Sorry for the really long wait but it took a lot of research to do this chapter anyway...

Disclaimer still applies...

Ninja Doctor

Tony groaned and rolled over.

His wife.

His beautiful wife.

His beautiful, pregnant wife.

His beautiful, pregnant with quadruplets, wife.

She was now showing tremendously.

She looked more like she was twenty weeks, when she was only about fifteen and a half.

By now, after about five weeks of getting used to the news, the family of four was adjusting well.

Every day, Tony let Ziva walked Nat and Aimee to school, but always followed her in the car, just in case, that was until it started snowing, and then they all just took the car.

Nat and Aimee were becoming more and more exciting about the thought of being siblings to not, one. Not two. Not three. But four baby brothers or sisters.

It was difficult for them, though, to not stop and stare at all the colorful baby clothes whenever they passed by a nursery store.

Tony sighed and dragged his hands over his face, "Alright, lord. I know we don't talk often." He murmured. "But, you know, I try to be a good husband. And a good father. Heck, when Aunt Nettie came and drove me and Ziva crazy, I stopped dating for that long time period before we got married. But, if Aunt Nettie had probably never come, Aimee wouldn't be here. Nat wouldn't be here. And all four of babies to be named, certainly wouldn't be here. But, can you please just watch over our family. Let them grow big and strong, let Ziva stay healthy throughout the pregnancy. And…let all six of my children have a happy life, please. Amen."

He looked over at Ziva again.

Her curls were sprawled on the pillow and around her shoulder. Almost like a perfect painting of her. She wore a pink maternity tank top, despite the cold weather. Along with a pair of large maternity style mesh shorts. Her black maternity bra, sticking out of her tank top.

He smiled and resisted the urge to pull one back as far as he could and pop it, he decided against it.

He looked over at the clock on her nightstand.

4:52 AM

He licked his lips before slowly slipping out of bed and leaving his bedroom. He peeked into Aimee's room first; she was fast asleep in her bed, books lying at her feet.

Nat was next; he was curled up, his favorite stuffed giraffe practically begging for oxygen.

He walked downstairs and flipped on the coffee machine.

He was washing his hands, when something caught his eye. There on top of one of the kitchen cabinets was a book full of baby names.

He stood on his tippy toes and pulled it down.

Ziva had already begun circling names, even though they had agreed not to.

He sat at the kitchen bar and flipped the book open to where she had marked it.

He grinned, "Let's see what you want Mini-me to be named."

She had circled multiple names on one page; one set was circled with a yellow marker. The next was blue. The last set was a bright pink.

He figured blue was for the boys, pink was for the girls, and yellow was neutral.

He started with the Girl's section first, "Genevieve…Genevieve Sariah DiNozzo." He shrugged.

"I guess…Oh, well, Violet Jolie Emerald DiNozzo." He smiled, "Angelina Jolie is pretty…" he murmured.

He stopped and smiled, "But not as pretty as you sweet cheeks." He added as Ziva wrapped her arms around him with a smirk.

"Nice save." She muttered.

"Yeah, well, that's what DiNozzo men do." Tony said as she sat down next to him.

"Why are you looking through my book?" Ziva asked.

"I thought I bought it?" Tony said as he flipped a page. He chuckled, "Grayson? Grayson DiNozzo, really?"

Ziva shrugged, "I like the name."

Tony nodded and let the pages fly through his hands, "Apparently, almost every page has something you like."

"Hey, you can never be too sure." Ziva replied. She rubbed his hands, "Doctor's today." She murmured.

Tony nodded, "I know. I'm ready."

"At four in the morning?" Ziva smiled.

"Um, yeah, I couldn't sleep, I guess."

Ziva hit him lightly, "You cannot sleep? You don't have almost thirty pounds pressing down on your belly."

Tony patted his own gut, "Been working on that myself."

Ziva laughed, "Sure…" she frowned, "I do not want to go on bed rest."

Tony shrugged, "We'll do what's best for the babies."

"It will not be well for my sanity." Ziva muttered.

"Hey, I'll get you a Laptop. That new iPad. Anything you want. Heck, if Ashley doesn't get pregnantagain, then she'll stay with you." Tony explained.

"I don't think they know the concept of birth control." Tony joked.

