After the end,

This is a one shot, but if you want me to continue the story just tell me.

Spoiler Alert: This contains the scene from the last chapter of La Corda d'oro

Disclaimer: I don't own La Corda d'oro and the plot

Hino Kahoko point of view

"You keep perturbing my heart" Tsukimori-kun said. I saw his eyes really soften. I don't know what to say. His gaze is locked to my eyes. I don't know what to do, I fell like my heart is going to burst from my chest any second. Did he just confessed to me or I am just dreaming? He pulled me in a hug. I really don't know how to react, my body stood still. I am currently in a bliss that I don't want this moment to end.

My senses finally sent something in my head.

I hugged him back. I think that is the best thing to do in this situation. I felt his hug tighten.

"Tsukimori-kun?" I said, finally gaining the courage to say something to him.

"Please just stay like this for a moment Hino-san" He replied with an obvious sincerity in his tone. Silence engulfed the two of us as we stayed in that position for a few seconds,

Ba dump, ba dump, ba dump.

I can feel his fast heart beat against my chest. And I am sure that my heartbeat is 5x faster than normal.

" I love you Hino Kahoko." Tsukimori-kun whispered to my ear.

A sudden electric shock ran into my spine, those three words that I have longed to wish that someone will say to me.

'I love you' It keeps repeating in my head like a damaged cd.

My beating heart goes faster than how it is and my cheeks felt hot.

Then a realization struck me, Tsukimori Len confessed to me.

He confessed to me.

My legs feels like its turning jelly, my nervous system is seriously whacked.

He broke the hug and moved a step away from me.

"I am so sorry, I think I surprised you." Tsukimori-kun said with his bangs covering his eyes. He looked away from me and put his violin in the violin case and moved towards the door.

Everything happened in like 5 seconds, after hearing the dorm slam, I regained my senses and ran after Tsukimori-kun and saw him descending the stairs. I quickly caught up with him and hugged him from behind again and buried my face in his neck. I think he is surprised with how I acted.

"Tsukimori, ano ne, it really hurts a lot when you leave the school. I d-don't know what to do. It's because of you that I reached this far in playing the violin. The ave maria you played that day touched my heart. I would never love the viollin this much if not because of you. I l-love y-you so much Tsukimori Len" I said, finally. My heart felt so moved that there are tears forming in my eyes.

Tsukimori-kun removed my arms from him and looke at me. He wiped the tears from my cheeks with his hand.

"Can I call you Kahoko?" he said while looking straightly at me in the eyes.

I nodded shyly with agreement.

"Then, will you be my girlfriend?" Tsukimori-kun said. My heartbeat halted and my eyes widen. I never thought that the guy love would ask me to be his girlfriend. For all those times I thought it is one sided.

"Hai, Yes, Of Course" I answered and snaked my arms around his neck.

The smile of Tsukimori that is rarer than diamond appeared in my eyes. The smile that always make my heart skip a beat.

Before I knew it, his face is an inch near to mine. I closed my eyes in reflex and he gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

He pulled away and said. "I won't leave you next time" He said and I nodded.

"This! Violin Romance, the 2nd time around success!" Lili said as he watched the scene from another level of staircase.

"I am so happy for you Hino Kahoko." Lili said teary eyed.

Snap, snap, snap.

"Too bad I left my dslr but these pictures would do, Headline: Legend came true, The Violin Romance! This is going to be a hot topic in school after the next release" Amoi said who doesn't notice the fairy beside her.