Hello! Wow- I'm actually early! Technically my exams haven't finished yet...I have one left on Thursday. But I'm taking tonight off and decided to do some well deserved writing. And then this chapter appeared. So I thought I'd get ahead of myself and start the new story early!

Sorry to have you all waiting since In the Depths of my Mind finished. Thank you to everyone who reviewed/read/favourite-d/alerted- the response to that story was amazing and I love you all for it :D I only hope this can be as much of a success as IDM was - though you are all to thank for that too! Reviews make my day and encourage me to try harder!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the Star Wars universe...save a very cool Senator...who may make an appearance later... :P

Here is the fourth story in the series (you do sort of need to have read at least the first one to understand this). I hope you all enjoy and we are off on the next adventure of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan! Enjoy!

Chapter 1- Illness

A sneeze came from the other room. It was followed by a second and then a third in quick succession. There was silence for a few moments before several more sneezes and a spluttered cough filtered through the closed bedroom door.

Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn looked up from the data-pad he was reading in the living room of the apartment that he and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi shared in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He checked his chrono quickly and stood up, placing the pad on the low table and moving towards the bedroom. It was only just after noon meal.

"Obi-Wan?" he called lightly, knocking on the door.

A grating cough replied.

Placing a hand on the door, Qui-Gon pushed it open and stepped into his Padawan's room. The room was much tidier than usual, the Master noted with a pleased thought. Then again, that was probably because he had been the one to tidy it a few days back.


The Padawan in question was sitting up on his bed, blankets wrapped tightly around him despite the flushed, heated looking skin. Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something when he sneezed again, reaching for the tissues on his bedside table.

"Yes Mathster?" the fourteen year old managed thickly as he shivered.

"Is the heating not high enough for you?" Qui-Gon asked, watching the trembling of the slender frame become more pronounced, a touch of concern in his voice as he moved over to the bed to check up on his Padawan.

Immediately Obi-Wan shook his head, protesting. "N-no! It's too hot!" the ill Padawan complained. He knew it sounded childish but at that moment Obi-Wan did not care. He was sick to death of being…well sick.

Obi-Wan hung his head, not wanting to see the disapproving look in his Master's eyes at his immature outburst. Qui-Gon had been nothing but supportive and caring for the past few days and how did Obi-Wan repay him. By being inconsiderate and rude.

"M'sorry Master…" he mumbled, before coughing.

Qui-Gon passed Obi-Wan the glass of water that was on the desk, before easing himself into the chair that had taken up residence beside Obi-Wan's bed. "It's quite alright Padawan. I know being sick probably isn't your best idea of fun."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow and almost chuckled as Qui-Gon's warm blue eyes met his, no hint of a reprimand present in their depths- only concern and light teasing.

Obi-Wan currently had Dentari Flu. Somehow, he had managed to catch it from a minister on a short two day mission a couple of weeks back. At first it had just been a headache, which Obi-Wan had borne, patiently enough for a few days. Then painful, knotting stomach cramps had kicked in, along with a very tight, uncomfortable sensation in his chest. Disconcerted, in pain and loathe to interrupt his Master's catch-up-meal with his friend Master Windu- (the Master/Padawan team had just got back from a very busy week away) Obi-Wan had taken some pain relieving medicine and crawled into bed.

Qui-Gon could still remember the frightening moment he had knocked on his Padawan's door to check up on him that night…


"Thanks for the meal Mace," Qui-Gon said as his friend stood in the doorway, preparing to leave. "I enjoyed catching up."

"No problem, it's good that the mission went without a problem this time," the other master teased as he pulled his cloak on. "What with kidnappings, escapades in jungles- I think Obi-Wan was relieved to escape this mission unscathed."

Qui-Gon put on an affronted air. "Come on Mace- it isn't that bad!" he frowned. "That was two only missions."

"And you've been on three or four as a team?" Mace raised an eyebrow.

Qui-Gon resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He was about to reply when a twinge of pain flickered in his brain and he blinked rapidly, hand rising to his head in slight surprise.


Qui-Gon shook his head. "I'm fine, just suddenly felt-" He was cut off when another flash of pain filtered through the bond. "It's Obi-Wan," he stated, turning on his heel immediately. Confused, Mace followed him quickly back into the quarters the Master and Padawan shared.

Obi-Wan had retired earlier that evening, quietly stating he needed to rest. Qui-Gon hadn't thought very much of it, until he noticed the time. It was barely past evening meal, four hours short of Obi-Wan's usual bedtime. Then he had remembered the peaky look on the boy's face. It was now two hours since Obi-Wan had disappeared into his room and the bond had fallen silent between them.

Deciding it would be best to check up on his Padawan, Qui-Gon knocked softly at the boy's door. "Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon knocked a little louder, sending in an unobtrusive Force sweep into the room.

A muffled, pained sounding moan came from inside.

Concern spiking, Qui-Gon had palmed the door open in an instant, as a confirming wave of concealed pain swept along their bond along with fragments of mental shields. The thought struck him. Why hadn't he realised Obi-Wan was shielding? Too late to berate himself on his lacking observation skills, Qui-Gon entered the room, Mace on his heels.

Obi-Wan was lying on his bed, sheets twisted around his legs, a thin sheen of sweat bathing any skin Qui-Gon could see in the dim light of the room. The boy's face was crinkled in pain as he moaned again, arms clutching his midsection as he shivered violently, curling up in a ball of misery and pain.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon was beside the bed in a moment, Mace flicking the lights onto low power with a subtle use of the Force. Qui-Gon rested a hand on his Padawan's shoulder in an attempt to lay the boy straight on the bed and assess the problem. Stroking the spiky gingery hair in a comforting manner the master sent a blanket of calm and soothing along the bond. He almost recoiled at the heat issuing from Obi-Wan's skin. "Padawan, where does it hurt?"

