This is just a rough copy of this chapter... it's not in my best 'read through' abilities. Though I did have a quick read through. Depending on just how well the response is, will depend on whether I continue to write. I also want to disclaim that Merlin isn't mine, if he were mine do you really think I would be sitting here writing this? lol. But yes Adira is my OC. As the chapter proceeds I will explain more of her history and how she came to be, considering how Arthur was born in the show. I'm going clear it all up for you, if you want to know more, then you'll just have to fave and wait for me to write ;)

Enjoy :D

I stood on the balcony with my brother and father as I watched a most horrific sight. My father the crowned king of Camelot 'Uther Pendragon' address the people. Camelot was one of the strongest and most powerful kingdoms in all the world. But that thought was far from my mind as I stood here, my hand placed in my brothers. He stood strong for the peoples views of him, for me as his sister and for his own pride. But I could sense the fear in him. The fear that father had manage to put within the word 'magic' since myself and Arthur were born. I believe it is not so much that the people fear the magic, its that they fear what father will do to them for ever seeing or hearing about magic. That fear was in mine and Arthur's hearts too and this fear seemed to be strong in Arthur's mind at this moment. I turned my head to my twin brother, the un- crown prince of Camelot 'Arthur Pendragon' and smiled sadly at him so at least he knew he wasn't alone.

Me you may ask, I am the un-crown princess of Camelot 'Adira Pendragon'. Me and my brother are the only heir's to Camelot's throne, a kingdom where magic is banned. Which over fathers life time has lead to most magic users holding some form of grudge against him so that of course you realise is my fathers most obvious weakness as well as 'us' as a wave of people dealing with these grudges and so father takes extreme lengths to make sure I'm under his radar at all time, Arthur be obident and kept happy with the responsibilities he has and also destroying every person associated with magic, it was a cycle no one could beat. Though for some reasons unknown, I found my myself sympathising with the magic users even as I grew up with threats to my life on a daily bases (at least that's the way it seemed to me) and I recieved far more than Arthur, because I was deemed the easier pray I still found tears forming at the cryings of a relative of these 'innocent' people and makes me wonder 'if father hadn't started killing people because of what they are would these people still have happy lives today?'

I looked down once again to the crowd as my eyes scanned the scene before me trying to avoid the sight of the man being placed in his finally place to experience life. Just beyond the crowd was a young man, no older than 20 years of age with raven black hair, a sort of wisdom weaved into his glimmering eyes and rather oddly big ears which I found strangly handsome stood out to me. The mystery man had a smile on his face, one that made me want to smile but I forced myself not to give in, being in this current situation smiling would be stupid and life threatening.

My eyes dared to not leave the young man as his eyes questioned the crowd and that's when he looked up at us as he was following the eyes of so many members of the crowds. We are of course the royal family of the kingdom. He looked from Father, to Arthur, to me. His eyes meet with mine and his smile grew for a moment before it was gone as the young boy understand the situation as he tangled himself within the crowd to hear my father speak those awful words.

I always knew my father's views on magic were twisted with revenge though I'm not sure Arthur will believe it if I ever told him that many of Father's views were wrong. Unlike me Arthur idolized our father and I did well to remember that. I agree that some of the supposed magic users deserved the fate they got. But I believe only 1 in 10 of father's murders (yes that's what I think they were) were justified and that caused some deep unresolved anger in me and I found as I grew older the only way to vent it was to used it in my secret training with the knights and if father ever found out, if Arthur ever found out. I shrudder to even think what I'd do.

But when I was much more strong headed about these things, I always argued with father and it came to the point where I was locked in a cell at least once a month. That's when Arthur pleaded with me to stop arguing, he had concerns for my health which were probably jusified as he banned me from eating for weeks at a time. That's when I finally realised there was very little I could actually do for these people but to make sure that father at least gave them some sort of a chance before they were exercuted. But as present times came Father decided my answer weren't deemed important enough it be considered as they once were. Bringing my thoughts back to the recent events was Father moving.

Father raised his arm and let it fall as did the hanging anticipated axe. With a swift blow the man's head cut straight off. I had to look away because even after years of seeing the horrid sight I still felt sick to my stomach even hearing the sound of bone hitting the metal axe's blade. I leant into Arthur's chest, he hugged me as he rested his head on top of mine,it was his way of comforting me and protect me from this terrible scene. I may not tell Arthur about my views on Father but he knew my views on not having a real justified reason for killing, but even if it was justified it doesn't mean I have to like the horror scene of someones head being chopped of, does it? I forced myself to looked back towards the horrible scene and looked everywhere but where servants were no cleaning the blood. I saw Morgana starring down at the body from her bedroom window, the emotional battle going on within her was clear for all to see. She caught my eye and I tried to send her a look of comfort, of shared sorrow. But her attention focused on father, her gaurdain as he started to speak once again.

