This is my first fanfiction that - from the very beginning - was meant to have more than a single chapter!

Bulma is the head of a huge company, Vegeta is always busy with his training and their son Trunks is supposed to one day take Bulma's place at Capsule Corp.

When all three of them are busy, little Bra feels all alone... and decides to do what she thinks every sane person would do: run away from home!

Enjoy and please review (all kinds of reviews are welcome)!

Little Runaway

Eight year old Bra held up the bracelet proudly, once again comparing it to the one her mother had made. They looked exactly alike. She also checked the plan her mother had drawn for the device, making sure that she hadn't forgotten anything. Nope, everything had been done accordingly. Her mum would be so proud of her!

She smiled happily and hopped off her desk chair, making her way to her mum's lab, all the while looking at her newest accomplishment. It wasn't an ordinary bracelet, but one that had the capability to suppress the ki of the person who wore it, making said person undetectable. It had been like a puzzle to Bra, getting all the pieces into the right places, making hers match her mother's.

Bra rounded a corner and suddenly heard her mother talking. Cracking open the door to the lab she looked inside and saw her mum pacing back and forth. She was wearing a tight red dress underneath her lab coat and her pumps clicked on the floor with each step. "But there has to be a way… Yes. I think so. I can do it. Sure. My secretary will…" The rest of what Bulma said was lost to Bra because it sounded senseless to her as her mother used words she didn't know the meaning of.

"Mum?" Bra asked, stepping inside, looking up at her mother. Bulma looked at her for a second, surprised to see her but was almost immediately distracted by the person on the other end of the phone. "Yes, of course. One second please." she said to the other person, her eyes only returning to Bra for a second. "I'm busy right now, sweetie. I'm sure we can talk later." she mouthed to her daughter and then turned her full attention to her phone call again.

Bra opened her mouth to argue but felt dejected instantly when her mother didn't spare her so much as a second glance. She bit her lower lip. "Then I'm going to show Trunks. He'll be proud of me." she thought, turning on her heels. As if he had been called her big brother opened the door she had used as well, an exercise book in hand. "Mother, there is something I need your help with." he said, barely looking up from the school material in his hands. "I'll be there as soon as I can, Trunks." Bulma replied and her son nodded, turning to go back to his room.

"Trunks?" Bra asked, gripping a handful of her brother's trousers. "Not right now, Bra." Trunks said, patting her head once. "I have to study." And then he was gone, leaving her standing there. Bra sniffed as tears threatened to come. This wasn't fair. She'd spent all week working on the bracelet, keeping it a secret from everyone as best as she could so she would be able to surprise them once she was done. And now they couldn't even take a minute of their time to praise her and look at what she'd accomplished.

Bra left the laboratory, heading to the entrance door. Her emotions were a confusing mix of anger and hurt, making her stomp her feet on the ground as she walked. How dare they? How could they not acknowledge her hard work? She came to a halt as she reached the doors that led to their lawn and the doors immediately opened to let her through. Wasn't her work important? Wasn't she important?

She walked outside, glancing at the GR. She could hear her father training inside as the GR shook every now and then, making her sigh. It was not a good idea to disturb her father's training. She'd seen Trunks and her mother do that a couple of times and… well it didn't exactly put her dad into the best of moods. Her ears had rung for hours after he'd last screamed at Trunks for 'being a nuisance'. She didn't want to test his patience.

She turned and went back inside. So her mother was busy with work, her brother was studying and her father was training… She sniffed, looking at the bracelet that she was still holding in her left hand. A determined look settled on her features as her tiny hands balled into fists. She was tired of nobody having time for her. She had had enough. She had made up her mind. She'd do what she thought every sane person in her position would do: she'd run away from home.