Elizabeth paced around the Black Pearl sadly until she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Will ye calm down missy! Ye be annoying me!" Barbossa growled.

"Oh um I'm sorry" Elizabeth said sadly.

Barbossa sighed and moved a bit closer to her.

"What be bothering you?" he asked.

"What do you mean? nothing is bothering me" Elizabeth lied.

"Ye cant lie to me missy I know women far to well" Barbossa said.

"You'll think its stupid" Elizabeth said sadly.

"Try me" Barbossa said with a grin.

Elizabeth sighed and looked up a Will who was angrily whittling a piece of old drift wood.

"We can talk if me cabin if ye like" Barbossa suggested.

Elizabeth nodded and walked into the captains cabin with Barbossa. Then Barbossa sat down in his big chair as his monkey Jack hopped onto his shoulder.

"Have a seat missy"

Elizabeth sat and sadly looked at her feet.

"So what be botherin ya?" Barbossa asked.

"Will and I ….well we got in a fight" Elizabeth said softly.

"A fight? About?"

"Well…we broke up….h-he was cheating on me with …a girl name Drezel" Elizabeth sobbed.

"Did he say why he be cheating on ye?" Barbossa asked trying to hide the worry in his voice.

"W-well he first blamed it on too much rum….then we started arguing….and he said every time we made port in Tortuga he secretly goes to see her…..and I asked him why and he said h-he didn't love me any more…and j-just left" Elizabeth sobbed.

Barbossa sadly looked at the sobbing woman in front of him and frowned damn that William…I knew he wouldn't stick with her….he be just like his father boot strap….I could have been better for her…when I first met her I was planning on asking her to be my bride…. Barbossa thought.

"Don't be sad missy….he's not worth yer tears he be a filthy cockroach" Barbossa said as he clenched his fists.

Elizabeth looked up at Barbossa and smiled slightly.

"This be my ship I can maroon him on some island if ye whish" Barbossa offered.

"Thank you Barbossa….but no….we need him to compete this journey" Elizabeth whispered.

Barbossa nodded and walked up to her.

"Stick with me missy…and if he so much as comes near ye I will have his head" Barbossa growled.

Elizabeth stood and embraced Barbossa. He stood there shocked and confused it has been so long since he has received a hug or even felt a woman's warm flesh on his then he gently pattered her back and returned the embrace.

"Thank you Barbossa" Elizabeth whispered.

"Yer welcome" He whispered what be this warm feeling?…love? Nay I cant be in love….can I? Barbossa thought as Elizabeth let go of him.

"Ye look starving would ye like to accompany me to dinner?" Barbossa asked.

"I would love to" Elizabeth smiled as she wiped away her tears.

Barbossa smiled back and interlocked his arm with her's and walked her to the big fancy dining table they shared at meal at when they first met. Barbossa pulled at a chair for her like the gentleman he was and sat next to her. Then Ragetti and Pintel carried in some dishes they looked at Elizabeth curiously but said nothing. As they were setting the table Pintel accidentally bumped into Ragetti causing his wooden eye to fall out.

"Me eye!" Ragetti gasped as he reached for his eye that rolled next to Barossa's hand.

Barbossa looked down at the wooden eye and rolled his eyes. Then he picked up the eye with his long finger nails and stuck it in his mouth and swooshed it around then he grabbed Ragetti by the shirt and pulled the eye from his mouth and popped it back into Ragetti's skull.

"T-thank you sir" Ragetti mumbled.

"Yer welcome master Ragetti now leave I be trying to have dinner with miss. Swann" Barbossa growled.

"Yes sir…sorry sir" Ragetti stuttered and Pintel pulled him out of the captain's cabin by his shirt.

Then they began the eat quietly until Barbossa broke the silence.

"So how ye be feeling?" Barbossa asked nervously.

"A bit better thank you….I don't know what it is but…there is something about you that makes me feel safe…." Elizabeth whispered nervously.

Barbossa smiled at her nervously and cleared his throat. Then with out thinking Barbossa caressed Elizabeth's hand gently. Elizabeth looked up at him and smiled. After they finished eating their meal Barbossa and Elizabeth started sharing stories with each other. Then Elizabeth fell asleep at the table Barbossa looked at her for a moment and chuckled she's quite beautiful when she sleeps…he thought as he pushed a strand of her hair out of her face. Then he picked her up and placed her on his bed he looked at her once more before returning to his chair and he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well missy" he whispered as he walked over to his desk.

Then slowly Barbossa fell asleep. The next morning he and Elizabeth were woken up by shouting so they both went out side to see Will and Jack arguing about something. Once Will saw Elizabeth he walked over to her.

"Look Elizabeth I'm sorry! I'm stupid for doing this will you forgive me?" Will frowned.

"I don't owe you my forgiveness….now back to you post Mr. Turner" Elizabeth said.

"Elizabeth please I love you!" Will said.

Then Barbossa walked over to them .

"Ye heard her Tuner back to your post or ye be walking the plank" Barbossa laughed.

Will looked at Barbossa then to Elizabeth and sighed.

"Very well" he muttered as he walked back to his post.