Ziva sighed and pressed her knuckles against her cheeks, "I miss Eden. I can't believe they decided to stay in London."

"You got to see the baby," Tony added.

Ziva glared at him, "That was seven years ago."

Tony kissed her cheek, "Everything will be okay."


Tony looked over at the staircase, where Nat stood, his hand on top of the banister.

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing up?" Tony asked as Nat climbed up into his lap.

"I had to go to the bathroom." Nat grinned.

"You want some hot chocolate?" Tony asked.

Nat nodded eagerly, "Yes, please."

"Okay, here, go to mommy." Tony said as he lifted Nat from his lap and placed him on Ziva's lap.

"Would you like some marshmallows or whipped cream with that?"

"Both Daddy." Nat clapped.

"Tony, that'll give him a sugar high." Ziva responded as Tony reached into the fridge and pulled out the Reddi-Wip.

"Hey, he's not our problem in the day anymore." Tony said as he poured milk in a pot, and proceeded to boil it.

"That's right. You're a kindergarten man now." Ziva murmured as she kissed his cheek. "Are you excited?" she asked.

Nat nodded, "Yes."

After a long debate and many glares from Ziva, Tony was finally able to convince her to let them test Nat, and of course he passed. The school decided that since his birthday was a few weeks away to let him join one of the kindergarten classes and see how he did.

"Mom! Mom! Look outside!" Aimee shouted as she ran down the stairs.

"What!" Nat asked.

"It's snowing! It's snowing!" Aimee shouted.

"Aimee, it's the middle of December, it's supposed to snow." Tony stated.

"Now, I mean it snowed." Aimee said as she opened the front door.

Nat quickly jumped off Ziva's lap and ran outside with his sister, "Aimee Jenesis! Nathaniel Armani! Get your butts back inside!" Tony shouted as he and Ziva ran towards, the now, open front door.

It was true. It did snow. Like at least a foot of snow.

"Awesome!" Nat murmured as they both stood on the front porch.

"Daddy! Daddy! Turn on the TV!" Aimee said excitedly as they ran back inside.

Nat quickly flipped on the television and to the news channel.

Jumping down excitedly, waiting to see if any school closing had been announced.

And sure enough, there at the bottom of the screen was River Creek Elementary. CLOSED.

"Yay! Yay! No school! No school!" Nat shouted.

"And it was the last day before winter break!" Aimee hollered loudly.

Ziva looked at Tony, and Tony looked at Ziva, before they both sighed, "Who wants pancakes?"

After a long two hours of preparing, cooking, and Ziva pointing out what they were doing wrong, Aimee and Nat were finally sitting at the table eating pancakes.

"Daddy," Nat mumbled his mouth full.

"Nat, don't talk with your mouth full." Tony reminded.

Nat swallowed before he called, "Daddy?" again.

"Yes, Nathaniel?" Tony asked as he handed Ziva her plate.

"Can I have more chocolate chips?"

"Nat, you practically used the whole bag." Tony said as he reached into a cabinet and pulled out another bag.

Since they had already used seven.

"It's not chocolately enough." Nat stated.

"It's not diabetey enough." Tony muttered as he sprinkled more powdered sugar and chocolate chips on Nat's plate.

"Aimz, you want more whipped cream?"

Aimee nodded eagerly and made a giant, 'volcano' on top of her plate, dripping chocolate syrup from the top.

"Daddy, how comez, Aimee's get to pour hers?" Nat asked as he attempted to reach for the bottle.

"Well, for one she's older than you." Tony said.

"And, the last time we let you do it; you nearly put the whole bottle in your mouth." Ziva finished.

"It was a trick…Yeah, it was a trick. Daddy does it all the time."

Ziva smirked and looked over at Tony, who looked down at his plate with a big grin plastered on his face.

"He does, does he?" Ziva asked, turning back to her children. "What else does daddy do?"

Nat tapped his chin, "He…drinks from the carton! He walks around naked."

"Yeah! And he eats peanut butter with a spoon!" Aimee added eagerly.

"Wow, and how much did he pay you to keep your mouth shut?" Ziva asked.

Nat shrugged, "Twenty bucks."

Aimee smiled, "He gave me, fifty."

