CJ: Lol. I don't know how good this will turn out because as I'm writing this, I am tired and trying to make sure I don't shit myself as I'm watching a realyyyyyyy scary movie! lolol

Pei: Why am I here?

Saso: Because in the strange world that is CJ's mind, you have a daughter…

Pei: *Blinks a few times*

CJ: Teehee. And so do you Sasori hehe. So lets begin!

Chapter 1

"He has a WHAT?" Deidara demanded. Pein sighed from behind his desk.

"A daughter. Around the same age as Miyuki." He repeated. Miyuki was Pein and Konan's sixteen year old Daughter. She looked just like Konan, with her blue hair kept long enough that it reached her finger tips.

"How could that even be?" Deidara asked.

"Think about it. It's his thirtieth birthday. He became a human puppet and joined us when he was bout fifteen. Who knows what he got up to before then." Pein explained.
"Does he know yet?" Deidara asked. Pein nodded.

"I'm sending the two of you to get her. Sasori knows all the details of where she is and what her life is like." He said. He began to rummage through the paper work on his desk. Deidara took this as a sighn for him to leave.

"Oh, and by the way. Miyuiki's going with you." Pein said as Deidara opened the door, "She hasn't been on a single mission. So, since this one is simple enough, I'll send her."

Deidara nodded then left.

Sasori was in his room. Sitting on his stool at his work bench. He didn't move, his mind was almost completely blank. One thought ran through his head, over and over again. I have a child…

"Danaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Deidara sang as he entered the room. Sasori stayed completely still.

"Come on Danna. We've gt to get ready for the mission!" Deidara said, walking over to the red head, "It'll be fun meeting this daughter of yours"

Sasori then finally looked up at him. Something doesn't seem right with him… he thought. And he was right. Although the blond wore his usual grin, there was something in his eyes that made Sasori wonder.

A sudden knock at the door pulled Sasori out of his thoughts and caused Deidara to jump slightly. "Come in" Sasori called. The door opened slowly and Miyuki walked in, wearing an Akatsuki robe, open over a knee length, black short sleeved dress and her hair pulled back into her usual loose ponytail.

"Hi." She said, closing the door.

"Hey Miyuki!" Deidara grinned.

"Its seems that I'm going to have a partner soon." The blue haired teen said, looking at Sasori, who nodded in reply.

"We should start getting ready to go." Deidara claimed.

"We don't need too much. The girl's not that far away" Sasori said. Deidara shrugged and perched himself up on the bench.

"I'm kinda excited about meeting her." He announced. Sasori muttered something under his breath, and then stood up to leave.

"What was that?" Deidara asked. Sasori turned back around to look at him.

"I said that makes one of us." He said before leaving the room.

Amaya slammed her bedroom door shut behind as she threw her school bag on her bed. She went over to her small, dirt covered window and forced it open to let some fresh air in. Saya and Kai had been in there again. Saya was Amayas mother and Kai was Saya's boyfriend. The two were alcoholics and drugs uses who would occasionally have their fun in the young girl's room.

Amaya stared at herself in the dusty mirror on her cupboard door. I look like shit… As always… She thought, running her fingers through her bright red, messy, dirty, chin length hair. Her ash rose coloured eyes were already blood shot from all the smoke in the air. She quickly got changed out of her school dress and through on a pair on baggy black cargo pants, a black t-shirt and an over sized denim jacket.

She went and sat on her bed, grabbed her bag and pulled out her purple Ipod. She stuck the headphones in her ears and began to play All Around Me by Flyleaf and sung along at the top of her lungs.

After about two minutes or so, Kai came bursting in.

"Get out!" Amaya snapped, turning the Ipod off.

"Stop being so damn loud you little shit!" Kai ordered.

"I will if you just piss off, out of my room!" Amaya said through gritted teeth. Kai then stormed over to her, grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet.

"You have no right to talk to me like that you little slut." He growled. Amaya began to struggle against his firm grip.

"Please let me go! I'll be more quiet, just please let go!" She cried. Kai shoved her back on the bed.

"You're damn lucky your mummy's home." He said. Then, just before leaving, he grabbed her arm again and put the cigarette he had out on her wrist.

Amaya lay on her side and curled up in a ball. She gripped her arm where the burn mark was. She closed her eyes, pretending to be somewhere else. Somewhere with a Kind mother and father, who love each other as well as her, in a large, clean home with friends and more loving family.

She was soon pulled out of her thoughts when the sound of arguing travelled up to her room. She tried to block it out, until she noticed that there was more then the voices of Saya and Kai.

Dragging herself off the bed and out of her room, Amaya made her way down the short hallway and in to the filthy kitchen, where Saya stood behind the counter with a beer in hand. Kai was shouting in the face of a young girl with blue hair.

