Hey there! Well this weekend I got a new inspiration for a story, soooooo Vouge was created! XD yay for new fics!:D Don't worry, the Slave Girl wont be forgotten, and I'll still continue:) But for now, enjoy my latest fic.
"Great I'm down to my last penny...again. At this rate, I won't have enough money for laundry let alone food." She brushed a pink strand from her face, giving a heavy sigh. Sakura Haruno was in her second year of college, and not just any college, but Konoha Leaf University. KLU was the one of the most elite universities in Japan, not to mention the most expensive. Usually only sons and daughters of rich entrepreneurs and very wealthy families come to KLU, but her brains let her get in with a scholarship, even then she barely got by on it. She had a job at the Fire Leaf Cafe, but it didn't pay enough. Besides, waiting tables, and being called "excuse me", was starting to get on her nerves. She looked at the clock in her dorm room. "5:15", she sighed, knowing it was almost time for work.
She tugged on her black frame glasses and put her hair in a messy bun. She pulled on a white shirt, blue jeans and got her green apron with the cafe logo on it. She quickly looked at herself in the mirror, and examined her face. She had the usual dark circles from late night studying and stress. Her complexion wasn't so bad, there was a zit or two, but otherwise, smooth fair skin. Her green eyes were always hidden behind her "nerdy" frames. Yup, she fit the perfect description for "classic geek". It wasn't her fault, she just didn't have a reason to be all glammed up and nice, or the money. Besides, why should she look all cute and pretty just to be waiting on tables and mixing coffee? She glanced at the clock.
"5:20, ten minutes to get there."
Sakura grabbed her ipod, and closed the door behind her.
"Ok just one more pose and we're finished," said the camera man. Sasuke Uchiha smirked as a female model was put next to him for the picture. She was a blonde with huge boobs, tiny waist, nice hips, you know, the ideal model. Sasuke Uchiha, a second year college student, and son to one of the richest business men in Japan, not to mention a drop dead gorgeous international model. His sculpted six-pack abs, finely chiseled chin, money, and bad-boy attitude made him the hottest piece of eye-candy at KLU. He had a total of seventeen fan clubs, and a few websites created by fans, all which added to his overly-sized ego.
The blonde smiled seductively as she was positioned in his embrace. His face inches away from hers as they looked into each other's eyes. He was shirtless, and wore dark jeans, his boxers slightly peeping knew he had her right where he wanted her. No girl could deny his good looks. Flashes of white light consumed both bodies as the picture was taken. The blond bit her bottom lip as if to entice him more. He knew where this would lead to, it always had the same ending. He would use turn on his charm, and lead this girl back to his dorm room for a night of drinking and late-night fun. Oh yes, Sasuke Uchiha wouldn't be leaving alone today.
"Alright Sasuke you can go, come back tomorrow for the proofs of today's shoot, as for you miss...," he looked towards the blonde still clinging to Sasuke's shirtless form.
"Ayume, my name is Ayume," she said.
"Right, Miss Ayume, your manager called and said you have another shoot right after this one, so you best be on your way." Sasuke gave a sigh. "So much for not going alone," he thought.
Ayume smiled and left Sasuke's arms but not before giving him a wink. He checked her out as she walked away. He smirked and went to go change.
(30 min later...)
Sasuke came out wearing a black button down shirt and dark blue jeans. He made his way outside to his 599 GTO Ferrari. His phone began to ring, he noticed the ringer and gave an annoyed sigh.
"What is it now dobe?"
"Shut up you bastard, I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party, everyone's going."
"Well since my plans for later on were ruined, sure, I guess."
"Great, Neji and I will get you later, I'm gonna ask Shikamaru if he wants to go. In the meantime, how about you try getting rid of that stick thats so far up you're ass teme, I'm sure it'll be more comfortable to walk without it, haha! Later!"
"Hn stupid Naruto," he said chuckling to himself. He drove all the way to his dorm.
(Fire Leaf Cafe)
"Sakura, I need you to take the night shift tonight," said Anko. Anko was her boss, she was in charge of everyone in the cafe. She was a nice woman, and was in her senior year of college.
"But I have studying to do, I've got a major test, besides it's two weeks before finals Anko," Sakura protested.
"You know that I don't take no for an answer Sakura, you're taking the night shift, and that's it." Anko saw how stressed Sakura looked and gave a sigh. "Look, bring you're work with you here. If there aren't alot of customers, take a break, and study, you can even get stuff from the menu, just take the shift for tonight." She looked at Sakura with hopeful eyes. Sakura breathed out in defeat.
"Ok, but if you've got nothing left of food here, blame yourself, you let me." Anko gave a small smile and left handing Sakura the keys.
"Oh well, might as well have a snack." She grabbed a plate of sushi and vitamin water, taking her break.
(Later that evening at the Cafe...)
