(A/N: This is the last chapter of this story. But it can go on. R/R and let me know what you think should happen.

Disclaimer: I've spent 12 chapters explaining how I don't own it. I still don't.)

The next four weeks went by in a blur. Leah was given a complete bill of health by Dr. Lopez. There wasn't anything wrong with her what so ever.

My Dads got to take her to Temple and show off their brand new granddaughter, proud as any grandfather could be. Ms. Puckerman easily stepped in to absorb some of their attention by announcing that she, of course, would be fulfilling the part of Nanna. I swear I saw Ms. Puckerman tear up when I asked her if Leah could call her Nanna because she was the closest thing to one that Leah will ever get.

Noah stepped into the role of world's greatest uncle. At least that was the name he had given himself. Noah had become fiercely protective of Leah in the few short weeks. Noah would constantly remind his sister to wash her hands before touching the baby or any of Leah's things.

I wasn't able to actually return to school until Leah was almost six weeks old. The four weeks I had missed, my teachers had allowed me to do my school work at home and allow someone from Glee to turn in the work. Usually it was Santana, who was at my house nearly every day after school.

Santana used my homework as an excuse to come over and spoil Leah rotten. Santana's spoiling gave me a chance to actually do the homework I needed to do so that my grades wouldn't fall too low during my absence.

Leah and I even fell into our own pattern. Which there really never really a pattern, it mainly consisted of her crying when she wanted something, and I getting up to cater to all her wants.

The Friday before I was due back in school I went to get a book that I had left in my locker. I had timed it so that I could attend an after school Glee meeting. The truth was I was sick of being cooped up in that house. I wanted to get out and see my friends; the book was really just an excuse. There was also something very important that I needed to accomplish that I felt could only be done during this meeting.

I carried Leah into the hallway, which was nearly deserted by now. It was Friday, and nearly everyone who didn't have after school club meetings left as soon as possible. I set Leah's car seat by my locker and opened it, retrieved my book and shut the locker.

I turned around and saw nothing but a red, fuzzy jacket. After taking a couple steps back as well as reaching for Leah's car seat handle I realized that it was Azimo and in his hands a slushie.

My first reaction was to flinch and get ready for the slushie facial I was about to receive. My first thought was rather or not he would have the decency to not slushie me while my almost 4 week old daughter was in the car seat about a foot away.

"Here, hold this…" He said softly.

I looked at him confused and reached for the slushie he was offering. Then he reached for the car seat, and I tightened my grip on it. He wouldn't slushie an infant would he?

"Now… I get the whole hormonal mama bear, cub thing. But just stay calm, I just want to look."

I released the grip on the car seat and Azimo turned lifted it up. He removed the blanket that was covering the car seat. Azimo's bottom lip stuck out a few inches, he nodded. Azimo handed the car seat back to me.

Azimo looked around the hallway, removed a small stuffed yellow bunny from his pocket.

"Here…" I sort of just looked at him, confused beyond words at the moment. He quickly pulled the tag off the bunny's ear and held it back toward me. "My mom wants to know when will be the best time to bring some stuff she has. She works for your dad and all…" Azimo placed the bunny in Leah's car seat.

"Um… Whenever. I should be home by 6."

Azimo nodded. He started to walk away and I realized I still had his slushie in my hand.

"Don't forget this." Against my better judgment I handed him back the slushie.

"Keep it."

"You know… Honestly, I really don't like them all that much anymore."

Azimo took the slushie. "Take care… Cute kid."

Azimo turned away from me took a few steps, and then continued along the hallway with his usual swagger. I turned away and started back toward the choir room.

"Oh… My… GAWD!" I heard after a few seconds. I turned around and Azimo was standing next to a kid whose name may have been Brant who was covered now in head to toe in slushie.

"How rude of my slushie to be in your path!" Azimo's arms were flailing around acting overly dramatic. "I mean the NERVE! Can someone please get this poor soul a towel? The nerve!"

Azimo slapped the kid's shoulder and walked off. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help but giggle. I had been at the business end of many slushie facials, but at least this time… It wasn't me.

I turned and walked into the choir room.

"Hello!" I said cheerfully.

"Rachel?" Mr. Shue asked. "You weren't supposed to be back until Monday."

"I know… But I was getting a really bad case of cabin fever. I wanted to get out for a little while…"

For the first time in a long time I felt like my old self again. Back in the room where I spent so much time being… Just me.

I walked over to the piano and set Leah's car seat on top of it. "Of course, I'm grounded until the end of time… Or the rest of the year, whichever comes first… I was down to a few options on how to get out of the house."

I lifted up my book to show what I was referring to. "But most importantly… I wanted to formally introduce everyone to the newest member of the New Directions family… Leah Madeline Berry!"

