Chapter 3:

The next day aboard the Pearl was calm, no winds, no current, there was nothing they could do really apart from wait till the wind picked up so they could continue on with their journey.

Elizabeth came out of Jack Cabin wearing an a-line ivory dress, plain, with a slight floral detail around the chest area, giving her very nice curves but not too feminine.

"Yo ho yo ho, a pirates life for me" Elizabeth sung very quietly to herself.

"Were pillage, we plunder, we rifle, we loot, drink up me hearties Yo ho…" Jack sung quietly back to her as he walked toward her.

Elizabeth smiled to herself and turned round.

"you shouldn't sing… you'll break my cabin windows" she grinned… Jack looked a bit shocked at her realising she was joking he gave her a crooked smile.

"your looking very lady like this morning" he said while looking her up and down, his eyes met hers

"Thank you" she said nervously as they were inches apart. He placed his hand on her waist, her back now leaning against the rails.

"Jack" she whispered to herself At this point she gave into his power and sunk her body into his, places her hands on his chest looking at his muscular chest ripping out of his white shirt. Her eyes met his as their lips softly touched.

Elizabeth pulled away with her head….. And realised it felt good, it felt different.. It turned her on. It was…


Elizabeth sat up in her bed very quickly, it had been a dream, yet it felt so real.

"great" she murmured to herself getting out of bed in a stropy way. She emerged on deck to see it was still night time, very dark yet very aware of the crew running around her. She looked around trying to see what was really going on, then to her left she saw lights on the horizon… another ship.

"Will?" she said in a nervous voice…

"I don't know" Jack said as he came up behind her, she grinned and turned round, having a flashback of her dreaming turning round and kissing him. Then reality hit when he grabbed her arm, it wasn't soft like her dream…

"Get in the cabin… if its will, he need not know you're here.."

Elizabeth knew that if was Will, she needed to be invisible. She nodded and made her way to the cabin… sat on her bed and waited but was rudely interpreted when Jack barged in.

He walked quickly over to her, she stood up to meet him, he grabbed her waist, their lips smashed together in a wave of passion. It was a quick kiss but enough for her to be blown away.

"Hide, under my bed is a hatch, open it and hide in there.. that's the only place they wont know about, if its Will, he will turn this place upside down…. " he looked at her, a bit shocked himself that he had actually kissed her

"Be careful" she said as she crouched down to get under the bed.

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow" he said in his usual, egotistical way.

Time passed, a lot of time and Elizabeth heard nothing… maybe the ship had passed.

Silence fell across the ship… not even movement above.

"ah William" Elizabeth heard Jack say in a muffled voice.

"jack… a long time since I've seen you" William said….

"same to you, you seem a bit scaly…"

"How are you Jack?"

"me? I'm just peachy and yourself"

Time had passed with general chit chat, she began to get worried…. Was Jack on Will's side? Her thoughts were broken by the sound of a door opening.

"Search it" Will said as his crew began to search jacks cabin…

Jack walked in front of Will

"mate what are you doing" he played dumb.

"looking for something of mine…."

Sorry to leave on a cliff hanger.. Please review because if you guys don't like I wont continue it J I saw the new pirates the other day… very good!