It's my first Hellsing fic! So don't hate me to bad! Also I don't own anyone unless I create them. Also this is set more in the victorian times.

Once upon a time there was a man who sought to take over the Heavens. This man was particularly blood thirsty and would stop at nothing to gain immortality. And so he set out to conquer them, the angels, God, everyone. But upon his arrival, God cursed him. In his infinite power, he threw the foolish young man out of the Heavens.

"If you wish to live forever, then that is what you shall get!"

And with that the man, a king if you will, became damned. He was to wander the earth for an eternity. He could never wander around in the day light again, never eat food and drink the blood that he so lovingly shed. Doomed forever as a vampire. An undead man. He could never find love and when he did, they ended up leaving a short time later.

In his own misery he vowed to God that he would devour any angel that was foolish enough to cross paths with him. And from that day on, noone has ever seen the demon again.

"That concludes our story for tonight angels. Now it is time for sleep." An elderly angel spoke, his white beard quivering when he smiled at them. He was the quater master of the younger angels. He had watched over them for many years until they were ready enough to be on thier own. Several men and women angels rose, yawning and stretching, heading off to thier rooms. All but one rose and he smiled.

"It is time for bed young Seras."

The young angel in question looked as though she could put Aphrodite to shame. Her volptuous curves, short blonde hair, and her big blue eyes made her look as if she had come straight out a painting. But her more charming quality was probably the child like innocence that she possessed. One couldn't stay mad at her for very long without feeling guilty. The old quater master smiled at her and came over to sit beside her. He couldn't help but favoring her. She was something like a grandchild to him despite her only being there for three months.

"I assume that you want to know something?"

"Well yes. Is it true Adalbert? The story."

His hazel eyes flickered briefly from behind his glasses before he looked at her again. "Don't worry about young one. As long as you are here at night, there shall be nothing for you to worry about. Now off to bed. You need your rest for the morning. There's still plenty that you must learn."

Seras smiled a little guiltily. "Like flying."

Adalbert chuckled warmly. "Yes, as I recall earlier having to fetch you out of a tree."

"Seras blushed. "Don't make fun of me!"

"It's all right. You did better than me. I fell into a pond filled with foul smelling mud when I first tried."


When all of the laughing was done, he stood up and helped to her feet. He walked with her all the way back to the rooms before dropping her off. At the door he bade her good night, "Sleep well Seras. Tomarrow will be more flying practice."

"Yes Adalbert. Good night."

"Seras try turning your wings at different times to change positions."

After almost a full day, the young angel had still yet to manage flying. She wasn't getting the hang of changing directions. She kept trying to turn them both at the same time, which ended with her back on the ground. She looked upset with herself each time and Adalbert knew that it was her stubborn pride that she had. He knew that all of the other angels that had succeeded in thier flying skills were teasing her. They called her the baby of the angels.

"I'm sorry Adalbert. I'm trying. It's just hard."

"It's okay. Take your time Seras. There's no need to hurry. I think we're about done any way. It looks as though it's about to rain."

Indeed it did look like that. The sky was turning almost black and the winds were going to pick up soon. If they didn't leave now, they would have to be stuck here until the storm passed.

'Why did I pick England of all places to come and train her?' Adalbert thought absentmindedly. He turned and looked at Seras. Come to think of it, this was were Seras was born. When she was alive she had been a proper english woman. An english woman who had a very nasty ending to her beautiful life. He sometimes wondered why his Lord did that.

"Let's go Seras, take my hand."

Seras shook her head. She didn't want him to baby her. All she could see was the other angels in the Heavens coming to tease her. "No. I can do it."

The winds suddenly whipped at the two of them. It was a rather strong gale. Enough to almost blow him over.

"Seras. Not now. You can't fly in this weather by yourself. We have to get out of here and fast."

The blonde sighed. She knew he was right. But she wasn't going to give up either. Without any warning she shot up into the air. Flapping her wings as hard as she could.

Adalbert panicked. He immediately took off after her. A sudden gust of wind made Seras realize how stupid she was being and she desperately tried to make her way to the old man. They were a hairs length away when an even stronger gale caught beneath her wings and sent her spiraling away from him. She could hear him yelling something inaudible to her as she tumbled through the air. It seemed that every time she tried to right herself another gust would send her reeling backward.

She was tossed and turned until she was stopped by something soild and pine smelling. Seras focused her eyes and saw that she had been blown into a small pine tree. Just outside of an old mansion. Her wings had been caught inside of some branches and her long sky blue dress was torn in several places. She was missing her sandles and now it was pouring rain. She couldn't even pull herself to the small balcony that a window of the mansion led to.

'Wonderful. I'm cold, wet, and I can't move my wings. Can this night get any worse?'

With several unsuccessful attepts to free her wings from the branches she settled for the next best thing. Calling for help.

"Help! Some one help me!"

She continued this mantra until she saw a shadow move from inside the building. It was at the window that she could see into and then it vanished. A light appeared moments later and hope welled up inside of her. The shadow's owner appeared. She saw a tall rather handsome man appear. His ebony hair framed his pale face, and she couldtell that he was perfectly built. He opened the window and climbed onto the balcony. In a matter of seconds he reached her and expertly pulled her wings out of the branches. Carefully he edged her to him and once they reached his balcony he picked her up bridal style.

"Thank you for saving me." She said rather weakly. She looked up at her saviour's face and found to blood red eyes staring at her. She gasped and suddenly found herself wanting to get away. The man grinned down at her, showing teeth that were far to sharp for a normal man. His hold on her tightened and she found that she couldn't move.

"Saving you? And here I thought that I was just getting a free meal."

He then slung her over his broad shoulder as if she was nothing and set off into his home. The light that Seras had seen was that of a candle which snuffed out the moment he walked by it, leaving her in total darkness. She had no idea where he was taking her but she could feel that they were going down. It was getting colder and her wet clothes didn't help her one bit. All the while she had tried to hurt him by pounding her fists on his back and screaming at him to let her go. All of this seemed to amuse the man as if none of this was bothering him.

"Cease your stuggles. They are doing you no good."

"I'm not going to stop until you put me down!"

He chuckled. "But I thought you wanted to be saved?"

"From the tree not some mad man!"

This just made him laugh louder and stop. Seras couldn't see where they were. There was nothing but darkness all around them. Suddenly she heard a faint click and what sounded like a door being opened. Without warning she found herself sailing through the air and landed on something soft. A light suddenly blinded her vision. Blinking she realized that another candle was lit. She used it to take in her surroundings. She was on a small bed and in a small square room. There were no windows, but it was cold and dry. There was a small table and chest in there but nothing else.

Her kidnapper suddenly moved into the front of her. She shrank from him, all of her previous bravery gone when she saw how intimidating he was. He grabbed her chin between his fingers and twisted her face from side to side as if evaluating her.

"You're rather pretty. And pretty virgins are hard to find. To bad I'm going to eat you soon."

"Eat me?"

He let go of her and gave her a toothy grin. "Surely you have heard the legend."


"The one of a man to over throw the Heavens and in turn was damned? The one who eats the angels?"

Sudden realization dawned on Seras. "You're-"

The man now monster to Seras grinned at her even wider. "Yes. I am that man. But fear not. I have already had my fill for the night and I plan on saving you for later. It's not often that I get angels for dinner." And with that he walked out the door, the candle blowing out once more. She heard the lock click and knew that there was no way out for her. She had literaly jumped out of the frying pan and into the jaws of a very hungry monster.

How did you like it? R&R please so I know if I'm doing well so far! Thank you!

To rest these weary bones,
