangerously low voice rumbling somewhere over him and shuddered in anticipation as the sheriff declared: "You're arrested for robbery and worse, Space Ranger!"
Buzz turned around, still lain on the floor, and winked at the cowboy towering over him: "But Sheriff" his voice a soft purr, "I'm sure we could find an agreement..." and he pulled playfully at the rope.
Woody grinned a wicked smile and growled: "I add bribery to your criminal record, Buzz Lightyear..." and he gave the rope a hard yank.
Buzz swallowed hard and stroked gently over the now strained rope by whispering: " ' could do so many nice things for you Sheriff..." he closed his fist around the flax, "... if you only would let me."
Woody gulped and groaned, leaning in only an inch: "What would those nice things be?"
"Oh," Buzz breathed, fondling the rope, "scratching your stitches, liking your seams and pulling your string, Sheriff..." and with this he pulled hard at the rope still slung around Woody's hand.
The cowboy-doll, with a surprised noise somewhere between a moan and a growl, stumbled forward and came to sit astride on Buzz, bracing himself on the space ranger's chest.

Buzz's blue eyes felt shut, his hips uncontrollable bucked upwards and his wings immediately sprang open and he muttered a breathless: "Sheriff!"
Woody smiled down at his ranger and leaned in, teasing: " ' thought you would scratch," with this he scratched at Buzz's right wing, " and lick..." his tongue shot out, giving a long, wet lick at Buzz's jaw, "and..." his voice died away in a long, sensual moan, because Buzz had grappled his pull-string and pulled oh so softly.

They clung onto each other, panting and moaning, growling and groaning and all consumed in the fire of ecstasy.
The rope still around Woodys fist was so forgotten as her fancy play was.
All was forgotten but her love.
"Buzz," Woody groaned, "I love you!"
"As I," Buzz' moaned in return, "do you, Woody!"


Happy Birthday Psycholiki!
Hope you like it at least just a little...