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos... but with the peoples help magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery" The crowd remained silent as they had all (myself included) heard the familiar speak repeated for many years. Father raised his arms and declared

"Let the celebrations begin" The crowd started to dissipate, but the crowd moved less than a foot or said a more than 2 words before a waling cry caught everyone's attention. The people surround the origin of the piecing screech backed away, this made it clear for us to see where it had come from. The cry came from what I had earlier learnt was the recently slain's mother. She looked up at us with such hatred in her eyes, I could not keep her gaze for long. My eyes rested on the young mysterious boy as he listened to the words she spoke and the thing I'm sure most people within Camelot thought

"There is only one evil in this land and it is not magic, it is you. With your hatred and your ignorance... you killed my son" she cried her words turned bitter "But I promise you before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A son for a son" I clang to Arthur, so tightly he could barely breathe. But I didn't care what pain he felt, but there was no way she was getting my brother, no way in hell.

Somewhere in my mind I wondered why I wasn't the target, wasn't I good enough to be a threat against father? But thoses thoughts were buried as my concern from Arthur grew. Arthur was rubbing my back in reassurance as he put on a brave face for his people, but I could feel his hands shaking as he tried to reassure me, so I clung to him tighter to reassure him. Father pointed to her, to everyone else he just seemed to be doing his job as king. But to me and Arthur he was shaken, even shared, the fear was clear to anyone who looked close enough.

"Seize her" That's when the women I no longer sympathized with disappeared in a puff of smoke. Father rushed inside, not wanting to seem weak or even emotional infront of the common camelot people. I looked up to see Morgana closing her window as her tears began to fall. Then I cast my eyes to the young man that had caught my eye looked like he too was on the edge of tears and for some strange reason i felt more sympathy for him rather than my father or sister. He looked up at me once more, even though he looked scared and his emotions running high he spared me a kind smile. A smile that I returned to the best of my ability before Arthur pulled me inside and I just let him pull me as I let ever figure of the mysterious boy appear in my mind.

That night at the feast, I sat between my father and Arthur, my concern for Arthur still great and that stopped me from enjoying myself but everyone else was laughing and having a good time. Though did not let people know I wasn't having fun, because I'd also learnt from experience that if I didn't at least look like I was having fun father would punish me so I planted a 20 years of practice smile on my face and only spoke when spoken to. I strongly believed that no mans death should be the reason for celebration, no matter what evil the man has committed. Deciding I had had enough and with father out of the room I excused myself from the normal chatter that Arthur was kindly having with Leon about the knights and made my way out of the throne room and made my way down the hall.

I needed some fresh air, knowing father had gone probably in search of Morgana. Seeing this as my best course of attack and the best excuse for not being in the hall. I made my way to where I knew she'd be, wondering just what Father was going to say to her if he found her of course. I do worry about Morgana someimes she's always too fiery for her own good, never really thinking before she argued with father and from personal experience I knew the consequences. Not that I blamed her though, I'd had found my anger relieve, she just left it bottled up until it came out mostly at Gwen (her maidservant). But most recently it was aimed at fathers every decision, especially the ones involving magic. Most of the time she was right but she didn't have the control and the consistant reminder that she was the heir to the throne nor obligations to the man as a father, unfortantally her biological father deid. I always stopped myself from speaking out of term, though after hearing Morgana views I finding myself having to fight with myself more and more, which only made me train harder and longer with the knights.

