Summary: Well I thought I would jump on the band wagon seen as my other fic wasn't getting much love :( and this idea well this image just popped into my head and I had to get it all down. At the moment it can be left as a one shot if no one wants more, but I have ideas to further it on if that's what people want.

Plot: This is an idea I had for an opening to s4. All plot ideas are mine, sadly the characters are not :( congrats abc one again and AM for the wonders of CASTLE!


Feathery white rays of the lonesome moon filter through the deficient curtains. Inside the room, the air is so listless, so listless the only sign of life is the remnants of a bouquet; a mixture of red carnations, and white roses with a spray of baby's breath. Yet even that is wilting, matching the stillness of all around it.

In the middle of the room, a bed lays; empty, its white sheets folded neatly at the bottom of the bed, stillness is everything this bed is, so far from life, like all that is lost in it. An epitome of nothingness.

A beat, no more, no less, gone.

One life, no more connected to this empty room. Trapped by these four walls; lost forever, to the vastness of the space beyond.

How does one's life replenish from such a loss. To rebuild. To carry on.

To be better.

Richard Castle wasn't a believer in quitting; some might argue that's what he does best. He killed of Derek Storm when everyone believed he still had more to give, but he would argue he found Nikki Heat, who had plenty of substance. Two failed marriages, he would argue simply, how could he quit on something that wasn't fully founded to begin with.

Alexis Castle, his proud and joy, the apple of his eye, his go to girl, whatever corny saying there is, she is his. She would clarify his point. He never quit on her, or all the times she needed him, even when he was somewhere else, with someone else. He would find a way to get her what she wanted. Be it a pony, a Popsicle, a hug or a phone call. Always a phone call. He never let her down.

Martha Rogers, mother of all nuances, but his mother, wouldn't agree completely, she would give him some remark with her usual bravado, 'My dear Richard, you're not a quitter, you're just not a forever for all.'

He would sulk, and mumble thanks for keeping him in line, but later when he was by himself, sitting in his worn leather chair, looking at the photographs on his desk, he would admit to himself, she was right. Apart from herself, and Alexis, there was only ever one person he would give forever to.

Katherine Beckett. He'd told her before, she was a mystery to him, and the one he wished to never solve. Yet the choice was never his. The choice was always taken from him. Always by another man's hand.

Demming; however brief left its dent, but he somehow managed to pave over it, now if you look closely enough you would just see a slight bump.

Josh; cast a whole shadow. That guy was forever stealing his light. Like the room before him, Richard Castle is listless, so listless the only sign of life is the slow droop of his eyelids. For even they betray him. Won't stay and fight for him.

The sniper; took the moon, the sun, the stars, all sources of light, left no room for shadows. That hand dealt the toughest blow.

Once again the choice of forever was taken from him.

Richard Castle was alone, in a room that once held the life of Katherine Beckett.

Yay, nay? One and done, or more? Please let me no what you think hope you liked it :)