Ziva nearly gagged on her cup of milk, "Tony," she said in a scolding tone. "You cannot give away money, like that. Having six kids is expensive."

"Hey, I know how you feel about drinking from the carton, and you know…you…you're…"

"Emotional?" Nat finished curiously.

Ziva looked over at her son and then back at her husband, "Anything else I should know?"

"Yeah, Nat's been sneaking off in the middle of the night to eat some of your chocolate frosting every night! That's right! I smell the chocolate in your room!" Tony shouted, and Nat gasped.

"You traitor! Mommy! Mom! Daddy! Daddy! He calls you ho…hormonal!" Nat shouted back, now standing on top of his chair.

"Oh yeah, well, Nat…Nat he, he ate some of your birth control pills!"

"Nu-uh! Mom, mommy! Daddy, Daddy, he…he wears your bras sometimes!"

Aimee and Ziva looked at each other before reaching over and slapping the back of either man's head.

"Ow!" Nat shouted as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah, Ziv, that really hurt." Tony mumbled.

"Good, now shut up and sit down." She instructed and both men obeyed.

"Now, that, that's over. Nat, Aimee, Dad and I have to go see Doctor Channing today-"

"Can we come? Please, mommy? I wanna see my brother!" Nat pleaded. "He can even have some of my pancakes!"

Ziva smiled, "Nat, we're getting some test results today-"

"What kind of tests?" Aimee asked.

"An Amniocenteses."

"What's that?" Aimee asked.

"It's a test to see if any of the babies have medical problems-"

"Like your brother." Tony added.

"Daddy, mommy says I don't have subtraction." Nat said seriously.

Tony chuckled and shook his head, "It's add, son. Like two plus two. Except with periods in between."

Nat nodded, "I don't have that either."

"Back to the Am…Am…you know!" Aimee said.

Ziva sighed, "Well, you know, Aimee, I know you two want to see them but-"

"I don't care if they have medical problems, I gonna love them anyway…I don't care if it's just one or four. They're still gonna be my little brother or sister." Aimee said warmly, playing with her 'volcano.'

"I just wanna wove dem." Nat added. "And hug dem, give them kisses…"

Ziva smiled, "If it is okay with your father-"

Tony glared at her, "Oh sure put all that pressure on me."

"All the pressure is on my uterus."

"Hey, guys," Doctor Channing said as she walked into the waiting room.

"No school?"

Nat and Aimee nodded happily.

"Yeah, Parker, Conner, and Jane got off too. So, can I borrow your parents for a sec? Daddy will come and get you when we're ready, okay?" Doctor Channing asked.

"Okay." Nat said as he colored a cow, purple, and Aimee continued her game on her PSP.

"Alright, let's go." Doctor Channing smiled and waved for Tony and Ziva to follow, which they did.

They took Ziva's blood pressure, her weight, and any symptoms she had.

"Alright, so you know that doing Amniocenteses on multiples is difficult. But," Dr. Channing said with a smile as she sat down on her stool, "We did it. And everything looks fine."

Ziva smiled, "That's good."

"And, I'm pretty sure; Tony has done some research on what we can tell also by Amniocenteses." Dr. Channing said with an even bigger grin.

Tony nodded, "Let me guess. Can I guess?"

Dr. Channing nodded, "You can guess."

"Alright, All boys…No…Two boys, two girls."

"What?" Ziva asked, looking in between the two.

"With Amniocenteses you can also tell the gender of the baby."

"Can I go get the kids?" Tony asked. "They'd love to guess."

Doctor Channing nodded and held the door open for him as Tony left for the waiting room.

"So, let me have your guess." She asked.

Ziva smiled, "I say, three boys and a girl."

Doctor Channing nodded and grinned before gliding to the end of the chair and raising Ziva's sheet, "I just have to see one thing…"

Ziva closed her eyes and let out a slow, soothing breath as Doctor Channing did another pelvic exam.

"Everything seems fine. And don't worry; we won't have to do another until you're about twenty-four weeks." The doctor explained as she threw away that pair of gloves.

"Good, right now, I don't like anything, down there." Ziva said as she sat up slightly.

"And how's Tony taking that?" Doctor Channing asked.

