Kiss the Hate Out Of Me


Luscious all-encompassing chestnut curls, soft as could be; fell across her flushed face. The strong aroma of cinnamon and spice enveloped the strong-willed blonde's senses. The desire to be nearer to the usually overbearing woman overthrew the demands to push her away with full force.

Rough, calloused hands on smooth warm ones created a high demand for more skin on skin replication. He ran his strong fingers up her goose bumped-with-excitement; thighs. The electrifying touch affected other parts of her body that she had no control over. The brunette let an airy moan escape her lips. The craving to take her over made the boy's head delicious with delightful and sinful thoughts.

Her arching back was proof that she wanted more. He wanted to find out what real power and influence he had over her. What dirty little secrets she was hiding when it came to him and his sovereignty. He wanted her in every way. He wanted her…he wanted her.

The concentrated movements that their bodies kindled were poetic. The intense realization of what the two were doing –together- only made the experience more…aching. Aching in the context that it felt so unbearably spine-tinglingly and wonderfully taboo.

His slow thrusts turned into dominant plunges as he overtook her. The need, the hunger, the thrill! Draco's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he threw it back and concentrated on the unbelievable sensation. He was in bliss and from the sound of the girl; he knew as Granger, she was having a hard time keeping quiet herself. Normally he liked when she was quiet. But, not when she was screaming his name over and over again. And not his surname—his first name.

"Draco!" hearty moans. "Dra-Draco!" wispy breath. "Don't stop! Don't stop!" gasp. "Draco!"

Draco was almost there himself. Just a-few-more-thrusts…

"Draco! Draco!" they got louder. "Get up now!" Draco groaned in frustration as his dream was ruined. His mother was standing in his doorway in her long silk, black robe. "You're going to be late for your first day back to school!"

She slammed the door shut and left Draco in his fatigued state.

"Bloody hell." he stated as he slowly sat up in his specially designed, leather, king sized bed.

He rubbed his head and evaluated his dream. It's not like he was surprised by the erotic reverie. He'd been having them all summer about her. It was getting annoying really. He couldn't figure out what was causing them.

The first one took him off guard. It was intense and downright scary. Not the actual erotica part, but just the fact that he had dreamt about—Hermione Granger. Shutter.

It had occurred on the train ride home after last term. He had fallen asleep and the next thing he knew, Granger was ready and eager to please. He pegged it on the tighter than normal shirt she was wearing that day.

But, what about the rest of the summer? It needed to end. Maybe once he saw how repulsive she was again he would be able to get past it.

Heading to take a well-needed shower, Draco brushed the Hermione scenario off. He didn't want to think about those horrid nightmares any longer. Even if it meant he would never sleep again.


Another wonderful year at Hogwarts. Draco scoffed. It annoyed him that he had to return for one final year of schooling. He just wanted to be done with the whole lot of it. The classes, the professors, the students. He was so over everything.

But on the bright side, he had made Head Boy. That was no surprise of course. He had maintained the highest GPA in all of Hogwarts for the male counterpart. Wonder who got Head Girl? I bet you already know the answer to that one. It's not hard to guess.

Draco knew Hermione would get it from the moment he met the bookworm. She reeked of stuffy books and higher education. While everyone else was having a life, she was locked away reading ancient text. After all they'd been through together; he knew that his first impression of her was correct. She was a nerd.

Draco boarded the train. Amidst the hundreds of students, he pinpointed his best mate Blaise Zabini instantly. The boy waved for Draco to come sit in the empty compartment he bullied some first years out of.

"Oy, watch where you're bloody going!" Draco yelled as he looked down at a little brown haired first year boy.

"Watch your tongue, Malfoy." Hermione warned appearing out of nowhere.

Draco was suddenly taken aback. He was unable to digest what was standing right in front of him. For the first time in a long while, Draco was tongue-tied. He was not expecting Hermione to look like…that! His dream version of her!

Luscious all-encompassing chestnut curls, soft as could be. The strong aroma of cinnamon and spice.

Draco had to control the sudden and unexpected urge to jump her. He tried to grasp the situation; control his physical impulses. This was real life Draco! Pull yourself together!

She was wearing a deep V-neck navy colored blouse. The neckline dove straight down into an abyss of dark wonder. Pulling his unashamed eyes up, he locked his cold ones with her steely browns.

"Defending runts are we now, Granger? House Elves, children, what will be next? Rats in dark tunnels?" he challenged after he pulled himself out of his stupor. His devious smirk wafted onto his face.

"Of course not. I have no desire to defend you and your friends, Malfoy." she rebelled with a regaled smile.

Draco held a disgusted expression as he looked down at the kid with repugnance.

"For your information, this is my cousin Collin. I promised my aunt I would protect him against the likes of you." Hermione stated putting a hand on Collin's shoulder.

"Joy." Draco retorted sarcastically.

"Collin, why don't you go sit with those kids over there?" Hermione asked pointing to a small group of first years who were heading into a compartment.

"Alright." he said before running to catch up with them.

Malfoy watched the small boy leave and then turned his attention back to Hermione.

"When we get to Hogwarts, I demand the bigger bedroom." he stated.

