Where did AvA-181 go?
Hello everyone! It has been quite a few years since I updated any of my Shadow Raiders or ReBoot fanfics or added anything new.
I have been through a whirlwind of changes in my life, including moving to another country, getting married and becoming a published Science Fiction author.
The ReBoot and Shadow Raiders fandom universe will always hold a special place in my heart because it helped to inspire me and lead me down the path to creating my own universe for my book series. I currently have one book in the series published on Amazon, a free short story on my website and the next book is in progress, due to be published in March of 2013.
To learn more about my current publications, you can visit my website: cekilgore . com
I also would love to hear from you through google+, facebook or twitter. There are links to my accounts on my website. I would love to hear what you all have been up too for the past few years.
AvA-181 ( C.E. Kilgore )