Sasuke, Naruto, Neji and Shikamaru had just come from a party full of drunk girls and noisy music. As much fun as it had been, all four boys were tired and in need of some quiet time.
"Damn, teme those fans of yours can get really...whats the word,"Naruto began to think
"Annoying," said Shikamaru.
"Yeah that. Man Sasuke, I feel bad for you. Even our fans have a bit of control," said Naruto.
Yes all four boys had their fan clubs. Naruto Uzumaki is a model just like Sasuke, only he doesn't take it as seriously. His family name is well known since his father Minato Uzumaki runs along side the Uchiha's in business. His mother Kushina Uzumaki, the fair skinned red haired beauty, is one of the top designers in the world, and has business all over. Naruto is in his second year of college along with Sasuke and Shikamaru. He loves food, especially ramen. With his bright blonde hair and funny personallity, girls swoon at his boyish charms.
Shikamaru Nara is a genius with a 4.0 GPA. He's tied in for rank number one with another girl, but doesn't know who she is since clearly they run in different cliques. (A.N/ we all know who she is) His family is very wealthy and respected through out Japan. He has a thing for clouds and playing board games. The downside of this guy? He's lazy, and finds many things troublesome. He was offered a modeling position along side Naruto and Sasuke, but declined since he thinks modeling brings too much drama.
Neji Hyuga is a junior in college. His mysterious eyes draw the attention of most girls on campus. His family owns one of the biggest marketing companies in the nation. It comes 3rd to the Uchiha company. He's a serious young man, and takes things literally. Despite all the girls flinging themselves at his feet, his heart is already taken by Tenten Miyune. His friends make fun of him saying he's whipped. He doesn't admit it, but he's wrapped around her little finger.
All four boys rule the campus, and their reputation exceeds them. With Sasuke as leader of their group, girls everywhere fall for their spell.
"Hey I'm in the mood for something sweet, plus I wanna take the taste of beer out of my mouth," said Naruto.
"Dobe I don't think there's anything open right now on campus."
"Yeah there is, look." He pointed to the Fire Leaf Cafe. All four made their way to the small building.
The front doors dinged, signaling that customers had come in. Sakura put down her books, and made her way to the counter. She stood two feet away from four handsome guys sitting at a table. Since she went to the same school, she knew very well who they were. Not that she was crushing on any of them, she knew better than to fall for a guy that uses girls, flirts with others, and breaks their heart.
"Ugh might as well get this over with," she said grabbing her small notepad and making her way to the table. "Hi, can I get you anything?"
"Yea one coffee, black, two scones and four waters, oh and a small ramen too," said Naruto.
"Comming right up," she said.
As the pink haired girl left, the boys began talking amongst themselves.
"So Uchiha, have your new assistant flyers been answered yet," asked Neji.
"Yea, but they're all fan girls that want to get in my bed. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I need an assistant that's serious to work for me. I can't have just anyone for the position."
"Hey I heard the job pays really good, too good for an assistant's job," said Shikamaru.
"Well being my assistant has it's privlages."
Naruto got up and grabbed one of the flyers off the cafe's bulletin board and sat back down.
"Damn teme, can I be you're assistant?"
"Read the requirements you idiot."
"Must be female..." Naruto gave Sasuke a look, and sighed.
Meanwhile, Sakura was busy making the ramen, and coffee. When she was done, she put all dishes on the tray to take over to her customers. It was kinda heavy, but she didn't think too much of it and made her way to the table. She began to lose herself in thought.
"Ok I'll just serve these jerks, and my shift's over. Ugh I've gotta work on my finals essay, then do the laundry, and figure out how I'm gonna make extra money."
So one moment she's thinking to herself, next thing, she's tripping over herself, and spilling all the contents of the tray on Sasuke Uchiha...the first word that came to her mind?
Sasuke just sat there with coffee all over his pants, which was cooled off by the four glasses of water. Sakura was on her knees, and just sat there dumbfounded, thinking of a way to apologize. Naruto and and the others were laughing their butts off since it was only Sasuke who got caught in the mess. Naruto laughed so hard, he was rolling on the floor, and let go of the flyer, which coincidently landed on Sakura's damp head.
"Hn," Sasuke smirked as he regained his composure. "Well, well, well, it looks as if you've made a mess of me and yourself," he said.
"I-I-I am so sorry, I can pay for your dry cleaning," she stammered and stood up, facing Sasuke who was now standing as well."
"Oh you will pay, just not with money," he said pulling her closer to face him", but with your body." She could feel his breath on her face. His cologne invaded her senses, making her blush.
"Tell me, are you fast, responsible? Do you work well under pressure? Do you obey orders?" Sakura tried to process all he was asking.
"Y-yes, but what does that ha-"
"Good, very good." He smirked as he gently lifted the flyer off her head, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Boys, I think the position as my assistant has been filled..."