Author's note. Written by me and the-writing-mew.

Enjoy and please review.


Valour entered the first room he found and closed the door; once in there he cried as he processed everything that was said before falling asleep on the huge berth.

Hours later he awoke again finding himself alone; he was about to leave when he heard an odd sound...a humming sound coming from the private washracks. The sound attracted the sparkling's attentions and he walked towards it.

"What...a hammer?" He said looking up at the humming and pulsing object. It emanated a strange aura...calming and powerful at the same time and somehow Valour thought he'd felt like that before...but, how was that possible?

He reached his hand closer to the object until he touched it...and immediately the hammer floated and lightened up so brightly that the luminescence bathed the entire room, but still, Valour felt like he didn't needed to protect his optics.

"Wow..." He gasped in awe before taking the heavy object in hands and moved it slightly easily.

"The Magnus Hammer," an old and deep voice said startling Valour and making the heavy object to fall heavily on the ground.

"Eek! Sorry! I... I didn't mean to...!" The sparkling apologised and ran away from the elder's quarters quickly.

Ultra Magnus however looked at him as he left and stared at the last place he saw him for a long while processing what he just witnessed.

The Nemesis...

"Fragging old bastard afthole of Unicron hammer fragged auto-dork pathetic rusting impotent spike Magnus!" Megatron cursed very loudly, so loudly actually that it was a yelling, a yelling that startled his eight new creations...eight little mechs who started wiggling and crying out loud in discomfort.

Ignoring his sons' distress he continued yelling curses, curses that he wasn't noticing that Slipstream was now learning.

"Allspark almighty, Megatron! Calm down!" Hook tried as he took a syringe from his subspace and prepared himself to download it's contents in Megatron if this one's rage rises.

"Calm down?" Megatron demanded. "When I am still without my firstborn son and no closer to getting my hands on him than I was a solar rotation ago?"

"I know it's frustrating," Hook said slowly as Megatron glared at him. "But you must think of your other Sparklings, you have eight newborn sons that need you, not to mention a sparkling daughter and a carrier. You will get your son back but you must calm down."

Megatron growled before stamping over to Starscream's berth, laying down and pulling the Seeker to his side. At least this carrier was obedient and did not run at the first opportunity. He heard a sound and saw Slipstream climbing up and onto his chest. He sighed, stroking her head as he murmured.

"They still won't let me near your brother sweetness," he said as Hook carefully put away the syringe he'd prepared to use. "What exactly do they want from me?"

"Not to hurt Pwime?" she suggested and he snorted.

"I promise not to and they don't believe me," he grumbled. "What will it take for me to be with my own son? It's not fair to you and your brothers to be separated from them."

Slipstream was silent, she also thought this was unfair but she also knew it wasn't fair for Valour's daddy to be with her Sire.

"They probably expect me to surrender," Megatron now growled furiously. "Allow all my forces to continue wandering the galaxy while I rot in an Autobot stockade. Maybe then I would be allowed to touch my own Sparkling."

He said this with contemptuous venom, hating Ultra Magnus more than ever. Slipstream just cuddled into him, wishing there wasn't a war and that her Sire didn't want Prime. Then they could all be a big family and she could play with all of her brothers to her spark's content. That would be so wonderful.

Hours later after the scandal Starscream awoke only to find himself in Megatron's arms. He snuggled back in contempt and sighed.

He was really tired and his port still ached; giving birth to eight mechlings wasn't easy and from time to time he thought he would die half the way...but he didn't and couldn't help but wait to recover to give Megatron more.

"You're awake, finally," Megatron rumbled. "Good."

"Hmmm...yes...finally..." He tried to lift himself up to kiss his leader but only managed to reach his jaw before falling again in tiredness.

"You must rest, I put some caretakers to take care of our sparklings as they develop so you can rest and recover," Megatron said.

"As I am so grateful for my lord's kindness, it is not necessary, I can look after our creations myself," Sighed tiredly Starscream and Megatron softly caressed his wings making him purr...but the seeker couldn't see his grim face.

"You must least from the birthing," He stated.

Stascream frowned in confusion at that. "At least? I will recover milord and soon I will be giving you more sparklings."

Megatron tensed at hearing that and Starscream noticed. "Milord?"

"Starscream...there's something you need to know...something the medic did told me," He didn't say which medic. "You cannot carry anymore," Starscream paled at those words. "You exhausted your spark with the last eight and if you keep trying, in the best of the cases you can miscarry...but in the worst you will die."

Stascream felt his energon run cold at that statement. No more sparklings? That means...will Megatron dispose of him?

He knew that mechs have a limited amount of times for carrying but he never thought he will reach his so soon!

"M-m... Mega-tr-tron..." the seeker stuttered and closed his hand in a tight fist before shaking and crying. "I- I'm so-sorry..."

Now it was decided, his lord will never keep him, never love him...he failed again.

"Sorry?" Megatron repeated with a frown. "What are you sorry for, my Seeker?"

"I've failed you," he said brokenly, trying not to sob as Slipstream was sleeping on Megatron's chest.

As Megatron stared at him in confusion, he whispered. "I can't give you more Sparklings."

"More Sparklings...? Starscream, you have given me nine Sparklings, eight of which are Mechs," Megatron said in astonishment. "That is not failing me, I never dreamed that any bot would give me so many."

Starscream looked at him tearful as Megatron cupped his face.

"My dear Starscream," he purred softly. "You have pleased me a great deal. And while we shall have to use protection from now on, we can still interface as much as we like. In fact, I plan to reward you greatly once you are recovered."

" really mean it?" Starscream asked hopefully. "You won't abandon me?"

"Of course I won't," Megatron said firmly, stroking his Seeker's cheek. "My sweet Star, you've given me so much and not tried to take anything away from me, why would I abandon you?"

"I thought...if I couldn't keep having Sparklings...," Starscream mumbled as Megatron chuckled.

"Foolish Seeker," he chided gently. "You're worth more to me than that."

At this, Starscream burst into sobs, hugging Megatron happily. He couldn't believe his lord had just said that, he'd made him the happiest Mech on this miserable planet. Maybe he was finally getting over Prime?

