akapaA Stella/Charlie Story

A/n: I have seen the movie and it is AWESOME. I instantly fell in love with this couple even though they didn't interact that much. So I grabbed a pen and a notebook and started writing ideas. I'll make this a one-shot. But if you want me to add more chapters, just review. If you don't, review. BTW, the reason I put this in the GLC Archive is because there's no LM Archive. I hope they make some soon.

So, let's begin with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Lemonade Mouth and Daydream by Miranda Cosgrove

Chapter 1: Daydream

*This takes place about 2 and a half weeks after they performed in Madison Square Garden

Stella's POV

We were practicing in our new music hall (Which is amazingly huge) for our upcoming gig next week. We were practicing "Determinate" and "Livin' on a High Wire". When we were done, Wen and Olivia left first. They said they are gonna spend the rest of the afternoon writing songs. Even though we all know they're just gonna spend some quality time together. You see, after we performed "Breakthrough", Wen finally got the courage to ask Olivia out. Olivia, being in love with the guy, accepted. So they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend now. Scott and Mo are still on good terms and they have a date after practice, so they left.

"Bye guys! Practice was awesome! See you tomorrow." Mo said leaving the hall with Scott. So that left me with Charlie. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I'm with Charlie especially now because we're alone. You see, for the past few months I've been developing feelings for him. But I know he likes Mo, so I never told anyone.

Now back to me and Charlie alone. Like I said, I like it with him; it's just that I kinda wrote a song about HIM yesterday. And I was planning to play it here, ALONE. But how could I do that if he's with me. So I asked him.

"Hey Charlie, what'chadoin'?"

"Oh, hey Stell. Just fixing my things then I'm going to Dante's. What about you? Are you not going home yet?" He replied.

"Me? Nah, I'm just gonna hang here for a while."

"Oh, do you want me to stay?" he offered.

"Oh no, no. Thanks, but I don't want to ruin your plans." I regretted saying that. Inside me I was saying 'Sure, I'd love that.' But obviously, I can't. 'Cause the last thing I need is for him to find out that I'm falling for him.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Gosh he's so sweet and all… Oh snap out of it Stella. You might slip.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Trust me." I reassured him.

"If you say so. See you tomorrow then." He said. Then he waved goodbye at me then headed towards the door.

"Bye! Love you." I said the last part quietly so he won't hear. But apparently he did because…

"What was that?" he asked.

"What? Oh nothing. I just said be careful and see you tomorrow." I said nervously. I can't believe he heard that! What does he have? Bat ears? Oh well, at least I came up with an excuse in a flash.

"Okay, bye Stells."

"Bye Charles" And with that he left. I started setting up. I found my notebook where I wrote the lyrics and started playing:

La la la la, yea
I could've been the one you noticed
I could've been all over you
I could've been like all the others
Is that what I'm supposed to do?
It would've been really stupid
If I would've went out with you
To give you everything you wanted
It would've been way too soon.

I try to be sensitive, I try to be tough
I try to walk away
I try to be innocent, I try to be rough
But I just wanna pray.

You're my daydream
Y'know that I've been thinking about you
Lately, every time I look at you
I can't explain how I feel inside
I can't get away
You're my daydream.

I was to focused on the song that I didn't hear the door open.

La la la, yea
If I tell you what I'm thinking
And I let myself trust you
Can you give me what I'm missin'?
Can you make my dreams come true?

I try to be sensitive, I try to be tough
I try to walk away
I try to be innocent, I try to be rough
But I just wanna pray

You're my daydream
Y'know that I've been thinking about you
Lately, every time I look at you
I can't explain how I feel inside
I can't get away
You're my daydream

I've always wanted someone
I've been waiting so long
Could you be that someone?
Are you my, you my
You're my, you're my...

Know that I've been thinking about you
Lately, every time I look at you
I can't explain what I feel inside
I can't get away
You're my daydream
You're my daydream (Y'know, y'know, y'know)
.com Daydream
You're makin' me insane
You're my daydream
You're my daydream (Y'know, y'know, y'know)
You're makin' me insane

I was putting away my spare guitar when I heard someone clapping behind me. I turned around to see Charlie with a surprised look on his face.

"Charlie! Have you been in here all this time?" I asked, startled.

"Uhm just after the first chorus." He smiled.

"Gosh you scared me. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you left?" I asked.

"I forgot my drumsticks." He said finding his pair of sticks. "Ah, here it is."

"Oh," I said, fixing my things.

"You want a ride home?" he asked.

I felt my heart skip a beat. "I'd love that. But I thought you had plans?"

"Nah. I'm not that hungry anymore. Let me help you with that." He offered.

I feel myself blush but I hope he won't notice. He picked up my amplifiers and we started for his car.

"So, who is the lucky guy to which that beautiful song is dedicated to?" He asked.

"Uhm, just some guy." I answered.

"Do I know him?"

"Yes you do."

"Is he cute?"

"Yes he is."

"I give up."

I just giggled at his statement.

"By the way Stella, I didn't know you write songs."

"Yeah, but only if I'm in love or heartbroken."

"Oh. Whoever this is, he's very lucky to have you." He said.

"Why thank you Charlie." I said with a smile.

After minutes of talking, we finally got to my house. I was at our front porch when he said,

"Goodnight Stella. Sweet dreams."

"Good night and sweet dreams to you too, Charlie. Thanks for the ride." I answered back."

"Anytime." He said then went home.

I went to my room, changed to my comfy PJs then went to bed with a grin. Today was awesome.

Charlie's Short POV

I got home and went to my room smiling. Today I got to spend time with Stella. Okay, I admit, I love Mo. I really do, but after she rejected me, I kinda got attracted to Stella. I still love Mo, but something about her just captured me. Her voice, her guitar playing, everything about her is just awesome. So right now, I have mixed feelings. I love Mo, I mean love love. But I'm kinda falling for Stella. I got to my room , changed to my PJs and went to sleep.