I removed the blanket covering Leah's car seat. A few members like Mike, Sam and Lauren, whom I wasn't really close to hadn't had the chance to come by and see Leah.

"I gave her grandparents the honor of giving her a middle name…" I rolled my eyes remembering the drama that caused between my dads and Ms. Puckerman. "Finally after much debate and quite possibly bloodshed, they came up with a fitting middle name."

"Actually…" Noah added. "My Ma threatened to shank them with her knitting needles if they didn't go with her choice."

I nodded. "There is one thing though. A little formality that I would like to get out of the way…"

"Traditionally, Jews don't have godparents. We have… A Sandek. It's a role that is similar to a godparent… In a way that this person would take over the role of bringing up the child properly if I was to fail or ever be unable to do so… There is nothing formal and it's really just a name. It's the same person who, had Leah been a boy, bring the baby into the Temple for circumcision. Anyway… Santana, I would be honored if you would take up that role for me."

All eyes turned Santana.

"Wait? What?" Santana looked around confused.

"You're the only reason she's here with me right now… If you hadn't of showed up when you did, things wouldn't have turned out like they did. You've done so much for me and Leah… There is no way that I can ever repay you. I don't mean the things you buy for her… I mean coming by and keeping her busy so I can do my school work. Staying the whole first week with me making sure that we were alright… If it wasn't for you, I don't even want to think about what would have happened. You stood behind me no matter what choices I made. I wouldn't have answered the door by the time Quinn came over. You called Brittany, Leah would have probably starved to death if it wasn't for you. And I'm not being dramatic when I say that."

I could see Santana's eyes starting to water up. "Everything that Leah will be now, it's all because of you. Someone once told me that things happen for a reason… God has a plan for us. And no matter what that plan goes the way it's meant to be. And you showing up and staying when you did…"

I felt my eyes start to water I took a moment to collect myself by shrugging my shoulders. "I know that of all the people I am acquainted with… That you are the most qualified to set Leah on whatever pathway she's supposed to be on. And I am sure that you are supposed to be a part of her life just as much as me, my dads or anyone else."

Santana looked around at every one, a smile came to her face and she nodded. Santana came down and took Leah out of her car seat. "That's right… Cause you know I'll make a kick ass… Whatever word you just used…"

While Santana's attention was on Leah I faced everyone else. "Also… The role isn't limited to gender or the number of people I can choose. So…"

"But I'm still number one right?" Santana asked.

"Yes, Santana… You'll always be number one."

"Hell yeah. You bitches better recognize who's in charge here."

"Santana… Language." Mr. Shue warned.

"Sorry… I'm just… Excited or whatever."

Mr. Shue cleared his throat. "Santana… Why don't you and Puck preform the song you've been working on for the assignment? I'm sure Rachel would enjoy seeing it."

Santana nodded and I was handed Leah. Mr. Shue led me to one of the chairs and I sit down with Leah sitting up facing the performance.

Brad started to play the opening to "Heaven" on the piano. Santana had the first part, which was more like the D.J. Sammy slower version of the song. When it came to Noah's turn the music was more like the original Bryan Adams version with the guitar and drums. When the song ended it went back to just the piano and the two of them singing together.

It was the only time in my memory that I couldn't find a way to critique a performance. If it had any flaws I couldn't find a single one.

After Santana and Noah finished, Santana took Leah from me and sit in the back with Brittany, Tina and Quinn. Mr. Shue called up Finn and Tina. When they did a mash up the different versions of "American Pie" I realized the details of the assignment. They were to pick a song with a cover and mash the two songs up. Sam and Artie mashed up "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder and Jack Ingram.

Quinn and Brittany came up.

"The song we chose…" Quinn explained, "There really isn't much difference between the original and cover. But we both really wanted to do it, so…"

"You can just deal with it." Brittany smiled smugly finished for Quinn. Brittany looked at Quinn. "That's what you said."

"But you weren't supposed to tell them that."

"It's not like we're getting a grade for this."

"Let's just start the song, shall we?"

Quinn nodded to the drummer from the Jazz band. The drummer started with what has got to be the most unique drum solo to ever start a song. Of all the songs the Twisted Sister/Bif Naked song, "We're Not Gonna Take It" would have been the last song I would expect the girl's to sing. But sing it they did, and did well.

I looked behind me and looked up at Leah in Santana's arms. The world didn't seem so bleak anymore. Leah had shown me that my life wasn't as hard as I made it out to be. There would always be problems, but they didn't seem so daunting. Last year things that seemed like life or death like solos and set lists were just small problems that could be handed off to someone else. Instead of trying to plan every detail, Leah taught me the hard way that nothing goes according to plan. That I should take life one moment at a time because you will never really know what is really going to happen next.

(A/N: That's all folks... Hope you enjoyed it!)