...he hoped...

But still, that little halfbreed tied him up to him somehow...and besides, he couldn't blame Prime for escaping and now keeping his only creation away from Megatron.

Megatron, Prime's rapist...yes, that was the case and the reason Valour wanted him out of his life too.

Starscream sighed thinking about that. Why can't Megatron see what he did was wrong? That if he wanted that Autobot from the beginning he had to seduce him and convince him to interface with him, not just take him by force waiting that someday he will submit...and maybe if he submitted, by then he will be so broken that he would not even try to get up from the berth anymore and will act like a lifeless empty body to Megatron's mercy.

And Starscream knew way too well that Megatron enjoyed his partners to be alive and some fight sometimes.

'Well, that day, the day Megatron understands that he screwed up things for good with Prime, because which victim of rape wanted to see his rapist? That day he will start noticing how much I love him,' The seeker thought before recharge claimed him once again.

"I love you, Megatron..." He whispered hoping the other haven't heard...

...but he did and froze.

Autobot base...

Blackarachnia touched her now growing abdomen softly enjoying thinking about her sparklings that are developing faster now that she consumed organic nutrients.

That made her change her habits and even moods, in the beginning she started with the morning sickness, then that extended to randomly in the day, she couldn't tolerate the daylight so she slept all the day and awoke in the evenings...

...not to mention her cravings, her very much hard to please cravings for food and special refined and sweet energon, and if she didn't get what she wanted she took it on Sentinel.

Why Sentinel and not Optimus or someone else? Because she said she disliked him as much as he disliked her...and she needed Optimus in perfect shape for another of her cravings...interface...she needed the interface more than very odd and kinky poses.

"Well, the technoorganic sparklings seem to be developing perfectly well and I assume that they will born in ten months or so at this rhythm," Perceptor said and then added. "But we can experiment with more nutrients to see if they develop faster like blood from a healthy animal for example; the blood is rich in iron which helps in the developing and health of organics. I mean just blood because the meat you consume it also consumes your energy as you process it..."

Perceptor continued to give his ideas as she started moving uncomfortably on the medical berth; that was enough to make him stop in his explanations.

"Is it time for your interface seasons with Optimus Prime?"

"Yes..." She said between gritted teeth.

"Punctual as the best chrono, you may go," He said pointing something in his datapad and turning around to get something else.

"Are you timing my cravings?!" She said mildly offended and he nodded. "Yes; oh, I will suggest to you something else, I think it will do you and your sparklings good to take Optimus Prime's transfluid directly, that also can reduce the cravings...or heighten them, but you should try," He said matter-of-factly and she stared at him shocked.

Was he...? "Are you suggesting that I give Optimus blowjobs?!"

"Yes, that is another way to put it, yes and drink his transfluid," He said again leaving her mouth wide open.

"You perv!" She said transforming in her spider form and crawled away quickly.

Perceptor just shrugged it off. "I was just stating a fact."

"Optimus...!" She snarled finding him with Ratchet, Ultra Magnus and Sentinel -who give a loud girlish yell- and said in a hungry tone in her spider form. "There you are...!"

"Eek! Take him, take him!" Sentinel squeaked from behind Optimus pushing him towards her.

Ratchet smirked and Ultra Magnus' face remained stoic. "We will talk about this later, if you excuse me, my mate needs me," he also kept his stoic face...the best he could.

Both elders nodded to him and so he turned and left with her.

Once in their quarters she crawled onto their berth still in spider form and he looked at her in confusion. "Elita?"

She then moved her spider abdomen up and down as if signalling him that she wanted him like this. "You want to do it in spider form?!"

If anything to say about it was that said part of her body had a little hole that started lubricating quite fast and dripped on their berth was proof enough...

"A-are you sh-shure?" He stuttered before she came and moved her butt towards the exact place his spike was word was said by her. "Ohh...o-ok..." He said releasing his spike and pumped it a few times until it hardened before guiding it towards the little dripping hole.

"Hmmmmm...!" The spider moaned and her whole body shivered in delight.

Optimus gulped and then entered the offered port gasping as he did so. Primus! But she was even tighter like this! It was amazing!

"Elitaa~a...aaah!" He groaned in pleasure as he couldn't help but thrust over and over again franticaly and without control in and out of the dripping port the spider offered. "S-so good! So soft...tight...wet! Aaahhh!"

It was so intense, hungry and passionate that neither of them could last long, him however resisted his own release until she let go first, which happened soon and the little valve tightened so hard around him that he couldn't hold it anymore so he exploded deep within her with a loud animalistic roar still holding her spider abdomen tightly.

The little port sucked him dry of transfuid and massaged his spike until he gave everything he had in, milked him completely and claimed the spike within it as hers.

Optimus panted and gasped, the little port still keeping his spike hostage in it and he couldn't complain as it felt way too good to be in there...and it seemed to be renewing his arousal.

"Elita... I love you..." He moaned as the valve massaged his spike making it hard again, however, once it was hard enough for round two and before Optimus could start thrusting again, it let go and the spider crawled away from him pulling out his dripping spike from her. "Elita?" He asked in confusion.

The spider faced him for a second before transforming in the femme he loved and without a word, as before, she removed her helm closely followed by her breast plate.

Optimus swallowed air at their sight...he loved those, definitely her best asset. She removed everything but he kept his optics on those lovely, soft and big breasts.

Then she was moving towards him and pushed him with his back on the berth and kissed him passionately as he reached for her soft breasts and massaged them before one hand went lower to her butt and caressed it as well.

The femme moaned approving his efforts and broke the kiss looking at him lovingly but hungrily before crawling down towards his spike and gave it a teasing lick.

"Oh!" He gasped before she suckled on the sensitive head. "Wh-what are y-you d-doing?"

He wasn't complaining.

"Doctor's orders..." Was everything she said before taking the fat rounded head in her mouth again and suckled and nibbled softly at the object of her ardent passions.

