This is sequel to The Intrusive Baby. You don't have to have read it but it might help so you know who Zara is. Basically Harry adopted her and dumped her on John to look after her. Zara was then given to another family through social services.

Well done Sherlock and Martin Freeman at the baftas. I loved Benedict's sparkly shoes

I don't own the characters, I just enjoy writing them.

"Yes Mycroft I know I don't speak to Mother enough. It is intentional."

"Well she reckons that you should fulfil your role as a son and at least send her a mother's day card. Moving on, what is it you require?"

"You know what I want."

"Yes I do, I just wish to hear you say the words."

"Fine. I need your help. As easy as it is for me to just hack into your systems and the government CCTV I fatefully cannot be in two places at once and John needs me here as well. I wish for you to double your efforts in the search for Moriarty and give me access to resources and men to set up a decoy he won't be able to resist."

"my my. I never thought I'd see the day when the 'great' Sherlock Holmes would admit to needing help."

"Well at least I don't need the help of a gastric band to keep me looking desirable. Although even major plastic surgery wouldn't help a woman fall for you."

That wiped the smirk off his face, thought Sherlock. 4673 to me and Mycroft nil. Well one to Mycroft if you believed John after what had happened last week.

They were sat in the Baker Street flat while John went out for the shopping after losing the arm wrestling match Sherlock had insisted on after being ordered to do it himself. An ex-soldier John should have won hands down against such a lanky man but John had learned to never underestimate his lover when it came to his body as he somehow hadn't died from malnourishment after years of basically starving himself.

"That was just a consult Sherlock nothing more."

"Sure. And I need you to watch this house." Sherlock handed over a slip of paper, "especially the infant Zara that I presume you know was living here last week. It is important to John that she is safe which means it's important to me."

"Sherlock do you know how much work I have already? I work for the government unless you have forgotten and it is vital that I..."

"I thought you owed me after you let John get taken from under your nose and strapped to explosives."

"Fine Sherlock but you will have to accept the next case I give you without your childish moaning."

John trudged up the stairs to the flat laden with Tesco bags.

"Hello John I was just leaving."

"Oh ok. Bye Mycroft." as Mycroft closed the door John practically ran to the kitchen table and placed the bags on top. "Sherlock I have a surprise for you."

"It's a very nice thought John but you obviously bought a... oh." Sherlock had no idea how to react to John's 'surprise'. He was holding up a bottle of whipped cream from an obscure brand whose recipe was 99% sugar. To anyone else this would leave them sick after a spoonful but to Sherlock it was what heaven would look and taste like if it actually existed. Well John covered in Webbs Whipped Cream, which was what was going to become a reality in a matter of minutes.

As Sherlock started to get an erection just thinking about it, he wondered if this was what John actually had in mind or that he was going to make desert for him. Sherlock was finding it increasingly harder to read John which made studying him somehow even more fascinating. He was shocked that John had actually remembered such as obscure thing about him, people only ever seemed to remember that he was an excellent consulting detective and that they had to call him freak.

"How did you know it was my favourite? And I thought it was banned in Tesco for being too tasty for people to handle."

"Of course I know it's your favourite, you're not the only one who pays attention you know. I also know that your favourite drink is cream soda because it reminds you of ice-cream. And this was banned in Tesco because it was eating through people's tables with all the sugar so I bought it from that market stall you did a double take at last week when you saw it. I hope it doesn't corrode my skin, but my chest will be on fire anyway from the trail your tongue will leave."

Smiling that smile which made John feel like he was being mentally ravished, Sherlock reached his lover in one stride and pulled him up into a kiss so the shorter man was on his tip-toes to stay balanced. It was a hungry kiss of plain want and desire which left both men breathless and hard as John led them to the bedroom.

Sherlock, taking control, took the cream and ordered John to undress and lie on the bed. His voice was lower and rougher than normal which made John somehow harder and longing to lose control to his lover. Sherlock located the red tie in his wardrobe and moved to blindfold John, who he could see was hesitant to lift his head as he had never done this before.

Sherlock bend down and whispered "it's alright I'm here. Do you trust me?"

"Always. Though it would be better if I knew you were naked too."

With John now blind and them both clothesless, Sherlock knelt on the edge of the bed skimmed his fingertips along John's lower chest causing him to shudder.

"You know the longer you tease me the longer you have to wait."

Sherlock chuckled once and straddled John's thighs. He reached for the bottle of whipped cream and squirted it onto John's right nipple. John shuddered at the coldness concentrated to his right side but moaned as Sherlock leaned forward to lap it up, ensuring their erections met. Sherlock's mouth exploded with the sweetness as his tongue licked through the cream until all he could taste was Johnness and felt the fluffiness change to his hardened nipple bud.

He did the same on his left nipple and John moaned again, the blindfold intensifying every feeling. Again and again Sherlock worked John's nipples until they were both bucking against each other desperate for more contact. He would however have happily kept this up until the can was empty had he thought than John wouldn't have exploded from the prolonged sensations. Instead he whispered to John to turn over and squirted cream in a line down from between his shoulder blades.

He licked in zigzags and swirls, moaning against John's back, the vibrations mixed with the masterful tongue causing him to do the same against the pillow. Why they hadn't done this before neither of them knew and John made a mental list of other foods they could try. All thoughts of this vanished from his mind as Sherlock pushed his tongue into his anus. Sherlock thrusted his tongue in and out, bending and twisting inside of him. John's hands gripped the bedrails whilst Sherlock's were tracing patterns up and down his back.

When the small amount of friction the bed provided was no longer enough John begged, "More Sherlock, more." He felt himself being flipped onto his back again and pulled Sherlock's head down into a kiss. He could taste the sickening cream but kept going as he raised his left leg onto Sherlock's shoulder because of the underlying taste of his lover.

Sherlock pushed into John as they both moaned against each other's lips. John saw stars beneath his blindfold as Sherlock hit his prostate.

"There Sherlock. Harder."

John moaned again as Sherlock pushed into him faster and up to the hilt, groaning from the back of his throat at the pleasure of being inside the man he loved and being able to make him lose control.

Sherlock reached down and began to stroke John in time with his nearly frantic thrusts. John came first and Sherlock wasn't far behind with a few quick thrusts and collapsed between his lovers legs. He heard his phone chime.

"That blasted phone!" still Sherlock left the bed to answered it and John took off the blindfold/tie.

"It's Lestrade. Hello. Yes. When. Then why the hell wasn't I informed before. You know for detective inspector you are just as dim as Anderson." with that Sherlock threw his phone back on the floor.

"What is it?"

"It's Zara. She was taken two days ago. They suspect it's Moriarty."