Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, if I did it wouldn't be over. Since English isn't my first language I asked Rose to be my beta and she said yes, yeey. So for any grammar mistakes I blame her ;) Kidding, kidding thank you soo much :*

Yes, this is another Bella/Hermione story, and Albus and Minerva are married.

And now would be the time to introduce you to a new story :D I hope you will like it.

''Never mistake knowlege for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.''

Sandra Carey

Albus Dumbledore was a smart man. A smart man who knew that Voldemort was back. Even though the Ministry wouldn't accept Harry's testimony and with that the truth about Cedric's death, that didn't mean that Dumbledore was that blind. The minute Harry told them what happend Dumbledore arranged a meeting with the other members of the Order. It was time for the Order to start making plans.
Hogwarts was never completely deserted, even at this late hour, which meant that the meetings would take place at Hogsmeade. Rosmerta had a special room for Dumbledore and the other staffmembers of Hogwarts. It was a room reserved for things like this.

''Good evening. I am glad you all decided to join us.'' Dumbledore said, while walking into a room with Minerva by his side.

''Good evening Albus. You said it's an emergency?'' responded Kingsley.

''Yes it is, my friends. I must say, with great regret, that the Order has to unite once again. I'm afraid we will have to face our old enemy once more. And hopefully this time will be the last.''

''What are you saying Albus?'' asked Tonks getting up.

'' He's back again? It can't be possible!'' Lupin added.

''Yes, Voldemort is indeed back.'' answered Dumbledore

''And we decided to start with making preparations immediatly.'' added Minerva.

''But Albus, are you sure?'' Kingsley asked

''Yes, I am. Yesterday was the Final task in the Tri-wizard tournament . And Cedric Diggory died by the hands of Voldemort. Harry was there and he confirmed it.''

''So the second war is starting to begin, isn't it?'' asked Tonks

''Yes, it's inevitable. As Minerva said, we need to start with preparations. Today we shall discuss about our members. So please sit down.'' said Dumbledore waving his hand toward the table. The room was simple. It held a table with six chairs on one side, on the other side it held two chairs and a couch in front of a fireplace. The room was protected with strong silent charms and no one, beside Rosmerta could get in. All four were now sitting at the table looking at Albus.

''First of all, Moody is still very tired so he isn't here, but he of course is an important member of the Order. I must state that there is a big risk for all of you and I am sure you know this, but I have to know that you will be willing to risk your lifes.''

''We are ready.'' all four voices said

''Well then, lets discuss members.'' said Albus

''I think we need to contact the Weasley's and Hagrid.'' said Minerva

''Yes, I agree, Hagrid and the Weasley's were always very loyal to you Albus.'' added Tonks.

''Yes, that is true, Hagrid always showed his loyalty towards me and Hogwarts. And the Weasley's stood by our side in the first war. I'm also thinking about one member who knows all about the ways of a dark lord and whom he trusts.''

''Snape?'' asked Minerva

''Yes, I think that he will make an excellent spy.''

''Do you think you can trust him?'' asked Tonks

''I trust him with my life. He showed his loyalty even through the first war.'' said Dumbledore. Minerva looked like she wanted to comment but seeing Dumbledor's look she dropped it.

''Well, then it's settled, I think?'' asked Kingsley

''Yes, I will contact the Weasleys, Hagrid, Snape and I will talk with Moody. You will get the next location of the meeting in the following weeks.'' said Dumbledore

Walking down the corridor Minerva asked Albus :

''Do you think it is a wise decision? Weeks apart, what for Albus?''

''I think it's necessary to take this long. I need to talk with Harry before school ends and I need to contact other members. And there are other matters.'' There was one thing that Albus Dumbledore was incapable of doing, and that was to lie and hide things from his wife.

''And this other matters Albus, would be...'' said Minerva

''Oh my dear Minerva, once I'm sure about this plan, you will be the first to know. And I'm looking forward to hear all your warnings and suggestions about this plan. But for now, go to bed my dear.'' he said kissing her cheek. He couldn't lie to his wife, but thank Merlin he was still capable of not telling the whole truth.

''Oh, well Albus I hope you know what you are doing. Now when you'll be getting back to our room please take some sweets from your office, will you? ''

''Yes dear. I'll see you in half an hour.'' said Dumbledore before he disappeared on his stair case.

'You have a plan Albus. And I know that look in your eyes. What are you up to now?' thought Minerva walking to their room.

So this was introduction, story will soon countinue. Hope you liked it. R&R :)