Optimus throw his head back as she worked him sensually in the beginning and then soon was deep throating him making his hips to thrust up towards her wonderful mouth...and those little pointed fangs that scrapped against his sensitive ridges and bumps were driving him mad and into another powerful overload releasing for the first time his hot cum seed in her marvellous mouth.

He shuddered and panted hard, optics offline unable to watch her lick him clean not leaving a single drop of his transfluid without being swallowed.

" sweet... I think I like this advice for once..." She purred crawling up towards his face again and kissed him softly before mounting him again and guiding the head of his spike back into her hungry and tight valve again. "Oooooh...!" He moaned as he was taken again before she started riding him once again.

Once again, Optimus lost count of how many times he overloaded inside her or in this time, in her mouth before passing out of blissful exhaustion. Blackarachnia stared lovingly at her beautiful mate before kissing and suckling at his neck...

...before she gave a teasing bite...a bite that caused a little wound from which life force dripped out... And she licked it...and soon was drinking from his energon, sucking until she was sated and licked him until the wound stopped dripping again.

After that she lay by his side and allowed recharge to claim her.

The next morning Optimus felt heavy and very much tired, tired like never before which was odd since it was not the first time they interfaced this, what can it be the cause of his tiredness?

He couldn't even leave the bed and barely move anything!

"Uh," he grunted, trying to move his limbs but finding he was utterly unable.

He squirmed slightly, not sure what to do. His comm was still working so he could call Ratchet but he felt embarrassed to do so. Moving his head as he was only just able to do so, he saw that Elita was still sleeping soundly and debated waking her up. Perhaps he could give it half an hour and then think about trying to either wake her up or contact someone.

Thankfully, Elita did stir and cuddled up to her love unconsciously.

"Good morning," she murmured, sighing happily.

"Morn...ning," he managed to whisper as she frowned.

"Optimus?" she said, opening her optics and blinking at him with concern.

When she saw him just lying there, she sat up quickly. "Optimus what's wrong?"

"Can't...move," he said tiredly. " call Ratchet?"

"Of course," she exclaimed, calling the Medic and asked him to come over at once. "Have you got a virus?"

He shrugged his shoulders as best he could, he had no idea. She stroked his face, staring at him worriedly. Had she been wrong to interface with him as a spider, had she somehow damaged him? He didn't look damaged but the way he was just lying there was extremely worrying.

"You'll be alright," she promised, kissing his cheek. "Ratchet will fix you up in no time."

He gave her a small comforting smile and murmured. "He always does."

Thankfully, Ratchet did appear and started examining.

"He's suffering from a loss of Energon," he said finally. "I'll give him a transfusion and he'll be fine."

"Loss of...oh," she said in understanding as Ratchet looked at her.

"Did you both get a little over excited," he asked dryly.

"A little," she admitted. "It won't happen again, we were just trying something new...I'm sorry."

"Just don't let it happen again," he scolded before saying. "If you transform, you can help me carry him to the Med Bay. He'll need to take it easy today but there won't be lasting damage."

"I'm so sorry Optimus," she apologised, holding his hand as he smiled weakly.

"Sl'right," he assured her. "Not your fault."

She still felt guilty as she transformed and resolved that she'd find some way to make it up to him. The Femme didn't know that another being was experiencing feelings of confusion and guilt towards their lover as well.

Megatron was sitting in a chair, going over reports his Decepticon officers from different parts of the galaxy had sent him. In general things were going well but he was having a hard time concentrating on reading. And it was all because of those words Starscream had murmured, seemingly unknowing that they would be overheard.

"Love?" he muttered to himself. He was aware that the Seeker cared somewhat for him but love? The Seeker craved being his lover, was terrified of disappointing him and wished to bear him as many Sparklings as possible. He wasn't the treacherous backstabber he had been formerly, Megatron could actually trust him now. But the idea that the Seeker had feelings such as love towards him seemed ludicrous.

But could it be true?

"Slipstream?" he called softly, the little Femme was playing with some toys a little way from him. "Can you tell Sire something?"

"Uh huh," she replied, looking up at him.

"Do you think your carrier...cares for me?"

"Carrier loves Sire," she said matter-of-factly.

"Loves me?" he repeated to himself. "You mean as his leader?"

"No," she said shaking her head. "As his mate."

This stilled Megatron, could that be true? His daughter was still a Sparkling with much still to experience and yet she seemed so sure. For a moment, he wished he were an Autobot, they liked to talk to each other about 'feeeling's didn't they. He couldn't exactly start asking bots for advice on love, he would look ridiculous.

How was this possible? How did this happened?

He couldn't deny Starscream now but couldn't also reciprocate him no matter how much he trusts him.

"Are you sure?" He tried again with his baby daughter and for a moment he slapped himself thinking about that he was taking about this with a sparkling!

"Yep... Carrier loves you; he will never leave another mech to play with him... He only wants to play with sire."

Once again she responded with such certainty that it startled him. Besides, love wasn't a feeling Decepticons were familiar with, giving or receiving, so, what now?

"Why sire doesn't loves carrier?" Slipstream continued startling him and he looked down at her big red optics and her tilted to the side head.

"Decepticons love no one but the cause and their leader, I don't need to love anyone!" He responded quickly and Slipstream's little undeveloped wings fluttered as she thought on an answer.

"Carrier is sad that sire doesn't loves him even after everything he does for sire... And because sire can't stop thinking about Pwime."

Megatron took a deep breath at that. "Pwime will never love sire because sire was mean with him when together, but carrier hopes sire someday forgets Pwime and love him back."

"Hmm," Megatron said to himself. "I can't forget Prime Slipstream. He's the carrier of my first born and I want him so much."

"He doesn't want you," she pointed out, knowing who Prime really wanted.

"I know," he sighed. "But even if I gave up on him, they still won't let me near Valour. They don't trust me, they believe I will simply steal both of them for myself."

"Would you?" she asked and he paused. He very much wanted to get his servos on Prime but right now, he was feeling confused about Starscream. And there was still Valour, he wanted to reunite all his children together but the Autobots were making that impossible.

"I don't know," he said softly.

"If you prove you wouldn't hurt pwime," she stated. "Then Valour could come and play."