"M-Master?" Obi-Wan's teeth were chattering violently, despite his soaring temperature. "D-dont...feel...s'good."

"Force Qui he's burning up!" Mace was kneeling beside him, concern on his dark features as he gently Force probed the very sick Padawan in front of him.

Numerous questions all clamoured in Qui-Gon's mind but he brushed them aside. Obi-Wan needed the healers. And needed them now. "I think it's time we pay a visit to the Healers," Qui-Gon soothed his Padawan, using the Force as a balm for as much of the pain as he could. His own anxiety levels were rising rapidly as he gleaned more information on Obi-Wan's condition.

It was some sort of virus invading the boy's systems, spreading toxins as it went, Qui-Gon's Force sweep of the boy's body informed him. That would probably explain the cramping stomach muscles, Qui-Gon thought. But when had Obi-Wan contracted it? He hadn't said anything about being ill…

"W-wha? H-healers?" Obi-Wan asked slightly deliriously. "S'hot Master…too hot…" Feebly, the Padawan had kicked at the blankets again.

Glad Obi-Wan was not going to fight him on this one, Qui-Gon carefully gathered the confused and sick Padawan into his arms, mindful of Obi-Wan's sore stomach as the boy jerked in pain at the movement. Muttering soothing nothingness, Qui-Gon left their quarters; Padawan curled up against his chest, Mace flanking him.

Doors flew open in front of the two Masters as he and Mace strode swiftly through the Temple. Thankfully there were very few people about as they made their way swiftly to the Healers wing. The healer on duty had jumped to her feet and opened the door before Qui-Gon and Mace had even arrived, hearing the rapidly approaching hurried footsteps.


"Master?" Obi-Wan called softly as Qui-Gon seemed to be somewhere else for a moment.

"My apologies Padawan," Qui-Gon shook himself out of his reverie, glancing at his Padawan who was sitting up against his pillows. His face was still flushed but at least his skin was radiating the unhealthy heat as it had a few days ago. The stomach cramps had all but disappeared but the virus had severely depleted Obi-Wan's strength and stamina, leaving him tired and frustratingly weak.

"I was thinking about something else. Can I get you anything?" Qui-Gon offered. It had been four days since he had taken Obi-Wan to the healers. The raging temperature had been the first concern, but the fever had broken relatively easily with the right medication. Now, Obi-Wan was fighting off the remnants of the flu back in their quarters- under strict orders of bed rest.

Obi-Wan shook his head. "I've taken the…" he sneezed, "medicine for this hour. Just have to wait now," he said, offering a small smile. The healers had told Qui-Gon they had caught the virus just in time. Several more hours and Obi-Wan could have lapsed into a coma. Qui-Gon's heart had contracted and plummeted into his gut when he had been told Dentari Flu could be fatal to humanoids. However, with the right treatment it could be treated effectively and relatively easily once identified.

Obi-Wan had lain pale, shivering and fevered for the whole of the following day in the Healer's wing as Qui-Gon had worriedly looked on, getting under the healers' feet as usual as he remained glued to the boy's side. Mace had been by a couple of times to check on his friend- make sure Qui-Gon was eating and such. Then the fever had broken and Obi-Wan had begun to recover. That was Dentari Flu- if caught quickly the recovery was within a week or two at most.

Qui-Gon nodded. "Rest then," he advised. "The healers released you on your word that you would rest and take it easy," he ribbed his Padawan gently. It was well known between the two of them and the healers that Obi-Wan was not a patient bed-patient.

"Yes Master," Obi-Wan muttered, though his lips twitched. "I am trying to rest," he assured the older Jedi.

"Trying?" Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow, his arms folding in front of his chest.

"I will rest Master," Obi-Wan corrected himself as he tugged at the blankets around him, lips twitching in a smirk despite his tiredness.

"Good," Qui-Gon said, pleased as he helped Obi-Wan lie back down, moving the pillows so Obi-Wan was comfortable again. "And if you need anything…"

"I'll...call for you Master," Obi-Wan promised, trying not to yawn.

Qui-Gon nodded, and satisfied that his Padawan was falling towards the brink of sleep again, he dimmed the lights in the bedroom, sending a light wave of peace and sleep suggestion Obi-Wan's way through the bond as Obi-Wan's breathing levelled out.


"Yes Obi-Wan?"

The Padawan propped himself up on his elbow, but the Master could see what an effort it was for the boy to try and keep awake. "Thank you…" the boy yawned drowsily. "Love you…"

Qui-Gon felt his own heart catch as the words slipped freely from Obi-Wan's lips as the boy fell into a light, peaceful slumber. How easy it was for the boy to just give his heart away like that. Qui-Gon blinked as he stared at his Padawan sleeping soundly on his bed, so very different from the night when his illness had taken hold in a sudden and frightening way.

"Sleep well Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon murmured as he shut the door behind him.

A bit shorter than my usual chapters- but it's a beginning! Hope you enjoyed it? Review :D Cheer me up in the middle of my exams- I need it! Haha! Oh and Dentari Flu is something I found on Wookiepedia. I did make up some of the symptoms though. So yeah :D But don't worry- PLENTY of hurt/comfort and good old fluff to come later I promise you. It's already written :P

Hopefully the next chapter will be sometime after the weekend? Only I'll probably be celebrating the end of exams :P

