Okay, so I just ended basically my first shorter story, and scenario and many of you were asking for either a sequel or another story. I think this one will only be a two shot or maybe three, but I had this idea in my head that I wanted to write about.
So anyway, let me know about what you think. And if you guys want me to continue with a sequel to my other story, let me know, and maybe I can figure something out and continue it, it defiantly left at a good part, which can be expanded on nicely. If you haven't read it, you should! It's an awkward, yet funny three-shot about Dinner with Aria's family.
Please enjoy and review! xoxo Morgan
I traced my hand over his bear chest in circles as we laid in bed, the sun shining brightly through the two giant white french doors, which laid adjacent to a massive porch. Outside palm trees swayed and the sound of the ocean could be heard crashing into the shore. Other then that it was completely silent, and the sound of our breathing was the only other noise, "I wish we could stay here forever." He lifted my hand off his chest, and kissed it, tender and sweet, "Mmm, and yet we are only here for the weekend." I nudged closer to him, laying my head on his chest, my hair lying beneath me, "Whyyyy?" I whined. He laughed a little, kissing me on the forehead, "Hm, well I have a job and you, my dear, have school." He playfully touched my nose, talking in a childlike tone. I shook my head, "Nope, school is not as important as this." His eyes caught mine, starring at me intensely, "Nothing is as important as you." I felt my cheeks turning red, as he bent down to kiss me again, our tongues meeting halfway.
We were in Turks and Caicos, possibly the most beautiful place I have yet to travel to. The water is crystal blue, and it's been sunny since we got here yesterday afternoon. The beach outside our private tiki hut is pure white, with seashells only in the appropriate places. Palm trees line the surrounding land, and we've seen about three other couples since we've been here. Maybe I like it so much because of the fact that its isolate, and we can be a couple. A real couple. None of that hiding stuff, just be us. It really is the best feeling ever.
I'm not quite sure how we ended up here. It all started with a spiral of lies, mostly to my parents. It started small, but it got big, once I realized that going away included flying, and other things. Without the help of the girls, this defiantly would not have become a reality. I can still remember asking them to help us.
The grass was bright green around us, as we laid out on a checkered blue and white blanket, starring up at the sky, trying to pick out different animals. Immature, I know. I figured now was the best time to ask them. Ezra and I had been talking about sneaking off for a weekend away for a while, but I always pushed it to the back of my mind, figuring it would never happen.
"Guys..." I whispered, through our searching for 'animals.'
"What is it Ar?" Hannah replied.
"Let's say, hypothetically, I wanted to go away with my boyfriend for the weekend, err, do you think maybe... well I don't know... would you maybe..."
Spencer cut me off mid-sentence, "Aria Montgomery, you want to go away for the weekend with Fitzy!" We all laughed a little uncomfortably, "It would be nice." I quietly replied.
"Ohhh, this is scandalous." She stated back. Hannah slapped her on the arm, "Stop it Spenc!" then she rolled over to face me, propping up on her elbow, "Of course we could cover for you. But this is going to take some serious good lying, on all of our parts." I nodded.
Emily raised her hand as if she were in a classroom, "Ooo, ooo, let's say we are all going somewhere." Hannah eyed her, and sarcastically said, "Oh ya Em, and when we are all still here, but Aria magically has gone away, what will that look like?" She bowed her head a little, "True. True."
"Wait, I have an idea.. why don't we make up some trip you are going on for school or something." Spencer added.
I put up my hands, "We have time guys, we'll figure something out." We all concluded we would continue thinking of possible scenarios to tell my parents, but in the meantime we went back to looking at the clouds, what every 16-year old wants to do.
As we laid here still in the same comfortable position I couldn't help but think about how way too perfect this was. I was on vacation with my boyfriend, and my parents didn't know. In the end we had told them that I was going to visit a college in Florida. They were kind of shocked as to why I would go by myself, but I told them that I would be meeting with people all weekend, so it would probably not make any sense for them to come anyway. They pressured me to buy a ticket, but when I told them that the 'college' I was going to visit was paying for it, they didn't object too much, just told me to be careful and be smart, the normal parent advice to any teen.
"Baby." I quietly said.
"Mmhm?" He asked softly.
"I'm hungry."
"Are you?"
"I am really hungry."
He tickled my sides, playfully saying, "Maybe we should get some food."
Standing up quickly, hating to be tickled in the sides, I laughed and told him, "Get dressed and let's go explore!"
He sat up, rubbing his head, "Oh, we are explorers now?"
I ran into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. "Yes. Get dressed."
He was standing in the doorway, both doors open beside him. His back was facing me, and he seemed to be starring out into space, at the crystal blue ocean. I tip-toed up behind him, wrapping my arms around his chest, even though the barely fit all the way around. I buried my head in his back. His shirt smelled clean and like him. "Whatcha thinking about?" I asked. Not turning around, he replied, "You." I giggled slightly, questioning him, "Me?" He pulled me around to the front, wrapping his arms around my petite frame, "How lucky I am." I entwined my fingers with his, playing with my rings a little. When I didn't reply he said, "This is perfect." I nodded, content with the position we were in, "You're prefect." I told him.
Pointing to a boat that was becoming closer and closer to the shore he asked me, "See that?" I bit my lip, nodding. "That's for us." I looked at him stunned, and managed to mutter, "What?" He tapped my nose playfully with his index finger, "All for you B-26." I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards to beach, "Let's go!" Following my lead, he released my hand, running beside me, "Last one there...err, looses." Glancing over at him I said, "You're on Fitz." "Oh, Montgomery, you have no idea what you just agreed to." Sand flew up behind his feet, and he took off. Astonished I took off my sandals and ran after him. Once I was a foot away from him, and we were on the beach I lunged for him, jumping on his back. He fell over, bring me down with him. We hit the sand, rolling over, laughing. Sand was in my mouth and I spat it out, "Ewwww." He carefully brushed the sand off my face, leaning into kiss me, simply stating, "I won." I pulled away from the kiss, pushing him off me, "Rematch. You so got a head start."
A/N: Adorable fluff is basically all this story is going be. haha. That's what I like. REVIEW.