"And how do I do that?" he questioned with a grimace.

"I don't know," she admitted and he remembered she was only a little Sparkling. Of course she didn't have all the answers.

"Never mind my child," he said, picking her up. "We'll think of something won't we?"

"Uh huh," she said, snuggling into him.


Sometime passed and Megatron continued receiving reports of Lockdown failing to get his hands on Prime or his sparkling and how -practically- impossible was to penetrate their defences.

The hunter even tried in a desperate attempt of catch them off guard by attacking the near city that was close to the island and even that failed.

He tried it twice, the first time trying to catch Prime under the chaos and confusion, but not only the little Prime knew how to defend himself but Ultra Magnus himself came to his aid and the hunter had to run again with his tail between his legs as the Autobot leader, even for as someone as old as him hit him several times with his heavy hammer.

The second time was when he sent some drones to attack the city so he could infiltrate in their base while all of them were out... It was more to say it was another failure.


Well, the two cyberninjas and those beasts stayed behind 'just in case' and as usual kicked him out once again.

Indeed, Megatron was getting frustrated, and there was other thing that was frustrating him as well...

He walked towards a room and opened the door...

...and the noise was unbearable!

Looking around with a deep frown he watched his once little and delicate sons, now grown and strong but still new born sparklings crawl, climb, cry, scream, spit and even purging all around.

The caretakers were driving themselves crazy with the little seekers who couldn't understand their commands and if they were too harsh on them one of two things happened; one, the addressed sparkling would cry igniting a chain reaction that would make all his brothers to follow him in his sorrow. And two, Starscream will yell and beat at them for daring to scare his sons.

The only one who behaved and understood orders was Slipstream and Megatron often had her with him alleging that he was taking care of at least a sparkling...obviously evading the bigger responsibility of his other creations.

"SILENCE!" he yelled and everyone froze for a second before Skywarp started crying and all of his brothers followed close. He facepalmed himself.

Locating Slipstream he took her and walked away.

"I wonder why your brothers are so...stupid!" He said frustrated with them.

"They're not stupid," She said. "Just normal..."

He grunted. He will need to have Hook checking in their processors soon. He was sure that something was wrong with them if they are not like Slipstream.

"Sire needs to be with brothers too," She said and he scowled. He remembered taking Thundercracker once and this one purged on him, then tried with Skywarp and he lubricated on him before shaking and crying.

"No...your brothers are too stupid to my liking," He said wondering how Starscream gave her someone like Slipstream but then something like those eight.

He wondered if it got something to do with their creation and it was because they were too many at the same time in the same mech.

He grumbled before taking Slipstream to his command centre, deciding to go over reports. Carefully settling her in his lap after sitting down, he began to pursue what appeared on his computer screen. Slipstream glanced up at him, she could tell he was pensive over his lack of progress over getting Prime and Valour.

She had to admit, she really missed her big brother and wished she could see him. Sometimes, she almost wished that he was brought here, she was sure he'd love their little brothers just as much as she did. They weren't stupid at all, just normal sparklings who were still developing. When they were calm, they were wonderful to play with and all wanted her attention.

They also wanted the attention of their creators but Megatron wasn't giving enough of it.

"Valour like them," she suddenly stated.

"Mmm, what?" Megatron said distractedly.

"Little brudders," she explained. "Valour like them when he born."

As her Sire frowned, she said. "You only see him for one cycle...him like them but now big and clever. Little brudders be like that."

Megatron pondered this, was this true? He had no idea what Valour was like growing up, had be progressed fast? Bitterly, he knew that the only way he could find out would be to ask Prime...the one who had stolen him in the first place.

"I tell you when brudders happy," Slipstream declared. "You play with them...yes?"

"Yes, yes," he said distractedly. "I cannot deal with them when they are screaming like that but perhaps if they are nice and quiet..."

"You love them?" she asked.

"Of course I do," he said instantly to her relief. "They are my sons."

Lifting her up, he gave her a smile and nuzzle, making her giggle. "But you are my special little daughter, my only one."

"Luv you," she said, giving him a kiss.

He smiled and rested her against his chest.

"Can I visit Valour?" she suddenly asked.

"I'm sorry," he said gently. "But I don't want you near Ultra Magnus, he would try to keep you away from me. And they'd never let me near enough to let you."

She sadly rested against him but she could sort of understand his point. But she really wanted all her brothers to be with her, having so many little brothers could be overwhelming sometimes.

"I'll get him somehow, I promise," he assured her while wondering if it was time to get rid of that idiot Lockdown.

Slipstream soon feel asleep, lulled by her Sire's closeness and the quiet of his office. Megatron at first continued his work while also brooding. But just as he was thinking of going for a cube, he received an incoming call.

"Lockdown," he growled when he answered it. "I suppose you've failed again."

"I didn't anticipate it would be this...difficult," Lockdown stated grumpily. "But I got an idea."

"And what is that?" Megatron asked, not bothering to hide how unenthusiastic he was about any idea of Lockdown's.

"I've got wind of an approaching signal to Earth," Lockdown explained. "I don't think the Autobots have picked it up, it ain't a Con though."

"So another Autobot is coming to join them?" Megatron said with contempt. "Why is this important?"

"Cause their riding in a stolen ship," drawled Lockdown which made Megatron sit up slightly. "I don't know whose coming but could make for a nice little distraction."

The decepticon leader grumbled. He was obviously not convinced that this ship or whatever it was can help Lockdown bring him his little Autobot whore back.

However said hunter seemed positive about it, Megatron already lost all hope in him.

"Ultra Magnus, sir," Jazz started. "We have a situation here."

"Proceed," Said the leader as his soldier pressed some buttons.

"We just received a signal of an incoming ship... A stolen Autobot ship."

The Magnus frowned wondering who can it be?

"It's a small ship and is not escorted by anyone," Continued the cyberninja. "Will try to establish contact."

No one answered.

"It can be a trap," Finally Magnus said getting up from his chair. "Get the team ready, we will be there to receive it."

Jazz nodded and a few minutes later almost every Autobot on Earth was going after the ship.