I stopped at the corner near the window's that looked out at the courtyard, which I was sure still had the execution stage placed there. I got there just in time to hear father say yelling at Morgana about there being no room for magic in his kingdom, we had both heard these words so many time that if I had a compliment from father every time he said that, I'd actually feel as if he cared about me. I sighed to myself as I heard father tell Morgana

"You'll be there when I greet Lady Helen. You are my guardian, I expect you to do as I ask... if you show me no respect at least show respect for our finest singer" Then he walked around the corner as Morgana yelled another failed attempt to make him see reason. Knowing he was coming my way I made it seem as if I was just walking the other way. I bumped into him accidently on purpose. He grabbed my arms that were down at my side and he said

"Adira why are you doing here? Why are you not with your brother?" As if it's my job to look after Arthur all the time, you're the parent, you do it. I thought angerly but I smiled sweetly at father and spoke

"I saw you weren't having any success in find lady Morgana, I knew this is where she goes to think, so I thought I would see if she was here. But it seems you beat me here father" Father looked sceptical but he nodded. He looked at me for a moment before he squeezed my arm and headed back down to the hall. I made sure Father was around the next corner before I walked up to Morgana and hugged her, not a word uttered because I knew she didn't them just simply the comfort of knowing she wasn't alone. I smiled at her and then lead her back to the throne room. She didn't fight me as she knew not attract attention the rest of night's feast because it would just end up making father even angrier and we both knew that that normally lead to a night in the cells and Morgana was cut up enough about the mans death and worries for Arthur's life to even consider spending the night with nothing but an empty cell and your thoughts for company.

Later that night before I made my way to my chambers I made my way to Gaius, the courts physican to ask for another sleeping draft. I found my nightmares of beasts, of dragons and Camelot's fall haunting me more and more every night. As I reach the door I knocked and patiently waited for an answer. Gaius came to the door, smiled widely at me and opened it wide for me to enter. As I walked in I asked

"Gaius... I am here to collect my medicine" Gaius smiled sweetly at me and handed me a small bottle from the table next to him. I loved Gaius dearly, me and Arthur both did though Arthur would stubbornly disagree with it. Gaius was like the grandfather we never had, he was the man we turned to with concerns about almost everything as we were growing up. I found during purperity (As Gaius had called it) I was going to Gaius once a week with another drama to share and like the great man he was he always listened, always understood and always seemed to know what to say and when to say it. I took the medicine from his hand and went to leave as the young man that I had earlier today pondered on walk into the Chambers. His presents forced me to smile at the boy as he tripped over his own feet, falling to the floor with a thud. I laughed lightly and put my hand out to help him up. He took the hand with grace and landed on his feet with a bounce to his step. I tried not to notice the shiver his touch sent up my spine. He said

"T-th-an-k- k my lady" I nodded to him, letting go of his hand

"No worries-"asking his name. He come to the realization and said

"Merlin sire" I put my hand out for him to take, he took it with a smile

"Well Merlin try to not fall over your own feet too much and don't let my brother intimidate you because of it, if you ever had the misfortune of meeting him" My tone not too serious. Merlin laughed as he nodded

"I will keep that in mind my lady" I smiled at him

"Adira please... when it is just us or other servants around please call me by my first name, most other people in the castle, servants and nobles alike" Merlin smiled at me with such a wide smile I felt my heart bursting with joy, to think I had caused that. I then turn on my heel and made my way out of the chamber, not wanting to show my blush as I bid them farewell. That night Merlin plagued my dreams which was a happy relief to me, considering just how many nights I've gone to bed without getting more than a few hours of comfortable sleep before the nightmares returned

I woke the following morning with a bright smile on my face. For once I had gotten a full night sleep and it felt nice, as I walked with Morgana around the training grounds on this beautiful morning. Morgana excused herself as she needed to sort out an outfit for tonight's feast, wanting to apologize to father by seemed as involved and happy as she could.

As I made my way to the knights training field I saw Merlin walking into the field too. I smile at him

"Hello Merlin" Merlin stopped and stood next to me.

"Hello Adira... how are you today?" I turned to him surprised. He's expression changed to panicked.

"Calm down Merlin. You have done nothing wrong. I am just not use to servants asking how I am. Normally they are too scared, even if I am kind" Merlin laughed a little. As he watched the servant that was being teased by the knights grabbing a big target.

"Well Adira, I do not see why not to ask you. I can already see you are happy today, the bags under your eyes are lighter and you smile remains on your face" He smiled at me with such genuine care I had to blink a few time. I changed the subject

"As you can properly tell the blonde knight is my idiot of a brother, he is always like this with the knight. A complete stubborn annoying prince" As the arrows were throw at the target Merlin seemed to become more and more on edge, he started shifting from foot to foot. The servant holding the target lost control, he dropped the target as he turned to get himself stable on his feet.

