And so the journey continues! If you haven't read New Girl this wouldn't really make any sense to you. I was able to get this started sooner than later, thanks to a soccer injury today I was stuck elevating my injured ankle with my laptop in hand, who said that would be a bad thing? Haha

Little note, this will follow the lives of Tony and Ziva as they start their journey into life out off high school and into the real world of adults. :) exciting, yes? Now let's get started!

Young men. The bus he was on held young men, men wanting to strive in life, become something, someone. He didn't know what all of them had to give up coming here, if they were leaving anyone behind. Some would have nothing in their lives there for them, and others would have people that were going to miss them and smile when they return. And others had people who depended on them and would feel only half there when they were gone.

He was in that last group and he would miss everyone, but mainly it would come down to her, to Ziva. And he knew if not now, she would one day depend on him, depend on him being able to provide for her. She would defiantly hold her own but he being there for her would be important. One day he hoped to have a home with her, buying her things just when he felt like it, taking her out to dinner and away on trips. He was going to provide for her and he was going to try doing the best he could in the marines, he wanted her and her family to be proud.

He sat by himself for awhile, he put in his iPod and kept to himself as he thought about a lot of things, mainly his mind would return to the thought of Ziva though. The bus made stops in different places, picking up more young men like him, ones that were starting a future just like him. Some of these men would eventually become his brothers. They stopped in some town along the journey and by that time most of the bus was filled up and a guy with a short shaven mohawk, from what Tony could see, came up next to Tony's seat.

Tony couldn't hear him when he first spoke as he had his headphones in, Tony pulled them out when he realized the guy was talking to him.

"Sorry" Tony muttered and looked up at the guy for him to explain again.

"This seat taken?" the guy asked, pointing at Tony's bags next to him on the seat. Tony moved his bag off and gave the guy a small smile.

"Na, its all yours" Tony replied and the guy returned the smile and took a seat next to Tony. He was probably just as nervous about everything as Tony was.

"Logan Harris" the guys stated, holding out his hand towards Tony.

"Tony DiNozzo" Tony replied, shaking his hand. They didn't say anything else for a while, both sitting back in silence; Tony had put his headphones away out of decency if the guy was to talk to him again, which he did.

"So where you from?" he asked.

"Washington DC, you from, was it Richmond we just went through?" Tony replied. The guy gave him a small smile so he guessed he must have got it right.

"Yeah Richmond born and raised" the guy replied.

The two of them chatted for a long time on the bus, Tony found out that Logan wasn't really sure what to do in his life; he had dropped out of school and hadn't been doing much, just working for his dad as a builder sometimes. But then Logan's girlfriend had become pregnant, his dad had been disappointed in him for his 'stupidity' and kicked him out. So Logan found the marines, to support for his family that was on the way.

Tony had felt a connection to him in a way, the fact they both had left behind the ones they loved to join, and it was a connection that he was glad to have. He wasn't sure if anyone else was going to be going through the same thing as him, but it seems there was. But Logan's was worse than his in a way, he was expecting a child.

It took them a good seven hours to drive all the way from Washington to South Carolina where the marine recruitment base in Parris Island was. Tony knew over the months he would get to know that journey so well that he could drive it blindfolded; he would travel it a lot. Tony saw the approaching gates of the base and then Staff Sergeant Travis stood up and announced to the bus that they had arrived.

When the bus stopped he ordered all of them to grab their belongings and line up single file outside of the bus, packs on the ground in front of them. They did, Tony stayed close to his new friend Logan. He wondered if they would be separated for the training, he hoped not, he would like to have a friend in the group from the beginning. Staff walked along the line of men and checked each one with his list of names, followed by handing them their set of dog tags.

Dog tags were their form of identification; Staff explained they were not to be taken off while on active duty. Tony took a look at them; it had two tags on it, one that was on the neck chain and one that was attached by a very small chain next to it. He knew why, Sam had told him once; the one on the small chain would be pulled off and collected if you were killed in combat in the field or some other reason that had to do with dying. Mainly it was to do with identification if you got killed.

After that they took them through the facility where they would be living, their bags were left on the bed they were given. There were forty of them, all in the one room, with bunk beds between two. Logan was two beds over from Tony. Next they were taken to the barber. They were lined up again and one by one they would take their turn sitting at the seat, having their hair shaved off. Tony loved his hair but it was a small sacrifice. He found himself smiling at the chair as it was being done, Ziva loved his hair and he knew she was going to miss it, she always loved running her hands through it.

As soon as everyone was shaved they were filed into a warehouse where a few marines would take them away one by one and fitted them out with uniform. They were given a whole bunch off gear, boots, camo uniforms, nice uniforms, shoes, shirts, socks, shorts, hats, jackets, packs. Almost everything you could think of they got, even soap and shavers. They were told it was important to look after your gear, if you break something, come down to the uniform shop and get a new one.

However they were told that there were only so much free replacements they would allow. If you go through too much uniform at once, the new set would come out of your own pocket. By the time that was all done they had dinner in the mess hall. It was slightly intimidating the first time they walked in, being the brand new recruits and every other regular marine was looking at you, staring you down. You had to earn your respect here.

He didn't think his first day could get any longer, but it did. They were taught how to basic march. Marching, halting, marching, and halting. Even after that they had a class lesson, a lesson on what things would be like for the next few months, rules, and what's expected. They were given a rundown on everything it seemed.