Without them knowing that Lockdown was watching them. This time he will not fail, this time he will prove Lord Megatron that he's the best bounty Hunter in the universe!

That big lugnut will regret ever losing his hope in him.

He waited, and waited and waited for an opportunity.

And there they were, Optimus Prime, the Magnus, that big chinned Prime, the two flying mosquitoes and that yellow little mech with his big green ball like friend. No cyberninjas were near.

But with the time it took the hunter to hunt the tricolored candy optic, he learned to not underestimate his team.

This was the hardest individual he'd ever had to catch.

He awaited...the unknown Autobot ship landed, it opened, the Autobots unsheathed their weapons...and fog came out from it before one little green mech came out with his hands held up...

...Lockdown continued waiting for an opportunity...

Then the green little mech started shooting and the Autobots dispersed and dodged the shots trying to resonate with him...

...and giving Lockdown the opportunity he was looking...

...the little Prime was left alone.

Lockdown smirked and shot him.


Some minutes later the hunter was carrying Optimus' unconscious frame towards the woods. His friends were unable to stop him from taking him away this time. That little green mech proved to be a good distraction.

And maybe he hadn't caught Megatron's older spawn, but with his little toy he was sure the fragger will be happy.

He smirked when watched the warlord's optics widen.

"My lord?" The hunter said moving his prey so he could see more than just his aft on his shoulder.

Megatron seemed awed, he just couldn't believe it. Finally, after all those cold years, Optimus was finally where he belonged... Tied on his berth with his legs sprawled for him.

The leader then throws a card to the hunter, then the hunter passed him his so prized Prime.

"As always, my Lord, it was a pleasure to make business with you."

The leader was speechless and could only look at his prize... The mech he lusted for decades. He stroked his beautiful blue face, his expression, so calmed and perfect...

"My lord?" Lockdown interrupted his daydreaming moment with Optimus which made him growl in annoyance. "He was sedated with a new and powerful drug I was experimenting with, he can experience some... Adverse effects, nothing serious th-"

"Thank you, Lockdown, I'll call you when I'll need you," Said the leader in a growl.

Well, if Megatron was impatient to be with his pet, who was he to interrupt him? Let him find out the effects by himself.

"Of course, my lord."

And with that, he left the two alone...


" sweet, beautiful and delicious Optimus..." Purred the leader feeling himself growing hot fast.

Primus! This mech is his downfall!

"Hmmm..." The grey mech purred before kissing those lovely, pouty blue lips after so long... "Optimus..." Then licked his face before going down towards his neck without noticing that the unconscious mech was heating up too.

The blue panel was reached by the black hands as Megatron assaulted that neck, however it had not reacted the way he expected it when it opened but only the blue, big, ridged and hard spike escaped.

Megatron was surprised. He was not expecting to see this; but it was something he could not let go of and started pumping it softly causing the little Prime to moan and groan in pleasure as he was stimulated.

"Primus... Must do this or I might die..." Groaned Megatron before laying his pet onto his back and went lower his body so he could savour that tempting and dripping spike now that Optimus was unconscious. He might not have another opportunity like this one.

Optimus moaned and yelped as Megatron worked him to full arousal until his optics onlined, he looked down and pushed the head away from between his legs with a gasp.

Megatron looked at him shocked for a moment, but before he can act, Optimus jumped him forcing the warlord onto his back and kissed him passionately to his surprise.

"Hmmm!" Megatron tried as Optimus settled himself between his legs and rubbed his closed interface panel with his achingly hard and dripping spike.

The heat was intense, like something he'd never experienced before... He was not a valve mech, but right now, it ached so bad and clamped against nothing that he had to open it releasing some of the heat that was beneath it.

"Primus!" He moaned when Optimus rolled his fat head around his delicate entrance which started lubricating fast. "Ooooh... Optimussss...ooohhh!"

Said Prime only groaned when his thick phallus was able to pierce the first rim in Megatron's tight, unused valve. The sensation was amazing! And he needed to release it all into this wonderful mech!

Megatron spread his legs wider to give the mech of his dreams and nightmares more access and to penetrate him deeper as he thrust... And he loved every second of it.

"Oh... Optimus... Yes... Yes... Yessss...!" He rode that spike as vigorously as the one who thrusted completely forgetting what was really happening and what he intended to do with this mech in the beginning. Everything that mattered was to make the sensations that exploded from his unused valve to increase.

It very dimly occurred to him that perhaps this was the side effect of the drug Lockdown had used but he honestly couldn't have cared less. All that mattered was this moment with the little Prime who had stolen his desire and very being. He couldn't have believed that his little Prime could be so domineering, he thrust his hard spike into his valve without mercy.

And Megatron had to admit to himself...that he loved it.

"Don't stop," he half commanded, half begged. "That's it, more, more!"

Optimus didn't say anything, he didn't seem capable of it. His demeanour was almost drone like except no drone could possibly perform with such passion. Megatron's large hands rose up and gripped that pert little aft and he groaned in pleasure. He remembered this body so well, even when they'd been forced to stop interfacing, he'd still been able to touch and grip every single part of lovely frame.

His tight valve squeezed hard around the spike giving it a hammering making Optimus gasp out loud. But he didn't cease in his thrusting, it only made him go harder and faster until the woods echoed with their cries of passion. It didn't come as much of a surprise when Megatron felt himself overload and what an overload it was. His whole body crackled with electricity and his back arched upwards with the force of his overload.

This of course only lifted Optimus into the air but he barely noticed the overload and carried on thrusting. Megatron panted heavily, he felt like a weight had been lifted away, this was why he'd missed his little Prime so much. But it wasn't even over and he was soon groaning once more.

When Optimus finally came, Megatron was sure he'd come at least four or five times. He lay in a complete daze, his valve filled to be brim with transfluid and lubricant. He tried to speak but words failed him. His body twitched and his valve ached in a very satisfying way. With a dreamy smile, he slipped off into recharge, unaware that Optimus had slipped out of him and was stumbling to his feet.

In an almost zombie like state, Optimus stumbled away from his would be captor.


"Ow...that slagging hurt," Lockdown complained as he was dragged along.

