Conversations with Mr. Granger

Rated - T

My first multi-chapter fic! :) I've had a few requests, and I've been really interested in writing a multi-chap, so here I am. This is more of a series of one-shots, but they're one shots about the same thing - Ron and Mr. Granger's relationship throughout the years. Obviously, Hermione will be making appearances here and there - I have to have a sweet moment between them in anything I write. :)

If you're a fan of my works, and like this multi-chap story, I am currently writing a multi-chapter story with a long plot. I don't know when I'll first put it up, but it won't be for awhile. I do intend on finishing it though. In between I will still write one-shots though, so keep an eye out for those too :)

The sizes of the chapters will vary. This one is really small, I know, but the last ones ended up being much longer. The story has six chapters.

Ron first saw Mr. Granger and Mrs. Granger at the end of first year. They were a nice looking couple, appearing very mature and intelligent – just like Hermione.

Mrs Granger had curly brown hair that ended just above her shoulders. She had a thin face, with rosy cheeks - a pinkish hue. Her lips were thin and pale. She had a few freckles sprinkled on her nose, which were barely noticeable, but still there. Her eyes were green and welcoming.

Mr. Granger was a tall man. He had a long face too, his in a some-what rectangular shape. His eyes were a deep brown and were covered by a pair of rectangular glasses. Whenever he'd smile his mouth would widen and wrinkles would form around his face, making his cheeks seem bigger than they really were. His smile made him appear friendly, but if his smile wasn't there, to Ron he appeared as if he were judging the world around him silently.

Ron didn't need to worry about that though. As soon as they spotted Hermione, they beamed and hurried over to her. Hermione waved to them, and looked back at Ron and Harry.

"Come on! Let me introduce you to my parents." She grabbed Ron and Harry with either arm and dragged them over to her anxious yet excited parents.

"Mum! Dad!" she exclaimed, and roughly let go of Harry and Ron - unintentionally shoving them together - as she ran forward to hug the parents she hadn't seen since Christmas. Ron rubbed his arm to try to ease the pain. "I want to introduce you to my two best friends, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter."

Ron felt a sense of pride, not only being introduced first, but being called Hermione's best friend. Sure, facing a mountain troll and protecting a precious stone would make three people best friends, but there was something nice about being told you are someone's best friend. He stood up taller, straightening his back.

Mr. Granger stuck out his hand for them to shake, and Harry accepted first, shaking his hand politely. Mr. Granger then turned to Ron, and Ron nervously stuck his hand out too, shaking it quickly. The intensity in Mr. Granger's eyes made Ron feel very anxious.

Mrs. Granger smiled at them both. "It's so nice to meet you. Hermione's sent us many letters about you two. She's told us all about you." It was then Ron realised that was why Mr. Granger had stared so intently at him. Hermione must have mentioned their constant bickering, and his teasing of her at the beginning of the school year. Ron turned red. "It's so great that she finally has friends."

Hermione blushed furiously and gently nudged her mother. "Mu-um." She whispered, yet it was loud enough for Ron to hear. Then Ron understood – he and Harry were Hermione's first friends… ever. He now felt even guiltier at what he had said about Hermione at the end of a Charms class. She was actually a really nice girl; just no one had ever given her the chance to show it.

An awkward silence filled the air after Hermione nudged her mother. Mr. Dursley broke it.

"Come on, boy! We have to get home now, Dudley's friends are coming over!" his voice was very gruff and low. He marched over to them and pulled Harry by the upper arm, dragging him away from his friends.

"See you, mate." Ron said quietly enough for Harry to hear, but Mr. Dursley not to. Harry waved back at him and Hermione with his free arm, a grim expression on his face.

Hermione was waving her arm wildly. "We'll owl you!" she called out. Harry nodded and turned to pay attention to whatever Mr. Dursley was saying. Ron could hear very faintly the sound of Mrs. Dursley's high pitched voice crooning over Dudley. "Oh my dinky Duddums' friends are coming over! He's so popular!"

He won't be if his friends hear you call him 'dinky Duddums', Ron thought, struggling not to laugh. He turned back to the Grangers and the smirk wiped off his face. Mr. Granger was staring at him intently once more. Ron swallowed nervously. Hermione and Mrs Granger were now in a conversation of their own. Mr. Granger leaned forward so he and Ron were eye to eye.

"You seem like a nice young man Ron Weasley. A bit hurtful at times, but nice." Ron relaxed slightly at that. "But please, don't tease my daughter. She's had enough remarks to last her a lifetime."

Ron nodded. "I'm sorry about the beginning of this year Mr. Granger. I said things without truly knowing Hermione. But she's a great girl. Really smart, funny and caring." Ron turned faintly pink once he said this, but he knew that all that he had said was true.

Something else ignited in Mr. Granger's eyes. Ron wasn't sure what though. "Good." Was all he said. He turned back to Hermione and Mrs. Granger and told them it was time to leave. Hermione nodded then turned to Ron.

"Bye, Ron." She said, waving at him shyly.

"Bye Hermione." Ron replied, waving back. "I'll owl you soon."

"Okay," Hermione beamed. "Bye!"

And she and the Grangers walked away.

What did everybody think? Please review if you have any advice, or if you'd like to pay a compliment. I welcome both. As I said, the other chapters are longer, I'm sorry this one was so short.

I will post the next chapter in 2 or 3 days. :)