Ziva smiled, "I said down there. I said nothing about up here."

"Okay, are we talking about G-rated stuff in here?" Tony asked as he led two eager children into the room.

"Well, now that they're here. I suppose." Ziva said.

"What's the sheet for?" Nat asked.

"It's so I can work." Doctor Channing said as she hugged Nat and Aimee tightly.

"I can remember delivering you." She said as she pointed at Aimee. "And especially you."

Nat giggled, "I was a Christmas baby."

"Oh, that's not the reason." Ziva said as Tony sat down and pulled the two children on to either one of his knees.

"So, what do you work on?" Nat asked.

"Um, I work on babies and women." The doctor said as she set up the ultrasound machine.

"How do you work on women?" Aimee asked.

"I make sure they're insides are healthy."

"How do you do that? Through their mouth?" Nat asked.

"Through something you won't see til you're forty-seven." Tony said quickly. "And when you're…"

"Fourteen." Ziva finished.

Tony grinned, "Late-bloomer you are."

"Mommy's a flower?" Nat gasped.

Tony nodded, "Sure bud."

"Alright, so, we did a test, and we tell if mommy's babies are boys or girls…do you wanna guess what they are?"

Aimee nodded, "I say, one girl and three boys."

Doctor Channing nodded, "Just like mommy, and what about you Nat?"

Nat tapped his chin before gasping excitedly, "One…One Girl. Two Boys. And one in between."

"Nat, they're can't be one in between…" Tony answered.

Nat frowned, "Why?"

"Because you can't…make a baby like that."

"Can I write Santa and have him make me one?"

Tony shook his head, "Santa doesn't make babies."

"Ms. Claus does, right?" Aimee asked, looking up at her father.

"The results, doc, please?"

Doctor Channing smiled, "Well…none of you are right."

"What!" they all seemed the shout.

"Mom and Aimee said three boys and a girl. Dad said two boys and two girls. And Nat…Nat said one girl, two boys, and…one in between."

"So?" Nat asked.

"It was three girls, and one boy."

Ziva smiled at Tony, while Aimee grinned, "Yay! Yay!"

"Can I teach the girls to play video games? And ride dirt bikes?" Nat asked as he looked up at his father.

"You taught your sister didn't you?"

Nat grinned, "Yay! Baby Brover and sisters!"

"You wanna see them?" Doctor Channing asked.

Nat and Aimee nodded, "Alright, so let's take a look." She switched on the machine, while Ziva rolled up her top and she squirted some blue gel onto her stomach.

Nat giggled, "It's all googily."

Tony shook his head, "Only you Nat."

"Ah, this is Baby Girl A." The doctor said, pointing in the far corner of the screen. "Baby Girl, B. Right there, Baby Girl C, is a bit smaller than the others but it's most likely that she'll catch up. And then…all the way over there, Nat's coolest brother ever, Baby D. Over here."

Nat clapped, "Hey, listen up, girls! Don't go beatin' up my brother or else I'll never let you see my PSP!"

Ziva smiled, "Nat you will spoil the poor boy."

"And I'll teach the girls how to do a back stand." Aimee said happily.

Tony chuckled and kissed her head, "But you'll still be my princess."

"Now, we understand that Baby E, never, made it to this stage of the game, but, it was probably for the best. Pregnancies with quintuplets usually last about twenty-nine weeks, but a pregnancy with Quads is about thirty-one. We're hoping to get you to thirty-two, so the lungs will be semi-matured."

Ziva nodded, "Okay, alright."

"Who's baby E?" Aimee asked.

"The baby that didn't developed with the others."

"So, mommy had a carriage?" Nat asked.

"Not technically, it's kind hard to explain, but it's basically like mommy had…she had five pieces of cookie dough, okay?"

Nat and Aimee nodded, "But one of the cookies, it didn't make in the oven it just…"

"It melted off!"

She nodded, "Sure, we can put it that way."

"So, Mommy's only having four right?" Aimee asked.


"Have you done this before?" Nat asked, suddenly out of the blue. Before Tony and Ziva could stop him he was already asking another question, "'Cause, my baby brothers and sisters, you see they need like a ninja doctor, like what daddy said. Are you a ninja doctor?"