"Good," Elita snapped, her nerves very strained.

During the earlier battle, Optimus had been separated from the others and this slagging bounty bounty had snatched him away. As soon as she'd been able, she'd left the others behind and gone after him. However, by the time she'd caught up to him, he'd already handed over Optimus. So after giving him the beating of his life, she was now dragging him in the direction he said he left her mate.

She could have left Lockdown tied to a tree or something but she preferred to take him along.

"Optimus!" she called, her spark racing with fear. "Optimus!"

If Megatron had taken him...if he was at this very moment raping him...she swore she'd rip off his spike.

"Opt...what?" she exclaimed as she heard a twig snap. She tensed, ready to attack but was amazed when none other than Optimus stumbled out.

"You got away!" she gasped in amazement as he headed towards her. She was about to go over and embrace him when she noticed something very odd.

His interface cover was in one hand and his spike...was standing proudly in the air and dripping with lube. She gaped, this was the last thing she expected to see. And she most certainly did not expect Optimus to advance on her with a raging hard on. His optics were dim, he appeared to be half asleep as he came ever close.

"Optimus...Optimus?" she tried but he did not acknowledge her in any way, just kept on coming. And it suddenly occurred to her that he meant to embrace her and...just take her out in the open.

And for once, she was not in the mood.

"No," she told him but when he ignored this, she lunged forward and stung him. His optics dimmed fully and he collapsed into her arms.

Lockdown used the distraction to try and wiggle free from the cocoon the spider made for him, however he was also poisoned by her and just found that some parts of his body were useless.

So, he could only stare the show of that cute mech walking with a hard on towards the femme and practically offer her his spike...

"Oops..." He mumbled to himself. But with all the silence and now unconscious mech, the spider femme was able to hear him.

"What was that 'oops'?!" She barked at him making him smirk at her.

"I've forgotten to tell ya... I've drugged the cute thing to get him to lord Megatron... The afthole hadn't let me explain him the aftereffects of it... And just forgot to tell ya."

She frowned and hissed at him threateningly.

"But he's with ya now, so, it doesn't matter," The hunter shrugged it off.

"What 'aftereffects' do you mean?" She said transforming into her spider form and crawled towards the fallen hunter. "Tell me or I'll sting you with my special venom which will make it possible for me eat your insides!"

Lockdown's optics widened, she was for real... For once he was afraid. But it also made him wonder, how many bots are after that cute, blue aft?

"Well...uhhh... I..." He stammered. "He was drugged and... Uhh... When he awakes he can feel a several headache or..."

"Or what?!" She barked.

"Or can be heavily aroused... Ah dunno which one will work on which mech! It just happens! I dunno what is tha cause tha' cause them to act differently! Ah swear!" In the end he cried seeing her almost biting him and her leaking fangs.

"But I can see he already had a very good time... Ah dunno if it was with lord Megsy or with his hand-! Hey! Keep those things from me!" Tried Lockdown when she wasn't faltering; she can be really terrifying.

"This isn't over...hunter..." She hissed before stepping back and cocooned her mate, lifted him up and walked away still dragging Lockdown around making sure he hits as many rocks and roots as possible with his head.

However, she couldn't see her Optimus fragging that fragger; the other was way too dominant to let himself go bottom; maybe Megatron just was surprised by a surprise attack by her brave Optimus and now the drug affected him and he wanted to do it with her only... After he used his unsatisfying hand...

...yeah, maybe that happened and later she will awake him to 'test' how long the aftereffects last.

She smirked to herself happily ignoring Lockdown's moans of pain.


"Don't worry, his valve hasn't been touched," Ratchet assured her sometime later.

"Thank Primus," she sighed in relief. "I was so worried..."

He nodded, that he'd also been worried Optimus might have been raped once more. Thankfully, it was clear that his valve had not been touched even though it had been leaking lubricant.

"I uh...believe that he may have overloaded with his spike," he said delicately.

"He must have self-serviced," she concluded. "I can't see Megatron allowing him to spike him."

"Same here," Ratchet had to agree.

"That's why he was coming at me, he needed something more," she murmured to herself. "Will he be alright when he wakes?"

"Hard to tell," Ratchet mused, checking his results. "He'll probably have that headache that idiot Lockdown was talking about but it's also possible..."

"Whatever it is," she said firmly. "I'll deal with it."

"We'll take him to his room then," Ratchet said. "You manage him?"

She nodded before transforming and gently taking her mate into her arms and then onto her back. Ratchet called his daughter so she could let the others know Optimus was perfectly fine. They'd had a very lucky escape but perhaps with this bounty hunter out of the way, they could have a bit more peace.


Starscream sighed as he checked over his sparklings. They were finally asleep, all cuddled together in a special berth that had been created for them. He was proud to have such a wonderful brood of sparklings but primus, could they be tiring at times. Of course, he had caretakers to assist but it was nonetheless a lot of hard work making sure all their needs were met and they were happy.

It would be easier if Megatron helped out a bit more but that sadly didn't seem likely to happen.

"Sleep well, my darlings," he murmured, stroking Ramjet's head as the small flier yawned cutely before burying his face against Sunstorm.

He sighed before heading to his berth, which was in the next room. To ensure that if he and Megatron engaged in any activities, they'd installed a system that meant the sparklings couldn't hear them but they could hear the sparklings if anything was amiss. Although how likely that was going to happen considering Megatron was always going off...

"Starscream," a voice purred right behind him and the Seeker jumped when a pair of strong arms went around his frame.

"My lord," he gasped as his neck was gently kissed.

"I need you Starscream," the grey Mech said in a voice that sent excited shivers down his lover.

"Of course my lord," Starscream said, allowing himself to be led to the berth. However, Megatron lay down on it and pulled Starscream on top of him. As Starscream stared in confusion, Megatron said. "Why don't we do something a bit different, my dear Star? Something that means we don't need to use protection..."

The seeker flushed; was his leader proposing to...?

"Megatron?" He tried before the bigger mech pulled him into a demanding kiss.

He couldn't believe it! And now his leader was spreading his legs for him... And his panel opened!

