Hey people! I'm back!
My 2nd fanfic, coz the first one didn't work out so well.I'm thinking it would be better if I do one-shots coz i don't think I can handle a long story just yet…
Anyway, in this one-shot, Annabeth is the princess of Athens and Percy is the prince of Persia. Annabeth is all lara croft-y style adventurous princess and Percy is all prince of Persia style athletic prince ,k?
DISCLAMER: One more thing, does my profile pic looks anything like Rick Riordan to you? No, it doesn't coz its Avril Lavigne, even though I'm neither so I don't own PJ or tomb raider or prince of Persia or Avril Lavigne! Phew, do I own anything? Yep, Just this idea and the keyboard which typed this!
On with the story:
Annabeth POV
Stab. Dodge. Cut. Deflect. Roll. These were the thoughts running in my mind. I don't know why but I just had to beat Luke this time! Out of the last three duels, I haven't won a single fight. Curse Luke, and his fighting skill. I tried to slash his chest.
"Oh, no you don't, princess!" Luke said and jabbed his sword through the hilt of mine. It clattered away on the floor.
" What? NO!" I whined, " I can't lose yet, AGAIN!"
" Looks like you can, Princess." Luke said, with his crooked smile that made me blush every time. Not this time, though, because my face was already red with embarrassment and anger.
" One more time!" I pleaded.
" Um, I think four fights is enough for one morning." Luke said.
I moved closer to him.
"Please just one more. Just one?" I said making my eyes as wide as I could. "Please?"
"That's so not fair, princess. You know I can't refuse the big-wide-grey-eyes-thing you do."
"For me. And stop calling me 'princess'. That's not my name."
" Okay. But just this one time."
"YAY!" I clapped my hands together.
You see, Luke was the son of our royal messenger, Hermes. We met at the age of four when I snuck out to the garden, in the night when I wasn't supposed to and found him sitting there, near the pond. We talked throughout the night and we've been friends ever since.
"Ready to be defeated by a girl, Luke?" I taunted him.
"You say that every time, before I beat you." With that, he swung his sword to meet mine. And we were fighting again.
This time, I started to think he was tired. He slashed his sword half-heartedly. I saw a weak link and kicked him in the legs. He fell to the floor and I snatched his sword away.
"I think you finally beat me." He said, while still on the floor.
"Gee, you think?" I laughed. I was overjoyed! Luke was one of the best swordsmen in Athens.
"Care to help me up?" He asked.
"Come here, loser." I offered him my hand.
"Not this time, Princess!" He said and pulled me on top of him.
"Hey!" I yelled.
I looked down and his face was just a few centimeters away from mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Sure, he was my friend but at the same time I couldn't pretend I was starting to think of him as more than that.
I saw him biting his lip, trying not to laugh and realization hit me with the speed of an oncoming racing chariot!
"YOU LET ME WIN!" I screamed and got off him in a frenzy.
"No, I did not." He said calmly, getting up and brushing his pants.
"Yes, you did! Don't lie to me!" I yelled. I wanted to slap him.
I know what you might be thinking: 'Look at this princess! Such a violent one! Throwing tantrums, all the time!'
But this was not the case. Usually, I was decent and well-behaved, but sword fighting was the one thing I was really good at and I do not want people lying about my ability, okay?
"You are so dead!" I huffed, crossing my arms and striding across the courtyard to the gardens.
"Oh come on, Princess-" I turned and glared at him."- I mean Annabeth. You should have seen your face. You were so sad about losing."
"Do I look any happier now?" I glared some more.
"Well, good point but I wanted to see your reaction when you won. I'm sorry." He pleaded.
"Go away! I don't want to talk to you." I turned and sat on one of the garden benches.
"Awwwww, come on Annabeth. I said I'm sorry!"
"And I didn't listen!"
"Come on Anna, come on Beth." He said tickling me. He only uses these names when I'm mad at him, which doesn't happen very often. He knows I'm ticklish and won't stop tickling me if he starts.
"Stop it! Stop!" I gasped between giggles.
"Say you're not mad at me anymore! Say it"
"You're not mad at me anymore" I repeated, even though I knew he would tickle me harder if I made fun of him.
"Say 'I, Annabeth Chase, am not mad at Luke Castellan, anymore'!"
"Alright! Alright! I, Annabeth Chase, am not mad at Luke Castellan, anymore! Stop tickling me!"
"Now that's fine!" He said, sitting down beside me.
"You…you" I was still panting from his tickle attack. "are the most annoying person ever!"
"That's why you like me!" He said, giving me his crooked grin again.
Of course, when he said 'like', he meant it in a totally un-romantic idea. And I didn't feel that way.
"Yeah, you're right." I mumbled.
"Um, Sir Luke?" Said a voice.
We both turned around to look at the newcomer. It was Thalia, my chambermaid.
"Lord Hermes is looking for you." She said.
"Right." He stood up. "Well, see you later Annabeth."
"See you." I said.
"You should get ready for dinner, Princess." Thalia said after Luke had left.
" Yeah.I…I'll join you in a moment, Thalia." I said.
"As you wish, Princess." Thalia said, and retraced her steps.
I sighed and stood up. Another day gone by. I was getting closer and closer to 18 day by was an age I did not want to reach. My father wanted me to get, married on my 18th birthday. Needless to say, I didn't. Only two more months of freedom.
I turned around to go back to the palace when somebody jumped like a shadow in front of me.
I'm making this a two-shot because I'm too lazy to write more. Will update tomorrow probably.
P.S Isn't Logan Lerman, the cutest guy on earth ( and that includes the drunkard Robert Pattinson, Blech! Sorry if I offended some twilight lovers here but I don't like the whole Twilight franchise) ?
Unfortunately my friends don't think so which is totally retarded!
I recently saw 'Gamer',(coz I didn't know it had logan lerman) and was amazed to see that he SWORE in it! OMG! My first impression of him was as a sweet guy who doesn't swear in public! Seriously OMG!
My stories will probably be K or K+ coz I DON'T SWEAR!
Anyways BYE!