The following Monday, Harry found himself in Umbridges class.

"Today," Said Umbridge in her high, girlish voice," You will be reading Chapter two, common Defensive Theories and their derivation. Wands away please, and there's no need to talk."

Hermione held up her hand.

Umbridge walked over to her. "What, Miss Granger?"

"I have already read chapter two." She replied.

"Then proceed to chapter three." Said Umbridge impatiently.

"I have, I've read the whole book."

Umbridge blinked in surprise, but quickly recovered.

"Ten you must be able to tell me what Slinkhard says about counter jinxes in chapter fifteen." Said Umbridge smugly.

"He says counter jinxes are improperly named and "Counter Jinx" is just a name people give their jinxes to make them sound more acceptable."

Umbridges eyebrows raised and Harry knew she was impressed, even though it was against her will.

Hermione cleared her throat. "I disagree with Slinkhard."

"Oh you do, do you?" Asked Umbridge.

Hermione nodded. "Slinkhard doesn't like jinxes, does he? I believe they can be very useful in defence."

"Well, unfortunately, that is your opinion, and Slinkhards. And the ministry agrees with Slinkhard. Five points from Gryffindor, for useless interruptions."

Hermione looked at her feet.

"What?" Harry burst out.

Umbridge turned her small, beady eyes towards him.

"I'm teaching you ministry approved methods. Your previous teachers in this subject may have allowed you more license to speak out, with exception of Quirrell-"

"Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher, just with that small draw back that Voldemort was sticking out the back of his head!" Harry snarled.

Umbridge drew a breath in through her nose. "I believe another weeks detention will serve you good." She smiled.


The cut on Harry's hand was bleeding again.

Harry was determined not to have a single sound leave his lips, though the cut deepened with every shining red letter.

To top it all off, Angelina tracked him down at breakfast and was yelling at him furiously.

She yelled so loud that Professor McGonagall came sweeping down from the staff table.

"Miss Johnson, how dare you make such a racket! Five points from Gryffindor."

"But professor!" Protested Angelina. "Harry's got himself landed in detention again!"

Professor McGonagall spun to face Harry.

"With who?" She asked menacingly.

"Umbridge." He replied refusing to meet her gaze.

Professor McGonagall lowered her voice."Are you telling me that after you saw me last Monday, you lost your temper with Professor Umbridge again?"

"Yes." Said Harry still looking at the floor.

"Five points from Gryffindor Potter! it obviously seems that detentions have no take on you what so ever!" With that She turned on her heel and went back up to the staff table.

Angrily, he flung himself onto the bench beside Ron.

"She takes points off because I'm having my hand sliced open ever night! Tell me how that's fair!" Said Harry Furiously.

"Well, you haven't told her that she is cutting open you hand every night."

Harry gave Ron a death glare and left breakfast.


That day in Transfiguration, Umbridge was to be inspecting McGonagall teach.

Professor McGonagall swept into the room, taking no notice of Umbridge sitting there.

A few minutes into class everyone heard a little "Hem, hem"

"I wonder, how you expect me to teach my normal teaching methods if you interrupt me." Said McGonagall icily not even looking at Umbridge.

Umbridge hastily lowered her gaze and began scribbling notes on her clipboard.

They continued a normal lesson with the background noise of scratching of a quill.

Later on that day, it was Grubbly-planks lesson.

Umbridge was there.

Harry overheard her talking with Malfoy.

"I was slashed by a Hippogriff in this class. With Hagrid." Malfoy boasted.

"Only because you were too stupid to listen to what Hagrid told you to do!" Snapped Harry.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you back in detention Mr. Potter." Said Umbridge sleekly.

By midnight, Harrys hand was drenched shining crimson.

He didn't have anything to wrap it in so it spattered the floor. He hurried to the common room to run it under water or something to ease the pain.

He was surprised to see Hermione, Ron and Professor McGonagall in the common room.

He put his right hand behind his back and walked up to them.

"Show me your hand Potter." McGonagall said crisply.

"I-I don't know wha- what you're talking about." Stammered Harry.

McGonagall shook her head at his foolishness and repeated her sentence.

Harry drew his hand from behind his back.

Both Ron and Hermione gasped, for it had never been this bad.

Professor McGonagall looked, aghast at his hand. Ron and Hermione didn't tell her it was this bad.

Blood dripped onto the red carpet, staining it.

"Follow me Potter" She whispered.

Harry had no choice but to do as she said.

"Potter, I'm very disappointed that you didn't come to me earlier. If I knew... If you told me..."

Harry just kept walking his right hand still dripping.

They arrived at the hospital wing and knocked.

A very tired looking Madam Pomfrey came to let them in.

"What is it Minerva? What are you doing here Potter?" She asked.

"Show her your hand Potter." Ordered Professor McGonagall.

He showed her his hand she stared at it. She started whispering incantations but the only difference was that the blood stopped flowing.

Madam Pomfrey waved her wand and cleared the blood from his hand.

Both Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall stared at the words carved into Harrys skin.

Harry Glanced at McGonagall and was surprised to see her shaking with, what? Anger? Not fear?

Both the Colleagues bent their heads together and were whispering to each other.

Finally they straightened up.

"Potter, I'm afraid I can't make the scars go away." Said Madam Pomfrey. "Minerva, you may leave Mr. Potter to the Gryffindor Common room."

Professor McGonagall led Harry back through the corridors.

"Potter, I believe I owe you an apology. And I think you will be delighted that the headmaster shall be informed of this, and something will happen to Dolores."

"She'll probably just pass a decree saying Whoever complains gets sacked!" retorted Harry angrily.

Professor McGonagall let out a sigh and left him at the portrait.

He entered and saw Ron and Hermione.

They both opened their mouths to say something but Harry cut them off.

"I thought I told you that I didn't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction!"

With that he Jogged upstairs to the dormitories and went to sleep.

Thank you for reading. I really Hope you liked it! Please, please, please review! :-)