You are not alone
Three years after the season 8 finale. Julian and Brooke struggle with parenting with even greater challenges that they'd ever expected.
Chapter 1
The twin's birthday was coming up and Brooke wanted everything to be perfect for Saturday. She had managed to put someone in charge of something, except for Julian
"Hey babe" he said in a low voice sneaking behind her back "so is everything ready?"
"It would be if everybody was helping!" she hissed at her husband who had started to kiss the back of her neck "Julian!"
"What?" he asked playfully swirling her around "what did I do now?"
"Nothing!" she said "that's the problem! We have to be ready for this party in two days!"
"Come on is just a party Brooke, I don't think the boys will mind" he said calmly "they are turning three, they'll be happy with anything"
"I know" she said reluctantly "but I won't, we've been going through so much this past few months that I just want everything to be perfect" her voice was breaking as he held her thigh
"It's okay, if a perfect party is what you want, then we'll have a perfect party" Julian said kissing her forehead
"Hey!" they heard a familiar voice calling from the hallway. Jaime and Haley had decided to come and help
"Hey guys, I didn't think you would actually have time to show up, with the baby and everything else" Brooke said as they caught up with them
"Oh don't worry, Nathan is with him and Lydia, he's got his hands full, me on the other hand, I'm all yours" Haley said
"I finished all my homework early so I could come and help too" Jaime said proudly
"Well, why don't you go check on the boys Jaime, they're watching a movie upstairs" Julian said and Jaime headed for the stairs instantly
"So how is little Mickey doing?" Brooke asked
"He's getting so big, and you should see Lydia, she's so cute" Haley said "anyway, what can I do?"
"Right this way" Brooke said taking her hand "I'm making the cake"
"Wow, that's something I got to see" Haley said. Brooke rolled her eyes "I've made cakes before"
"Yeah, just not for the boys, you've always ordered those bought them somewhere" Haley chuckled
"Well now, I'm trying something new" Brooke said
"What do you want me to do?" Julian asked, he had now reentered the kitchen
"I'll think of something or maybe you could help us with the cake?" she asked making eyes at him
He was about to take an apron when they heard a loud bump. It was coming from the stairs. Then they heard Jaime shouting
"Jaime!" Julian hurried to the stairs with Brooke and Haley close behind. They found Jaime kneeled next to one of the twins. Davis.
"What happened?" Julian asked. Davis's crying was inconsolable "hey buddy, you okay?" but Davis just kept screaming. Julian now held him close
"What happened?" Haley asked as she and Brooke kneeled next to Julian
"I think he tripped, he was crawling down the stairs" Jaime said full of guilt "I'm sorry"
"Jaime it's okay, this is not your fault" Brooke said
"Mummy!" Davis said in pain "mummy!"
"I'm here baby" Brooke said "where does it hurt?" Davis pointed to his head. Julian then sat him up straight in his lap
"Here!" Davis said crying pointing to his forehead; Brooke saw little blood coming from a cut
"Okay, let's wash that" Julian said standing up
"I'm sorry" Davis mumbled into his father's neck "I fell"
"It's okay baby, let's just make all better" Brooke said as Julian held him. She cleaned the wound and placed a band aid
"There all better" Haley said. Jaime looked up at his mother
"You want to go back upstairs?" Julian asked Davis who waved his head. Jude came into the kitchen, his face full of worry
"Don't worry J, he's fine, it's just a cut" Brooke said kneeling to her son's level
"Sure?" Jude whispered quietly
"Yeah, don't worry, why don't you go upstairs with Jaime and Davis will be there soon okay?" his mother said. Jamie took his hand and left
"So, better?" Julian said bouncing Davis "you want to help us finish the cake?" Davis nodded
That night after the boys were in bed, Julian found Brooke cradled up in her bed, she looked as if she had cried
"Hey" Julian said "what's wrong?"
"It's just…" Brooke looked away from him "it just breaks my heart Julian" he hugged her close "to see him like that, so fragile, so…"
"He's perfect Brooke" Julian said touching her check "he's perfect just the way he is"
Okay! First OTH frantic! What did you think? I just had two make a story after watching the season finale! Please review!