The target rolled in front of me and Merlin. Merlin's foot landed on the target as he shouted

"Hey" at Arthur. I covered my eyes as I watched the scene which ended in Merlin yelling at Arthur

"Who do you think you are? The king?" As much as I wanted to step in I forced myself not too. I didn't understand why Merlin acted as if he didn't know who Arthur was. I had just told him. The guards grabbed Merlin and let him to the dungeons at order of Arthur. I spent the rest of the day arguing with Arthur to realise him. But he couldn't be realised until me , Arthur and Morgana had attended the arrival of lady Helen. I sat in my throne as I impatiently waited for Lady Helen to walk the length of the great hall. One Uther had spoken words of praise to the lady Helen, she and father left hand in hand.

I sensed something was wrong with her, not her usual self. But I was too distracted with trying to realise Merlin to try and figure out more. As soon as I was able to dismiss myself I went to Gaius's chambers to tell him to realise Merlin, not wanting to seem too eager for his affection. Which is what I dreamt of last night of him loving me as if he were my prince. Even though I had only known him a day, I couldn't help but think he was going to become a permanent part of my life whether I really wanted him to or not.

After that I headed to my chambers, next door to Arthur and went to bed after drinking Gaius's draft. But instead of my dreams being sweet as I prayed they were. I dreamt of lady Helen's performance the falling evening and how the beautiful music caused cobweb's to form and everyone to fall asleep. Then I saw Lady Helen throw a dagger right at Arthur. I woke with another startle, bolting straight up on my bed and my eyes burned they're usual morning gold. I got out of bed and dressed myself in my normal simple style of dress. I didn't like theses dresses much, but I was princess and was expected to wear them, so I did. I decided to go and see Sire Leon after I had finished my breakfast about training the following night. But something still felt off to me and no matter what I tried to convince myself of, I still felt on edge.

As I made my way to Leon's chambers, I bumped into a determined looking Merlin.

"Merlin... how are you?" Merlin spared me a smile before answering

"I'm okay considering I still have rotten vegetables in my hair" he laughed a little. "Thank you My lady. I was told my Gaius is was due to you I was released as quick as I was" I smiled at him

"I know how unfair Arthur can be. It would seem he takes after his father" Merlin didn't ask anything or demand I explain. He just nodded in understand and excused himself explaining he had to do a job for Gaius. I told him I too was busy and we parted. A smile spread on my face until I reacted Leon's chambers. I knocked on his door; I heard a call for me to enter. I open the door and smile at him.

"Leon I was hoping you were still here... I came to ask whether you were up for training tonight?" Leon offered me a chair at his table, which I accepted. He nodded as he continued to eat his breakfast.

"you sure are a slow eat Leon" He laughed and said as he finished his mouthful
"No, It's a strategy... Would you rather I be dealing with the gossiping knights right now because they tend to gossip about the royal family a lot and I'd be inclined to tell you. So if I don't hear it, I can pass it on and that way the gossip stops before they end up getting hard" I laugh at that

"I guess that makes sense, though it does make me wonder what they say about me" Leon nodded in understanding. If you wish to know then just as the servant's who hear it all, they will surely tell you. We ended up talking like we usually do, all day, about the usual things. Somehow Merlin was brought up.

"Arthur was a complete jerk. All Merlin did was defend someone in need and he went and threw him in prison... urgg I hit my brother sometimes" Leon suddenly burst out laughing.

"It would seem this young servant has made quiet the impression on you Adira... be careful to not fall for him" I gasped. Fall for him? How could he think I would fall for him? No of course I don't like him. He's a bumbling idiot who did a heroic thing and I respect him for him. Nothing more.

"Love him? You're talking rubbish Leon, He is just a servant" Leon lent in me and whispered

"That doesn't mean you can't like him Adira" I shut up after that and Leon laughed as he saw me consider his answer. I stuck to Leon like glue for the rest of the day as he went about his daily business. The good thing about being the princess is that I could do this and Father wouldn't complain. I used to do it with Arthur all the time but stopped as Arthur grew older and wanted to spend more time with his 'knights'. His little group and I just got teased and bullied by them all. Arthur did very little to stop it or he even a few times joined in and so I found myself making excuses more and more. I would then spend the time with Morgana or Leon. It was my way of socialising and father accepted that even if he'd rather me be working on finding a husband. After I had my dinner in Leon's chambers (which wasn't anything new) Me and Leon and the other knights spent the late night training. But I knew what time to be in bed by because I knew father was dining with Lady Helen tonight and getting caught now would only mean more trouble for me.