"What gives a little bitch like you the right to come into MY home and demand to see the little slut that lives here!" Kai demanded. The young girl shrugged.

"I just figured, since I could probably kill you right now. Oh, and, my name isn't little bitch either. It's Miyuki." She said calmly. Amayas eyes widened at that. This girl actually had the guts to say that was guy triple her sizes!

"Hey, don't talk to him like that! You disrespecting little whore!" Saya growled. Amaya saw Miyuki's eye twitch slightly. She could clearly see the girl was quite prepared to attack the two, when a voice suddenly stopped her.

"Don't bother, Miyuki, they're not worth your time…" Amaya followed the male voice to a young man who had just entered the kitchen. Her eyes widened at him. He looked almost exactly like her. The only difference was the fact that he was clearly a male.

"Wow, Saya, you really let yourself go…" Then man stated as he stood in front of Miyuki.

"Sasori! You little asshole! What do you think you're doing here!" Saya demanded. Sasori took a quick look around, his eyes freezing on Amaya for a few moments before looking back at Saya.

"From the looks of this dump and that smell… Saving someone more then anything…" He said. Saya pulled a face.

"What the fuck's that supposed to mean!" Her voice was more angry then Amaya had ever heard it. Sasori looked back at Amaya, Saya following his gaze.

"What are you doing out here! Get your ass back in your room!" She ordered. Amaya looked down and nodded.

"Ok… Sorry…" She muttered, turning around to go back to her filthy room. She was immediately stopped when she knocked right into someone. She looked up nervously at the man in front of her with blond hair.

"Can you please move…?" She asked quietly. The man shook his head.

"No need. You're not going back to your room." He said.

"Fucking move before I make you!" Kai stormed over to him, shoving Amaya against the wall as he did so.

When Amaya hit the wall, she let out a small whimper and slid to the ground. No-one really noticed when Sasori had moved until he was by Amayas side, helping her up.

Kai didn't like this one bit.

"Get away from her! The little slut doesn't need help!" He growled. Sasori shot him a glare and continued helping the girl.

Kai moved to them, grabbing Sasori by the collor and shoving him up against the wall.

"When I say she doesn't need help, that's not an invitation to give it to her." He said through gritted teeth. He didn't last long there when the blond man yanked him by the arm and practically threw him across the room.

"Danna, perhaps we should hurry up and go. This guy is really getting on my nerves. Plus, the smell of this place is making me sick." He said.

"Ok Deidara" Sasori nodded and turned to Amaya, who was leaning against the wall.

"You're coming with us, ok." He said, his voice surprisingly soft. The young looked at him.

"Y-you're not going to hurt me… are you?" She asked. Sasori shook his head.

"No, we aren't. You'll be safe with us." He said. Amaya looked down and nodded.

"Ok… I'll go with you…" She said quietly. She quickly looked up when she felt someone holding her arm gently. It was Miyuki.

"Come on then, we haven't got all day." All though the words she'd chosen were quite rude, the smile on her face and the sweet tone of her voice reassured Amaya that she was really being kind.

"Mmk…" Amaya followed Miyuki towards the door, with Sasori and Deidara behind them.

"Where do you think you're going!" Saya demanded. Amaya turned.

"Im leaving…" She said. Saya scoffed and walked over to her.

"Bullshit you're leaving. You wouldn't have the guts to leave." She sneered. Amaya closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, then let everything she'd wanted to say to the woman since she was able to speak out.

"I hate this place! I hate Kai! I hat this village! I had my room! I hate my life! I hate you! You never gave a shit about me! You always had a different man over every night! You used me as a slave and let them do the same! When Kai came here, you let him do whatever he wanted, just so long as you weren't around when it happened! You never cared about anyone besides yourself and you stupid drugs! You ruined my life!" She screamed.

The room fell silent apart from Amayas light panting. Saya was clearly shocked at her out burst.

The silence was suddenly broken by Kai, who stormed over.

"How dare you talk top her like that! She's your mother and…"

"She's not my mother!" Amaya snapped, interrupting Kai's words, "She's just some woman who carried me around for attention and more drug money." With that, she stormed out, followed by Miyuki and Deidara.

Sasori stared at Saya for a moment, the look of complete shock never leaving her face.

"…You really destroyed that girls childhood… Didn't you…" He said quietly before leaving.

When he stepped outside, he saw Amaya leaning against a nearby tree, Miyuki next to her holding her arm.

"Poor kid." Deidara said, he was leaning next to the door. Sasori nodded in agreement, observing the tears that rolled down the young girls cheeks. He walked over to her.

"How are you?" He asked quietly. Amaya looked at him and nodded slightly.

"Can I ask you something…?" Her voice was still slightly shakey from crying. Sasori nodded. Amaya took in a deep breath.

"Why do you look like me…?" She asked.
"Because…" Sasori started carefully, "…I'm your father…"