Hey everyone. Here is my first Harry Potter fanfiction (though I've done a lot of roleplay in my time) and it's a Hermione/Lupin pairing. I know it's been done to death, but I have been reading a lot of the other Hermione/Lupin fanfics and I just wanted to take the best of the best from those and put my own spin on things.
This is the second attempt of this story, because I got to chapter six and realized that I had left out a whole bunch of stuff and I was trying to incorporate Goblet of Fire into Prisoner of Azkaban stuff and yeah, it was getting bad. =S
Anyways, a big thank you to my current fans for reading and reviewing and putting up with me as I completely destroy everything I've already done:
Aerianna Lupin
Permenantly Lost in Thought
Will Love Ever Come
Christina Akin
This story starts during Prisoner of Azkaban to set up the relationship between Lupin and Hermione. I plan to focus a lot on this year to set up the mood but then I will jump over some of the later stuff. Please remember that this is a time-turner fic and that I am twisting things from Canon (so no relationship with Tonks and no Teddy, sorry).
I hope you like it.
Read, rewiew, enjoy. =)
Disclaimer: Like every other fanfic writer, I bow to the genius that is J.K. Rowling.
Chapter One - Diagon Alley
On the 31st of August, Hermione was dropped off at the Leaky Cauldron by her parents and joined the group of Weasleys for shopping. Harry, whom Ron knew to be staying at Leaky Cauldron since the incident with his aunt, was no where to be found, so Hermione and Ron were allowed to look for him while they shopped.
Hermione and Ron were getting along really well actually. It was something she really had a hard time understanding, but Ron (without his brothers, mother or teachers around) was actually much easier to deal with. Hermione grilled him mercilessly about his trip to Egypt, though she was rather put out when he didn't show equal enthusiasm towards her trip to France. After getting their books, they stopped at Florean Fortesque's for ice-cream, having had no luck in finding Harry in any of the shops they'd already been to.
They'd been there maybe ten minutes - Hermione had been trying to tell Ron about France again - when Ron spotted Harry through the crowd. "Harry! HARRY!" he yelled, waving his arms around.
Hermione broke off mid-sentence and looked where Ron was, breaking into a huge smile and waving when she recognized Harry's messy hair.
"Finally," said Ron, grinning at Harry as he sat down. "We went to the Leaky Cauldron, but they said you'd left, and we went to Flourish and Blotts, and Madam Malkin's, and -"
"I got all my school stuff last week," Harry explained. "And how come you knew I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron?"
"Dad," said Ron simply.
Hermione rolled her eyes. Of course Harry had already got his school things. Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban three weeks ago, and Harry had been in Diagon Alley for two. Speaking of which... "Did you really blow up your aunt, Harry?" said Hermione in a very serious voice.
"I didn't mean to," said Harry, while Ron roared with laughter. "I just - lost control."
Hermione smacked Ron in the arm. "It's not funny, Ron," she said sharply. "Honestly, I'm amazed Harry wasn't expelled." The Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery was a very serious law. Harry hadn't been in any life threatening situation with his aunt, and that was magic performed in front of Muggles.
"So am I," admitted Harry. "Forget expelled, I thought I was going to be arrested." He looked at Ron. "Your dad doesn't know why Fudge let me off, does he?"
"Minister Fudge, Harry," Hermione chided.
"Probably 'cause it's you, isn't it?" shrugged Ron, still chuckling. "Famous Harry Potter and all that. You can ask Dad yourself this evening. We're staying at the Leaky Cauldron tonight so you can come to King's Cross with us tomorrow! Hermione's there as well."
Hermione nodded, beaming. "Mr. Weasley talked it over with my parents and said it was no problem."
"Excellent!" said Harry happily. "So, have you got all your new books and stuff?"
Hermione nodded, shaking her head with a grin as Ron showed off his new wand. It was a relief to know that he wouldn't be a walking accident again this year, though Hermione had to remind herself that Harry and Ron were really lucky because of it. They might have ended up like Lockhart with no knowledge of anything.
"What about those Monster Books, eh?" Ron continued. "The assistant nearly cried when we said we wanted two."
"What's all that, Hermione?" Harry asked, pointing at the three bulging bags in the chair next to her.
"Well, I'm taking more new subjects than you, aren't I?" said Hermione. "Those are my books for Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, the Study of Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies -"
"What are you doing Muggle Studies for?" said Ron, rolling his eyes at Harry. "You're Muggle-born! Your mum and dad are Muggles! You already know all about Muggles!"