"Starscream...!" Groaned in annoyance Megatron feeling the other stiff as a stick.

"A- are you sure?" Tried the flier watching the now dripping valve.

Yes... Megatron was more than sure.

Smiling in utter happiness, Starscream then kissed his lover back fervently before releasing his spike and stroked it to full arousal.

"Starscreaaaaam...!" Moaned Megatron in impatience as his seeker finally rolled his head around his moist dripping rim seeing if he was ready.

He was...

...and with one last hard thrust, the seeker was in.

"Ooohhh~ Megatrooooon~ so wet...," Moaned the seeker feeling himself unable to stop now as the little valve embraced and sucked him greedily.

"Yes! Yes Stascream! Yesssss!" Encouraged him Megatron spreading his legs wider before wrapping them around the seeker's waist allowing him to go deeper.

He never thought this would feel so fragging good! The energy was running all over his body and not just his spike, he loved it!

It's been so long since the first and last time he was spiked that he forgot how it felt, however it wasn't a good experience, he just wanted to get rid of his seal.

"Oohh allspark Starscream, harder! Harder! Frag me good!"

The seeker's thick and ridged spike felt amazing against his inflamed valve sensors; he'd heard that seekers possessed a very good devise, and now he tested it and saw it was true.

Along with the moves of his hips... It was driving him mad!

The session with Optimus was wonderful, passionate, hungry and delicious. Sadly he left again... But he couldn't have cared less since his once unused valve demanded a spike and demanded it NOW!

Lubricant ran freely from the sides of his valve towards the berth creating a tingling and shiny thread that caressed his aft before drip onto the soft surface.

"Ohhh Megatron... My Megatron..." Starscream moaned kissing his open lips and then assaulted his neck with biting and lickings and sucklings warming even more the mech beneath him.

The vossian's spike continued hammering into his overstimulated but delicate entrance before it suddenly tightened hard and the owner roared his release to the heavens. Starscream followed him a few thrusts after shooting his burning load deeply inside making Megatron to moan and mewl in delight.

The seeker then kissed his leader and lover before pinning his hands to the berth and entwined his fingers with the other as they rode their bliss. Both were flushing, but Megatron needed more and now sensually rolled his hips while his valve pulsed happily around the softening spike.

"Ohhh... Megatron..." He gasped moving his hips up and down as the little valve continued clamping and pulsing around him... And started renewing his arousal fast.

They kissed passionately and moved slowly as Megatron's valve relaxed its hold and Starscream's spike hardened again...

Then the seeker resumed his thrusts... However this ones were gentler, hotter, deeper and burning driving Megatron mad with desire, even if he was still panting from that processor blowing overload.

The feeling of all that burning fluid inside him also aroused him as it tickled him somewhere exactly where he needed to be touched.

Now he could contemplate better his seeker's spike with this pace, ridged... Long... Thick... Some perfectly placed bumps... A perfectly crafted fat head...

It stretched him so good, just as Optimus' which was so big that it filled him whole, stretching him to his limits.

He throws his head back as Stascream pleased him and he rode that spike deliciously, savouring it...

"Oh Starscream," he moaned. "Where have you been hiding that delicious spike of yours?"

Starscream felt himself swelling with pride, all his previous exasperation with Megatron had utterly vanished. His master did care about him, this was surely proof of that.

"Megatron," he exclaimed happily, rolling his hips to deliver perfectly timed thrusts into the larger Mech's valve.

"That's it," Megatron sighed contently. "Don't stop."

The Seeker was more than happy to oblige and kept at it. And he continued until both were far too worn out to do anything more. Starscream lay in Megatron's arms, resting his head upon his broad chest. That had been incredible and even better, he didn't have to worry about getting pregnant and risk his life. It would be unbearable to leave his children without him being there to guide them. Maybe this was a new step in his and Megatron's relationship...

"I never knew being spiked could be so enjoyable," Megatron mused, half asleep. "I always loved spiking..."

"You were always a master at it," murmured Starscream. "But I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

"Oh I did," Megatron assured him and Starscream smiled. "I think that might have been even better than with Optimus."

The smile waded from Starscream's face, this again.

"I didn't realise you allowed him to spike him during his carrying," he said lightly, not wanting to spoil the mood. However...

"Oh, he never did then," Megatron stated, unaware of what he was doing to his lover's mood. "Lockdown captured him earlier...and brought him to me..."

"He did what!?" Starscream exclaimed in shock.

Megatron didn't seem to notice the tone and went on.

"Yes, he'd drugged him with some experimental substance, I was about to ravish him when he woke up and...well, spiked me."

The Decepticon Mech smiled dreamily. "It was certainly a surprise but...I rather enjoyed it. Shame he managed to wander off before I could recover but never mind. I'll get him another time."

Starscream felt like his spark might break, Megatron had been spiked by that cursed Prime. Why did Megatron continue to focus on him when it was Starscream who have given him nine perfect heirs, eight of which were sons and the daughter a highly intelligent Femme. He was the one who pleasured Megatron in the berth, made sure he never suffered but still Megatron wanted that Prime.

As Megatron slipped off into recharge, Starscream felt his anger growing, he had just about had enough of this. Pushing Megatron off him, he stormed away angrily, determined to go for a flight and vent some of his feelings. He wasn't going to get angry here, oh no, why bother to tell Megatron anything when the slagger couldn't see what was right in front of his nose.

Besides, he knew better than to wake his precious creations.

"Slag him!" he roared once outside of the ship and taking to the skies, soaring straight upwards.

He flew as high as he could, screaming his fury before allowing himself to fall to earth. He hardly paid any attention to his surroundings, just automatically dodged any obstacles in his way. However, a beeping on his scanner warned that there was a Cybertronian nearby and further analysis showed it to be an Autobot. He growled, maybe if he was lucky, it would be that damned Prime and he could take a shot at him.

He turned and headed straight for the source, transforming and landing smartly with his null rays pointing straight at his target...who turned out to be a rather small, red Autobot.

That surprised him for a moment, then stopped before landing heavily but gracefully in front of him.

