Means of Escape

Some of you may recognize the beginning.

Kendall's Notes

Location: James' Room Palm Woods

Time: Two PM

Reason: Suspicious Behavior

Third Person POV

James Diamond was having a rough afternoon full of soiled carpet, obnoxious noises, scratching, biting, and interrupted sleep. All day he had been cleaning up messes that he didn't make, though they were, admittedly, his own fault. Trying to keep his room at least somewhat quiet, a task made difficult by his tendency to hum randomly. Hope that his skin would clear quickly, and hope feverishly at that. And sleep didn't come easy after waking up every two hours.

Sometimes, he almost wished that he hadn't went out and bought a puppy.

James Diamond's life was quickly becoming difficult. His puppy had been a sweet, cuddling thing on the way back home. Quiet and cute with lots of kisses. Now, three days later, he was a wild bundle of energy. Running all over the place and leaving pee trails when excited; barking with passion at anything that dared to move under his watch; crying and whimpering and growling when he wanted to go somewhere or get something. And, while cute, he just had issues. If left alone, he will cry and bark until someone comes. For some unknown reason, he can't leave James' bedroom and needs carried down stairs, as he is afraid of cars, bikes, and elevators.

And now James' own bladder was against him. He had a puppy sleeping on a squeaky bed and the horrible urge to go to the bathroom. Escape seemed like a difficult and strenuous task. With each move, the bed groaned in protest and James held his breath. Just one tiny noise and puppy will have to go outside. Reasonably, James isn't sure he can last a trip down the stairs and twenty minutes outside. He moves a little more carefully at the thought. The bed makes a awful noise and James freezes, dread marring his features. The puppy's ear flicks and it remains sleeping. He breathes a sigh of relief and gets up from his place on the carpet.

And then he turns to see an amused and smirking Kendall staring at him in the doorway.

The horrors of 12-week-old puppies. As I have learned this week, they aren't as fun as one who owns one would hopeā€¦ James' fictional puppy is exactly how mine acts. Right now he's sleeping in my bed, content after playing with cats for an hour. Updates should be one a day until complete... one or two more chapters... hopefully. ^^