"I am so sor-"

Doctor Channing held up a hand and smiled at him, "Yes, Nat. I am a ninja doctor. Guess what?"

"What?" Nat asked.

"Last week, guess what I delivered?"

"What!" Nat asked excitedly.

"Triplets. Emmé, Emma, and Emery. The Ferguson's from down the street."

Nat grinned, "Have you ever delivered like…nine?"

Doctor Channing shook her head, puzzled, "No, but I have delivered sextuplets."

"How many is that?" Aimee asked.


Nat looked at her in awe; she clearly earned her 'Ninja Doctor' badge.

They listened to all four of the baby's heartbeats and Nat swore it sounded like they were Jamaica, like a turbo-drum. He had said.

"So, have you been eating well?" Doctor Channing asked as she grabbed the photos from the printer and handed them to Tony. And Ziva wiped away the gel and sat up, lowering her shirt back down.

Ziva opened her mouth but Tony cut her off, "She barely eats anything."

"I do too!" Ziva said as she leaned her weight against her hands that were outstretched behind her, her belly protruding forward as she attempted to listen to their conversation.

"Not as much as Nat."

"No one eats as much as Nat."

"Hey!" Nat asked, offended.

Ziva leaned over and kissed his cheek, "You know what I mean."

"But you still never eat anything I cook for you."

"Well, I'm sorry if eating a double chili cheese steak with extra onions and mayonnaise doesn't sound appealing to me, even if I am pregnant."

"Mommy likes chocolate frosting better." Nat giggled.

Doctor Channing raised her eyebrows, "She does, does she?"

"It's a craving that cannot be helped."

"Not every day, I hope?"

Ziva shook her head, "Not every day."

"Every other day." Aimee added.

Ziva smirked over at Tony, "They are becoming more and more of your children every day."

The doctor smiled, "With a quadruplet pregnancy, women are expected to gain from forty to one hundred pounds. I'd like for you to gain, about fifty."

"So much for a bikini this summer." She teased as Tony snapped his fingers.

"Who needs a bikini anyway?" he asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, about that…I'm kinda sorry to say no honey for papa bear for a long time." Doctor Channing said with an apologetic smile.

"Not even like a-"

"Now, I'm not saying a peck here and there, is off limits, just jumping over the edge-ish. Is."

Ziva smiled, "You have no idea what she just said do you?"

Tony shook his head, "Oh no, I understand. I'm trying to think where I'm going to put those marshmallows now."

Ziva laughed and Nat looked up at his father, "In your mouth, silly."

"Daddy, why can't we go outside and play?" Nat asked as Tony set a tray of hot chocolate in front of them, along with two skewers and three bags of marshmallows.

"Because, it's really windy outside, so it'll be kinda hard to see you."

"But, we went to see Doctor Channing." Nat persisted.

"But that was at eleven, it's four now. I'm gonna go put the pizza in, I'll be right back, and Aimee watch your brother." Tony said as he proceeded to walk into the kitchen.

"Kay, dad." The eight year old said as she stuck a marshmallow on the skewer.

"Hey, what do you want on your side?" Tony asked he spread chocolate chips on Nat's side of the pizza.

"Tony, you're going to give that boy a heart attack before he's thirteen." Ziva stated as she came to stand to him.

"What? Too much?"

Ziva smirked at him, "You think?"

Tony grinned, picked her up, and set her on the counter. "Do you think I love you?" he murmured.

Ziva grinned also, "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

Ziva nodded, "Yes."

"Are you sure, that you're sure?"


"Are you sure, that you're double sure?"

"Just shut up, and kiss me." She uttered before grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling his face closer to hers before their lips locked and her hands began to travel his sandy blonde hair.

Tony minded her stomach as his hands slid up under her shirt and roamed their new surface.

Ziva grinned and purred in his ear, "Notice something?"

"You're not wearing a bra, again." Tony whispered.

Ziva nodded and pecked his lips, "And?"

Tony smiled, "Defiantly the left one." He whispered before his lips attracted hers and their romance continued until a chorus of, "Eeeeewwww's!" were loudly heard.

Tony reluctantly pulled away and looked in the direction of the living room, "Where's my Godfather, when you need it?"

P.S. I need at least ten reviews before I post the next chapter.
