I'm not really sure what's happening right now.

Okay, actually, I do know what's happening right now... the real question is: How? Somehow I have found myself kissing Rachel "Treasure Trail" Berry. We aren't even kissing, we are full on making out.

Let's rewind for a second:

Awkwardly enough, this is totally Mr. Schue's fault. I'm almost positive that his real goal in life is to make all of his students' lives miserable. That's why he makes us suffer through his "lessons" in Glee. And what is with his obsession with duets? And vests? The second question isn't important. Like, seriously though? Duets? Again? We didn't even get to choose our partners this time! He said something about us only choosing our friends or people we know we sound good with. I mean I understand wanting to prevent everyone from having to endure ANOTHER Finchel duet but why on earth would you deprive the world of another Santana/Wheezy masterpiece? Why?

It turns out that he had already chosen our duet partners:

HE PAIRED ME WITH RACHEL! What the hell was he thinking? He clearly wants one of us dead because there is no way we are both going to survive this.

We were the first pair announced and I was in so much shock I don't even know how everyone else is paired off. All I know is that some one has to sing a duet with Schue because there are 13 of us. That poor soul might be the only one worse off than me. Emphasis on might.

I woke up eventually but unfortunately it was because Big Bird was honking at me through her gigantic schnoz. We were the only ones left in the choir room.

"How long has glee rehearsal been over?" I interrupted her rambling.

"It's been over for about 5 minutes, but you looked like you were having a problem or something so I just let you be. But since I don't like wasting any of my precious time I decided it was finally time to wake you up. Like I was saying before you interrupted me, was that I think we should do a song from a musical. Wicked to be specific."

"Wait, you're still talking? I checked out when you answered my question."

"Santana, I know that you don't want to work with me on this duet, but it isn't as if this is my ideal duo either. I don't know why Mr. Schue has to keep suppressing my potential and he knows full well that my best duet partner is Finn."

"Oh please, Manhands, as if any of us want to be subjected to that anymore. Hold up, was that a backhanded insult? What was Mr. Schue even thinking? You can't even handle doing a duet! God forbid someone shares any of your two minutes and thirty seconds of glory that isn't Finnocence!"

"You know what Santana, you're right."

"Wait. What?" Clearly, I was shocked.

"You've proven yourself plenty of times. I mean, Valerie was actually really good."

I gave her a tentative, "Thanks."

"Anyways, like I was saying before, I think we should do a song from the Broadway smash Wicked."

"Really, Berry? Broadway?!"

"Just hear me out, please? Go home and find 'What is This Feeling.' I promise you'll like it. I personally think it's perfect for us."

"Fine," it was getting late and I really wanted to get out of there. This has been too much Berry time, especially when there was clearly more to come.

A/N: To anyone who is new to this silly little series of mine: Welcome!

To anyone who's coming back to refresh their memory: Welcome back! You might notice I've cleaned this (and the others) up a bit. It's taken some work, but I'm glad I've fixed some of these things.

I've taken out all my silly warnings. It's rated M, you know what came here for, so let's be serious. Thanks.