Hermione rolled her eyes before turning around and heading back to her friends. Draco nearly died after realizing he kept his eye on Hermione all the way back to her compartment.

He shook his head and gruffly headed to meet Blaise. This was the last thing he needed to deal with.


The feast was undeniably scrumptious that night. Hermione was in a particularly good mood due to the fact that her cousin Collin had made Gryffindor. She was proud of the young boy indeed.

Ron was going to have a stomach ache for a week if he ate anymore that night. But yet, he made room for more.

Harry was having a talk about who knows what? with Seamus and Dean. Boys…

Hermione was talking to Ginny when she looked up and realized Malfoy was staring her down from across the room.

Neither moved. Neither caved.

Draco's stare taunted. Hermione's stare retaliated. His deep eyes bore into her own at a level that she felt naked…vulnerable. She felt as if he could see right through her.

Ginny hadn't noticed since she started a conversation with Luna, who was sitting diagonal to her.

Draco opened his mouth slowly and cracked a smirk that could melt the iciest heart. He loved screwing with her. But, he noticed as time went on, it was harder to look away from her than he thought possible. He had gotten lost in a trance. She looked down fast, unable to play the game any longer. Her eyes stung. But, Draco wasn't so lucky. He realized he was watching her again, really watching her. He watched her play with her food. He watched her dart her eyes back and forth, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

His eyes glazed over and he allowed a daydream to overcome him; unwillingly.

Sitting here. Right in the Great Hall. He got up quickly and walked across the table and jumped to the floor. He strolled right over to Hermione and let a sly smirk form on his face as he admired the deep red lingerie she was wearing just for him. Everyone had disappeared from the room. It was just the two of them. Draco walked across the tabletop and plopped down on the bench she was sitting on, a leg on each side. He slid like a child closer to her.

She looked up at him with infatuated dark eyes. He out of nowhere stood up and pulled her up with him. He lifted her onto the tabletop and laid a harsh and full kiss right onto her lips, forcing her to lie back as he attacked her mouth with his own. Climbing atop her, he placed a knee on each side of her thighs as he devoured her. His mouth made full claim over the property that was now his.

Draco shook his head clean from the poisonous thoughts. If he kept thinking the way he was, things could get a bit dicey. Luckily, dinner was ending and he would be able to relax and just breathe…


Draco was relieved to know they each got their own bathroom. Draco didn't like to share, as you may already know.

"This place is incredible!" Hermione stated in awe.

"It's not as incredible as Malfoy Manor." Draco said throwing a glance at her from where he was sitting in front of the splendid fire.

"Well for those of us who live in average sized homes." she said unimpressed. "We find it exceptional to say the least."

Hermione took a seat on the luxurious sofa in front of the roaring fire with the book she was currently in the middle of reading. Draco scoffed from his chair and tried to contain his amusement.

"Is there a problem?" she asked.

"Your book." he said. "It's a muggle romance novel."

"What of it?" she asked. "Muggles are authors too, Malfoy."

"It's just kind of entertaining. You'd rather read about someone else's love story than go out and live your own." he said.

"That's not how it is." she said. "Sometimes it's nice to just dive into someone else's story and take a gander. Reading poetic stories like this is enjoyable. It's fun to imagine your own life turning into a quixotic adventure."

"Why stop and wonder about what could be when you have the power to make it happen and see for yourself?" Draco asked.

"That's a wonderful idea, Malfoy. How about you go out and explore the world right now?" she asked annoyed.

"I've seen enough." he stated indifferently.

Hermione went back to reading her book. She always loved coming back to Hogwarts. Sitting in front of a fire with a good book was her favorite way to relax. What put a dent in it now was Draco Malfoy sitting three feet away, pestering her.

"Don't you have an elsewhere to be?" she asked unable to concentrate on the words she was reading.

"Not at the moment." he said casually to her.

"Fine. I'll leave." Hermione stood from where she had been sitting and left for her bedroom. A whole year of this and she would pull her hair out. The one person she had to share Head's responsibilities with and it had to be him!

She was relieved that someone other than her stalker; seventh year Ravenclaw student Camden McQuillan, had gotten Head Boy though. Camden wasn't a creeper or anything. He just happened to be a bit too…close for comfort sometimes. Hermione got the wiggins from the boy.

But, Draco Malfoy was hardly a step up. Sighing and falling on her large bed, Hermione took a deep breath and then smiled. She loved it here. She loved Hogwarts. She loved the Professors, the friends she made while attending, the magic, quidditch, she loved…

Knock, Knock.

Draco Malfoy…

Getting off her inviting bed, Hermione answered the door with displeasure.

"We need to do our rounds." Draco said with distaste.

"One of the many jobs as Head's. Get used to it." she retorted.

"I'm only a Head for the benefits." Draco replied.

"You are revolting." she replied grabbing her sweater.

"I'm a man who knows what he wants." Turning away, Draco led the two out of the portrait hole.

But, he began to second guess himself. Maybe he didn't know exactly…what he wanted. Not quite yet, anyway…

A/N-Review? Tell me what you think! Much steam to come from this story.