A/N: I'm trying to relieve myself of a fresh bout of depression.

Warnings: Self harm, mutilation, suicidal thoughts, angst.

BTW: this is A/U

"…" and "…" are memories.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


"Why would some one want to hurt themselves?"

"I don't know,"

You said you didn't know.

"Why would some one kill themselves?"

"I don't know,"

Again you said you didn't know. You liar!


When we met we didn't get along. I wanted to be friends, but you didn't. I hated you for that, or, at least, I thought I did. But then, you found me crying in a bath room, years later. And you asked me what was wrong; you helped me though it. And guess what! We became friends!

Only for it all to end.

I knew your life wasn't perfect, but why did you have to end it?


The sounds of crying and a dripping faucet echoed in the nearly empty rest room.

"Harry?" I called your name as I entered. But you didn't respond. I followed the sound of crying, and found you in a stall. "Harry , what's wrong?" you didn't say, but your wrist were bleeding.


Later, when I asked what was wrong, you didn't say. But you promised you'd never hurt your self again.

You lied.

We were getting to be so close, I thought we'd be friends forever. You seamed to agree, much to the annoyance of the weasel.


"Hay, Harry?"


"Promise me some thing,"

"What?" You asked cutely, tilting you head to the side. I smiled.

"Promise that you'll never leave me," and you smiled so big.


You promised. You promised! You lied!


Then, I went to see you one day. I knocked on the door, but you didn't answer.


"Harry? Are you home?" I asked as I opened the door a crack. You're always home.

"Harry?" I said louder, walking through your home. I came to your bedroom door. I remember thinking 'did he over sleep?' as I pushed you door open.

And there you were, on your bed. But you weren't moving. I moved closer. There were odd red spots on the sheets.

"Harry?" I climbed on your and started to shake your shoulders. "Harry, wake up, it's time to get up," but you didn't wake. I didn't think you would.

You weren't breathing. You were so pale and cold. I didn't notice until after some tears started to fall on your face that I was crying.


You slit your wrist and bled to death, and worst of all, you left me.

You lied.


A/N: Sigh. This didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but I think it's okay. BTW, this was from Draco's P.O.V