"But it'll be fascinating to study them from the wizarding point of view," said Hermione earnestly.
"Are you planning to eat or sleep at all this year, Hermione?" asked Harry, while Ron sniggered.
Hermione glared at them for a moment and then chose to ignore them. She was sure there was a way to manage all her courses; otherwise this year's letter would not have included them. Instead she reached for her purse.
"I've still got ten Galleons. As you know, my birthday's September 19th, and Mum and Dad gave me some money to get myself an early birthday present."
"How about a nice book?" said Ron innocently.
Hermione's cheeks tinted slightly but she managed to keep her composure. "No, I don't think so. I really want an owl. I mean, Harry's got Hedwig and you've got Errol -"
"I haven't," said Ron. "Errol's a family owl. All I've got is Scabbers." He pulled the rat out of his pocket. "And I want to get him checked over," he added, placing Scabbers on the table in front of them. "I don't think Egypt agreed with him."
Hermione had conflicting feelings about Scabbers. He was a rat, after all, and not an animal that Hermione particularly liked. She didn't mind that Ron had a rat for a pet, but she knew she would never want one. She didn't particularly want an owl as a pet either, but she saw the advantages of having her own post owl, so that was the decision she had made.
"There's a magical creature shop just over there," said Harry. "You could see if they've got anything for Scabbers, and Hermione can get her owl."
They paid for their ice-cream and crossed the street to the Magical Menagerie. While Ron asked the saleswitch at the counter about Scabbers, Hermione wandered around the store looking at the different owls for sale. She was just deciding between a barn and a tawny owl when a commotion at the counter caused her to look over. A large orange cat had leapt at Ron and began trying to chase Scabbers. Ron and Harry had darted out the door after the escaping rat, while the saleswitch had managed to get a hold of the cat she called Crookshanks.
Hermione went over to the counter. "What happened?"
"Crookshanks tried to get the ginger boy's rat. Darndest thing I've ever seen. He doesn't usually chase rats," she saleswitch said.
With Scabbers gone, Crookshanks was very relaxed. Hermione studied him for a moment and he appeared to study her just as fiercely. Then, quite suddenly, Crookshanks walked to the edge of the counter and sat in front of Hermione, waiting to be petted. Hermione smiled and petted him.
"Well if that isn't the second darndest thing I've ever seen," the saleswitch said again. "Crookshanks has never taken to anyone like that. That's why he's been here so long," the saleswitch confided. "No one wanted him."
"I'll take him," Hermione said grinning. She reached for her purse and brought out her Galleons, noticing the bottle of rat tonic on the counter. "Was this what Ron was getting?" she asked.
The saleswitch nodded. "The ginger boy? Aye, it was."
"I better get this for him too then." She paid the saleswitch, getting a travelling basket for Crookshanks as well, and then left the shop. As she exited, holding Crookshanks in her arms, she spotted Ron and Harry.
"You bought that monster?" said Ron, his mouth hanging open.
"He's gorgeous, isn't he?" said Hermione, glowing.
"That thing nearly scalped me!"
"He didn't mean to, did you, Crookshanks?" She looked down at the cat in her arms and tried to refrain from cooing.
"And what about Scabbers? He needs rest and relaxation! How's he going to get it with that thing around?"
"That reminds me, you forgot your rat tonic," said Hermione, slapping the small red bottle into Ron's hand. "And stop worrying, Crookshanks will be sleeping in my dormitory and Scabbers in yours, what's the problem? Poor Crookshanks, that witch said he's been there for ages; no one wanted him."
"I wonder why," said Ron sarcastically.
Hermione, Harry and Ron went back to the Leaky Cauldron. Ron had a pretty easy time carrying his stuff, but all of Hermione's extra books, and Crookshanks, were causing her some difficulties. She smiled radiantly at Harry when he offered to help her carry some of it.
They met Mr. Weasley alone at the bar, but Hermione didn't stay for the conversation. She raced up to the room that she would share with Ginny, set Crookshanks and one bag on her bed, and then she ran back down to collect the other bags, pausing only long enough to say hi to the rest of the Weasley's and congratulate Percy on becoming Head Boy, before racing back up to her room again. She sat on the floor, with Crookshanks in her lap, and sorted through her purchases, pausing to peruse the first chapter of each of her new subjects, before arranging them in her trunk.