I had an idea. And it was like... word vomit. It's random and sporadic and just... I'm not sure what it's meant to be... or if it's meant to be anything at all.

Bella's POV after chapter 3 -

How can - How can I exist?

He left. He left. He left.

Oh God. He's gone.

Can't breathe. No air.

Her lungs burned almost daily. Her throat tight, permanently. It's as if someone has sucked the very life, the oxygen, out of her chest.

He's gone. Never coming back.

It's unbelievable. Incomprehensible that one being can have such an effect on another. To make them feel as if life is not worth living after they walk away. Like there is no existing without the air that once breathed life into the frozen soul that now resides in her chest.

I can't - I don't want to breathe. If I ceased to exist, there would be no more pain. No more sorrow or wishing or... missing.