I stumble from unseen debris. My glasses slip off and clink onto the floor. I curse, causing my companion to halt and face me. "Kakipi, hurry up!" He shouted in whisper. (I never understood why he started calling me that.) We couldn't afford to stop. Not even for a second! I knew that but- "Kakipi-!" "My glasses," I mutter as I feel the floor for my vision aid. The windows are all boarded, and even with the little moonlight that manages to creep through I can't see. The murky darkness is terrifying; especially when you're almost blind. "Kakipi!" "Found them," I sigh in relief as my shaking hands place my glasses back onto their usual seat as I stand. As my vision clears the first thing I see is how pale Joshima Ken's face is. It could be the moonlight but…he's shaking a lot. Is he cold? A chill runs down my arms and back. Now I know why. "And where do you think you're going, #49?" Dread is all I feel. It's too late to run. Useless. And this is the final time. "Ken, get out of here," I say. "N-no way! Not without you, Ka-!" They laugh behind me, "Oh don't worry, you two won't be needed anymore." A hand ruptures through my chest and blood –my own blood- begins to choke me. This pain is new. It's not just a bruise or scratch that'll heal eventually. No…this won't heal. Knowing that hurts more. Knowing Ken, my one companion (my friend?), will go through this too hurts. It all hurts so much-ah. It's fading. My vision is blurring, even with my glasses. How weird. Ken's screams are muffles. Just muffles. My heart doesn't work anymore. It feels weird. Dying.