The following morning I was once again woke to the same nightmare of Lady Helen's singing seeming adding to the beautiful yet haunting scene that ending with Arthur being killed by a dagger thrown through his chest and that uneased feeling seemed to only grow stronger with each repeat of the nightmare. Yestaday I could forget my worries knowing whatever happened Leon was at my side, but right now yestaday seemed years ago and my fear for my brothers life growing ever strong. As I sat up in bede I realised I had no rush to do anything today or be anything apart from tonights events and I was silently thankful for the time to come to turns and control my emotions.

I spent the morning curling my hair, which I didn't do unless I had a few hours to kill. I hummed a tune that I know was one of my mother's favourite song. It was one of the ways I stayed connected to her, as Arthur had the necklace with a scetch of mother and father inside, it was nothing special but it showed how happy and in love they were. Bringing me from my bittersweet thoughts that had set tears strolling down my cheek was a knock on my door. I shouted enter quickly whipping my tears and putting up a well practiced wall around my heart. I turn to the door to see Merlin entering which was very unusual yet I couldn't help but feel instantly better. He didn't look at me as he pushed open the door and speaking

"Adira... Gaius told me to bring this to you, he thought you'd need a fresh bottle"He looks up at me still fiddling with the flask with a absentminded tendence. I smile at up him from the stool of my dresser and thank him

"Thank you Merlin, I take it you also had to deliver one to lady Morgana too. It would seem she too is plagued by nightmares" Merlin nodded

"Yes I know Adira. Gaius explained to me, I do wish you Morgana the best of health. Though Morgana seems to be rather annoyed about this evening, something about Arthur not inviting her.." He seemed to hesitate for a moment and placed the bottle on my bed side counter before closing the door and then slowly and fairly asked "If I may be so bold Adira. what is wrong? I saw you crying as I entered. I only mean to ask I do not want to offend you" I laughed sadly and nodded

"yes Merlin I'm fine just thinking about my mother... and about Morgana and Artur even though they have a sibling like bond they tend to be prone to going with each other to the royal events and I stick to Sire Leon as I know he is good company as well as he the only knight who I feel comfortable talking to about anything" Merlin again nodded in understanding and what surprised me is it wasn't that kind of social understanding where you just say you understand for the sake of being a good friend. Merlin actually looked like he meant it.

"Yes Sire Leon is very kind. He came to Gaius's chamber asking for some pain relief for his back and when I told him Gaius was unavailable and that he couldn't get his medicine until later that day... He did not get angry or yell at me like most of the other knights I've had the misfortune to meet... he just smiled and nodded and told me to let Gaius know of his request and when I then forget considering I was in jail and all, he only laughed and called Arthur a prat..." It did not go unnoticed by me how he left the subject that angered me alone, knowing better than to try and express it and also the way he left the most emotional topic to last. The smile slowly fell from his face as he said "Adira I do understand what it is like to not know a parent and still somehow want to know if you are like them. If you've made them proud, if you even look like them and with every mistake you wonder if they're disappointed, upset with you and the not knowing is almost as bad as your pain of not knowing them... I never knew my father" I laughed I don't know what I was, it's not like what Merlin said was funny. Maybe it was the way he understood how I felt maybe it was the way he always spared me a smile, maybe it was the way his presences just made me want to simple ear to ear. I like hearing Merlin speak, he's sweet and he had a way of making himself seem kinder than any act he could ever explain and he knew I was crying though I know from looking in the mirror that I did not look as if I was.

"Yes indeed he is right he is a prat... Though do not speak of it to anyone else. Arthur will find out eventually...Thank you Merlin, yes that is how I feel, but that was not why I was crying. I was crying because I'd hate to think that father was so happy with her and he seems to have a happy bond with Arthur, yet he treats me like I am nothing more than another member of the royal family... Anyway how are you enjoying life in Camelot so far?" He's smile turned sad and his tone understanding, he knew I did not want to talk about it but still keep what he said sweet and each insult through towards Arthur was heartfelt even now I knew

"Well apart from having been thrown in Jail, hearing voice, rotten veg thrown at my head, see the beautiful Lady Adira cry, Oh and Gaius yelling at me for being an idiot, it's been just peachy" I laughed and patted his shoulder I loved how that properly wasn't even the worst and still managed to smile brightly at me.

"Thank you Merlin, it's nice to know someone finds me beautiful, Ahh as for the other things, at least you're never bored" I shrugged and we laughed. Merlin turned to look out the window as if noticing the time. He said suddenly and almost reluctantly.