And Tony couldn't be happier to finally crash out on his bed at about eleven that night. A few of the men were going to make phone calls and some having showers. He wasn't sure which one he should go with but by the looks of the amount of men going to the phones, by the time he got his chance it would be lights out. Lights out tonight was 1130. He went with the shower in the end.

One thing that did bug him that night was he was constantly running his hand over his hair, it felt so strange to be all gone.

They were woken at 0500 the next morning, no one expected it or is used to it. And none of them expected the 2 mile run they got given. And the whole day was busy, marching, halting, marching, and halting. Learning, listing. Marching, halting. They were taught how to fold their clothes and organize their rooms, clean their boots. How to shave and what their hair should be expected to stay like. Fully shaven or a jarhead cut. One of the two, nothing else.

They were given a run down on what will happen when their commander, Staff Sergeant Jackson, came into the room. Each of them had to line up at the end of their beds, at attention, not moving a muscle. There were many things just like that that they were taught today, many men wondered why exactly they had to do all these things, Tony knew it was just the way things were in the marines. Sam had given him some insight over the years.

It was his forth day when he finally got to have his first phone call home. God he was missing Ziva so much, he thought about her every night, right before he fell asleep.

"Hello?" was the curious voice that answered. It was Ziva. Just hearing her voice made his face light up in a smile.

"Zi it's me" he replied.

"Oh my god Tony" she exclaimed, her excitement made his chest tight with happiness.

"I miss you so much" he stated next.

"I miss you so much too" she replied, softness coated her voice like it had never before.

"How is it? Are you doing well?" she then asked him.

"They shaved my hair off, wake me up at godly hours, we run everyday and march all day. You could say it's alright, I'm doing well" he replied. He could almost feel her smile across the phone when she replied.

"You sound like your having a good time" she said. And it was true he really was, if you take away all the hard work and stress you sometimes get, he liked it. He enjoyed doing it so far, getting involved.

"Yeah, I guess I should have known I couldn't have fooled you. And you, how's things?" he smiled in return.

"I have been rather bored, I miss you being here, I have noticed most of what I do involved you" she replied, chuckling slightly at the realization that she had spent a lot of her time with him and hadn't even realized just how much.

"Have you done anything productive while I've been gone?" he asked, he continued to smile away, even though she couldn't see it. He hoped she would feel it.

"Well I have been going for runs" she replied.

"Really? When was the last time you did that casually? I thought you hated running?" he stated. He knew she didn't like running one bit.

"Last time would have to be when I was in Israel" she said, leaving that part of the conversation there "But I have enjoyed it, I am not sure, I used to hate it. Maybe it's because I'm not running because I'm told to maybe it's because I want to. It makes me feel…free in a way when I just go for a run" she explained. Changes weren't just happening in him.

"That's good, we'll have to go for a run together one time" he said, they were both doing it now, they could do it together.

"Yes. Oh and my collage called and everything is sorted for my studies now. It's official, I am going to do it" she stated, he could hear the glee in her voice. He was happy for her, her getting into this course meant so much to her. It's what she really wanted to do. And something that affected her that much, affected him.

"How long till you go?" he asked.

"Um about two months" she replied.

"Well then I guess when I get home we could check out places around the area?" he asked, hopeful she was still with him on getting the apartment.

"Yes, I would love that" she replied, her voice soft again. Just then he got a tap on his shoulder, it was Logan, signaling that it was almost time for lights out, and that he better finish his conversation.

"I cannot wait. Well I have to go, it's almost lights out and we have a 2 mile run at 0500 so I better get some sleep. I miss you so much, take care of yourself ok?" he said.

"Yes I will, you too" she replied.

"I love you Ziva"

"I love you too Tony" she replied. He didn't want to hang up; he wanted to talk to her all night.

"Bye" he said, and as soon as her farewell was heard he hung up. He couldn't wait to see her again; he couldn't wait to hold her in his arms.

"I'm guessing that was Ziva?" Logan then asked Tony as they began walking back to the barracks. He and Logan had grown a very good friendship over the past five days; they shared stories about their girls and things important to them. It was good to have someone to talk to about that stuff, especially when they could relate to you so well.

"Yeah it was" Tony replied, a beaming smile on his face. Logan chuckled.

"She good then?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's bored without my awesomeness but she's handling" Tony grinned. Logan laughed then.

"Ok I think half of that sentence was over exaggerated, but I am glad to hear she's good" Logan had caught onto Tony quick, he read Tony's humor well and he was so easy for Tony to get along with. Logan was a lot like Tony in so many ways but different at the same time. Logan was a punk at high school, Tony a jock. But now here they both are their lives so much alike, getting along so well, you wouldn't think they would have been any different in high school.

"And Jess, how's she?" Tony then asked. Jess was Logan's girl.

"She's good, were going to go see the doctors when I have leave" Logan replied smiling. One thing Tony had noticed about Logan was that even though everyone was disappointed in Logan for getting his girlfriend pregnant and even though it was an accident, Logan couldn't be happier about having a child with Jess.

And that night in bed Tony couldn't help but thinking that one day, hopefully far in the future, he and Ziva would have kids one day. Again his thoughts returned to Ziva at night. It was his only free time he had to let his mind free, all day he was busy thinking about a lesson they had or things he was learning, he didn't have a free moment in his day to think of her. Night time was when he would have that free moment, moment to think about her. How much he loved her. His Girl.

And it has begun! I am not sure how long this will be, but I said the same thing about New Girl and look how long that became. It will go on until it's done :)

Love to hear your thoughts on the beginning of this, the next chapter will be a look into Ziva's thoughts and time with Tony gone.