Perceptor seemed to be studying the behaviour of some nocturnal flowers before the seeker appeared right in front of him...

...and it was not just a seeker... But THE very seeker who carried that little prodigy.

"Starscream," He said examining his mech counterpart.

"Perceptor..." Hissed the seeker in response.

"What do I owe the honour of this?" Asked the scientist before the bigger mech grabbed him by the neck and roughly pushed him onto the soft ground making him let go of a gasp; however he remained emotionless.

"Shut up..." The other hissed before lifting up a sharp clawed hand before...

"Slipstream will be one of the greatest processors our race has ever produced, she just needs the right stimulation."

That stopped the seeker's final assault. "What?"

"I'm not surprised, considering who's her carrier... However, her sire is the Decepticon leader and he's leader for a reason which leads me to think that Megatron is not an idiot," Said the red scientist as if the position he was in could not affect him.

"Megatron IS an idiot! A fragging afthole who just cannot stop thinking about that accursed Prime!" Roared Starscream while releasing his hold on Perceptor's neck to scream louder...

"He wants what he cannot have, is simple; however, if its affecting you this much it can only mean that you expect for him to reciprocate your feelings."

Starscream knelt there with cold dread watching the scientist with wide optics.

"No matter what you give him, he will always look after what he think he lost, but in reality it was never his, or he wouldn't have escaped in the beginning," Continued Perceptor, and this time Starscream started shaking before tears escaped his optics without him noticing.

Now he considered everything... How Megatron fragged him, how he was never there during his carrying when he needed him, or even looking after their sons... Slipstream was an exception because she obeyed, but still, he avoided responsibility because he was...

"He's an imbecile..." Whispered the seeker as tears continued running freely. The pain in his spark was greater to care about that.

"Indeed, its what put him where he is," Perceptor added then examined the other before saying: "That is why I took off my emotions, so that will never affect me, also to save more memory, you think more reasonably without the spark interfering."

Now Starscream was in a catatonic like state. Megatron will never love him, he doesn't even loves Prime, just wants to possess him as he possessed the seeker's body, mind and spark... And for what? So he could play and pleasure himself?!

"Megatron...why? ... I loved you... We could have been invincible together..." The catatonic seeker whispered his sorrow.

"Nothing is perfect," Started Perceptor. "But you, you are... Interesting... Almost perfect... If you could only remove your feelings from your processor you will be more successful... Actually, I believe that perfection is written in your CNA," He concluded looking at him up and down.

"I will very much like to test that theory..." Continued the red scientist this time stroking his chin. "Ignore Megatron... He's not worthy of your affections, even less your code, you deserve someone better... Someone who shares your intellect..."

This time Perceptor reached closer and dried his tears before whispering softly. "You can have better," Then kissed him softly... Soft enough to make the hurt seeker react and kiss him back but deeper and passionately. Perceptor hadn't offered any resistance.

Then Starscream pushed him back to the soft grass and started roaming his whole little body igniting little but pleasing shivers all over the red scientist's frame as Perceptor touched his wings right in the sweet spots...

Starscream gasped into the kiss... Primus! Not even Megatron touched him like that! Not bad for a little emotionless drone...

...if he knew better, he was trying to arouse him for a reason...

In the end Starscream just abandoned that idea of Perceptor's second intentions; perhaps the mech was just in need of a good frag; after all, who will want to frag this mech?

Perceptor's valve cover opened making Starscream snap from his thoughts and lower his hand towards the soft, lubricating rim causing the little mech to groan suddenly.

Screw Megatron, this mech was right! He can have better! And he will have!

"Ooohhh!" For once moaned the emotionless scientist as the seeker inserted a finger in the precious valve and stroked his external node expertly with his thumb.

"Tell me," Starscream murmured as he very carefully stimulated the Mech beneath him. "Can you feel anything?"

"Physical pain," Perceptor said matter-of-factly. "It would be too dangerous if I could not feel pain if an experiment went wrong."

Starscream inclined his head. While never feeling pain would be nice, it was also very impractical if you were a warrior or indeed a scientist. As he continued to gently stroke the external node, he now asked. "What else can you feel?"

"Hn...satisfaction," Perceptor gasped out and this made his captor smirk.

"Pain and satisfaction," he mused. "Let's see if I can wring the latter out of you without resorting to the former."

"I'm sure if anyone can, it would be you," Perceptor acknowledged, someone who had managed to capture Megatron's interest even while he obsessed over Optimus Prime must be talented in the berth.

And he was right, Starscream soon elicited numerous sounds from him and none were pain. His previous experience with a Decepticon 'lover' had been very different, that Mech had just kept yelling at him to show some emotion and had hit him a few times. However, despite his battered condition, he had felt no emotional distress, he had merely pondered his chances of falling pregnant. And when this prediction had turned out to be true, he had been...satisfied with the result.

He hadn't planned to be found by a Decepticon and impregnated, he merely saw the advantages of such an act after the fact. But now...he most certainly did not mind being ravished by the aesthetically pleasing and intelligent Seeker. If they produced an offspring, there was a very high probability it would be an intelligent one. His twins were not stupid by any means but their talents lay in their flying abilities and thus, had taken more after their Sire.

But whichever creator this new child could take after, the odds were very favourable in high intelligence. And if he could perhaps convince Starscream to remain, top up his 'donations' of code and ensure the sparkling remained healthy. And if the Seeker was willing to bring all his creations over to the Autobot base, then all the better.

"Ready?" Starscream questioned, he'd finished stimulating the red Autobot was and more than ready to insert his spike into the dripping valve.

"I am," agreed Perceptor, he had calculated that his body was now in a highly receptive state to receive code, increasing his chances of becoming pregnant.

"Good," Starscream said before gently pushing his spike in.

"Mmm," Perceptor moaned, pleasing Starscream. This Autobot was probably not as likely to made as much noise as Megatron did but it was still clear he was enjoying himself. And Starscream was determined to have the best interface of the night.

Author's note. What are the consequences of Starscream's 'betrayal' and what will happen when Optimus wakes up? Next chapter will be very exciting, until next time.