"Sorry Adira... Gaius wants me to help with some more stuff only one man and a whole kingdom of patience... I have to go. I liked talking to you though. And Adira if people say you are not beautiful they have no eyes to see and no soul to feel. You're a nice change compared to your brother" I laugh at his comment and waved goodbye to him as he fled the room. He left a smile on my face for hours. How did he do it? no one could make me smile, yet he did it with ease and left it remaining hours after he had left my company and all the while he was here my heart was in a flutter.

Later that day. I was inside the throne room (which was the usual destination for royal events)for the preformance. Leon had me hanging on his arm, during our day together he had asked me if I wanted to go with him, because he knew if I was with anyone else I wouldn't have much fun. I still remained quiet as he laughed and joked with another older knights. Thats when I saw Merlin and Gaius enter the room and Merlin had a smile plastered on his face. That's when Morgana came walking in. Her entrance drew attention of all the knights and Merlin. I got the most sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach as Merlin started at her in 'aww'. I was glad when Gaius's harsh words snapped him back to reality and the smile wiped off his face.

I considered going over there, but as soon as I worked up the courage someone else seemed to catch his attention, especially Morgana servant Gwen, she seemed rather friendly with him, which only make the sickening feeling in my stomach worse. I stayed with Leon until the horns were blown and Father's entrance was announced. Father then kindly announced lady Helen and I tried to ignore the fact that everything looked exactly like my nightmare. I looked around as everyone took their seats to see Merlin standing to the side, looking at Lady Helen. Waiting for what I was sure to be a brilliant performance.

As she began to sing I listened in amazement, her voice soft, beautiful and all the more familiarly haunting. After a while I began to fell sleepy more so than I usually felt in these dreadly bored events. It was felt like a drug is in my system something forcing me to sleep, forcing me into unconsciousness and nothing scared me more. I felt cobweb gather around me, but I found myself powerless to do anything. My worry was Arthur, It was happening, my nightmare the one which ended with Arthur's dead blood soked body slumbered lazily into his throne, now colour in his face, the look of shock still clear in his eyes and all at the hands of a revenge seeking women.

As my thoughts turned to the fact that my nightmares were coming true, at the fact that the very thing that had kept me up for days was coming true that my dream was merely more than a dream I started waking up. When I looked at the scene before me I saw the imposter of Lady Helen uncloaked and on the floor with the fallen chandelier on top of her. At the back of my mind I wondered how it had fallen at just the right time but I dare not think of that as the grieving mother threw the dagger straight towards Arthur. I hitched my breath feeling powerless to do anything. But just when my fears seemed to becoming reality somehow Merlin manage to gain a path to Arthur and pull him out of the way just in time. Never have I felt so relieved, never have I every wanted to run up and kiss a man on nothing but pure impulse before

Father turned to Merlin his hand resting on Arthur's shoulder only seeming to now be taking in what had happened and said

"You saved my boy, the debt must be repayed. From now on you are Prince Arthur's man servant" Arthur looked shocked, Merlin tried to protest. I stepped in

"No Merlin, you did a great deed... You should be happy" Merlin nodded and thanked Father and me. But as Merlin once again tried to argue Father made it final. Arthur spoke

"Father" he was angry, Father just walked away not hearing any protest from Arthur. I laughed, which everyone joined in with and went back to their royal festivals and at once a few knights and guards were pulling the chandiler out of the way and removing the body from the room. I loved this scene, not only did it mean that Merlin could irritate Arthur but I would see more of Merlin because he would be right next door... and father agreed to it all. Oh how today was a joyous day. Arthur slumped back to his throne, his expression livid. I got up and patted Merlin's back

"Well... good luck" we both laugh which earns us a glare from Arthur. Merlin said his bravery returning

"Thank you My lady... Are you okay considering what has just happened?" I smile at his caring, he always considered me

"Yes Merlin I am fine, a little shaken up from the fact I almost lost my prat of a brother. But I'll get over it" Merlin nodded in understanding

"If you need someone to convince you why not to worry I'm always around" I laugh with him. He sure was brave to say such words in earshot of Arthur. But I figured it was Merlin's revenge for being thrown in jail. I found myself laughing and spending the rest of the night laughing with Merlin, which did bring us the attention of everyone in the room. But I found with every fact I learnt about Merlin I liked him more. But I was trying to convince myself to not fall too hard and too quickly.