Hey, this is my very first, but I'm excited to have finally put it up. I love Sky High and really wanted to do a Warren fic, since he's so amazing and all. So read on and tell me what you think...

Dangerously Paranoid Chapter 1: Cheer up Sleepy Jean

Have you ever felt like there was someone watching you? Like there was always someone there, watching you as you turn every corner, and no matter how many times you turn around there is never anybody there.

It's that instinct, that sixth sense. The same paranoia you get when your alone on the subway. All you hear is the sound of the metal rails clinging together, the lights above flickering. No matter how many times you tell yourself that man in the corner with his hood up isn't staring at you, you still get that feeling he is. Or when you pass that odd stranger walking past you on the sidewalk, you cling to your bag like your last life line. Just waiting for them to turn around and snatch it.

I don't know if it's just this thing in your brain that senses danger, or it's just paranoia for the worst to happen.

I looked at the ground, the misty fog spread out at my ankles. The sky dark grey and the streets of New York covered in splashes of rain. I passed through an alley, the sounds of the passing taxi cabs all that I could hear.

My long light brown hair was curling from the moisture in the air. I shoved my hands deep into my jacket pockets, my fingers were freezing from the cold. It was dark, I could hear music beating through walls of a nearby apartment and couple yelling at eachother. But I was focused on something else, an eerie feeling of something bad about to happen. The bad thing is I never know to who, or what or when.

I can't see it in a vision, I can't hear it in voices. I get it in a feeling, that 'creepy turn around theres some one there' feeling. Because I don't know anything about it, I can't help. I can't fix it or stop it before it happens.

I guess I can clear the air a bit with the whole 'facts about me'.

My name is Allison 'Ally' Griffin, I'll be 17 in November, for now I'm 16. I have two superhuman abilities. Telekineses which is my strong most used power, if you didn't know it means I can move things with my mind, no matter how big or how heavy, it'll move. Sometimes it takes a lot out of me, but the stronger I am, the stronger my power. I also have a slight procognition, which means I can sense something. Somehow, someway I know somethings going to happen. It might not happen to me, but I can sense danger or something bad beforehand. It comes to me in a paranoid way, sometimes it's not even meant for me, but for someone else.

I was born in N.Y City, New York, my mother died when I was 5 and I never met my father. I have a sister, 3 years younger than me, Lindsay. Lindsay doesn't have powers, making her a normal human being, well not exactly normal. She's weird, but I am her sister so I'm supposed to think she's weird. We've been living with our grandpa, Patrick Griffin. He's a witty 60 year old mechanic who can see the future through the things he touches. Him and his brother moved from Ireland to New York at the ages of 25 and 28, after they both served 5 years in the War of Vietnam. His brother Jimmy died a few years after the war, I've never met him but when Grandma was still alive she showed me pictures of him and Grampa when they were young.

I was about to leave the alley and start walking across the street, when a cat jumped out to run past me, knocking over a metal trash can infront of me in the process. I jumped back inhaling loudly, it startled me causing my hands to fly up in self defense. I sighed, "Oh my god." I rolled my eyes before waving my hand and picking up the trash can.

I control my telekinesis through my hands, so with just a snap I can move it.

I quickly walked across the road and towards the apartment. It's a cheap apartment building, my grandpa, Lindsey and I live in 34 G on the 4th floor. I take the stairs like usual, I never take the elevator. Bad vibes, it gives me this wierd feeling like it's going to break down and I'll be stuck in there forever, and yet that's just me expecting the worst.

"Hey gramps." I said taking my key out of the door and tossing them on the table, before removing my jacket.

"Hey AllyCat." He used my nickname in his old Irish accent.

"What's up?" I asked taking a bottle of juice out of the fridge, noticing him paying close attention to the news.

"A fella' was stabbed on the subway about a half an hour ago." He explained.

"That explains why I was so paranoid when I walked home." I smirked sitting on the arm of the couch and watching the yellow caution tape go up around the crime scene at the subway on the television.

"How was art class?"

"Meh, I think I could teach the teacher." I laughed. "Where's Lindsay?" I asked.

"Lindz!" Papa yelled.

"What!" She yelled loudly from her room. "Get ur' ass in here!" He shouted the same way back.

For a 60 year old man he's in really good shape, he's about 5,10. With grey hair and a grey beard, a slight tan. He has big blue eyes and a cheeky smile.

"What?" Lindsay said appearing in the doorway with a phone to her ear.

She's 13 and acts like a 18 year old hooker, she's had more boyrfriends in the past year than I had in my life. Which was only two. Her natural blonde hair falls to her shoulders, unlike mine which reaches a few inches below my bust when it's straight. Her big blues eyes resemble mom's so much, mine are oddly a green colour.

"You might want to sit down for this." He said with a huge grin making me look at him suspiciously. "They found Jimmy's War records, remember how I said they lost them back in the 70's, and Jimmy and I both knew he didn't get his full pay." He said, waiting for us to react.

"How much?" I asked impatiently with a smile.

"A lot." He smiled widely.

"Exactly?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Enough for us to move,"

My jaw dropped as Lindsay screeched.

"We're moving! Where?" I questioned demandingly.

"Maxville, it's out West. Where it's sunny." He said in a bubbly way.

"Why can't we stay here? I like it here?" Lindsay whined folding her arms across her chest.

"Because," He started. "We can finally afford a nice big place, and you can attend a school where you'll learn to control those powers of yours." He explained musingly.

"But, Lindsay will have to make all new friends and I won't no anyone there." I explained.

"I can easily make friends. I mean duh, look at me, but leaving my old ones is something I totally don't want to do." She said putting a hand on her hip and playing with her nails.

"You are so selfish, maybe Gramps has a reason for wanting to move. Can't you get your ego out of the way to listen for once?" I growled making her give me a dirty look which is a very stupid look on her.

"You are so wierd." She said. I rolled my eyes as Gramps continued to talk.

"You's will like it I promise." He said cheerily.

"Uh whatever." Lindsay growled before walking back into her bedroom angrily.

"Will you atleast give this new school and new town thing a try?" Grandpa sighed.

"Yeah, I won't like it, but I'll do it." I shrugged.

"Hey," Lindz said entering my bedroom as I neatly put the rest of my clothes in my suitcase. She sat down on my bed with a dramatic sigh. "I don't wanna leave." She complained.

"Well just think, you'll meet girls that are just as blond, bobble headed and stuck up as you. You's will all wear pink and not care about global warming, politics, the idiots that run the goverment and human rights." I smirked, quirking an eyebrow.

"You really think so?" She asked with a huge grin.

"Of coarse." I laughed, she hugged me and smiled. I immediatly pushed her away with a growl.

"Ally you can be wierd sometimes but you give the best advice." She beamed. "Now that I'm feeling happier I feel like doing something nice, let me give you a makeover." She squeeled making me roll my eyes.

"Get out." I demanded.

"Your loss." She shrugged before walking out. I snorted and rolled my eyes.

After we all finished packing we set out for the airport and took a plane. And of coarse I had to sit next to Lindsay.

"I hope there will be cute boys at my new school." She said excitedly, I tried not to pay attention by looking out the window and chewing on my nails. "If you let me make you look pretty you'll impress those high school boys." She said trying to win me over.

"No," I growled. I never really thought I was ugly, I'm 5,7. I have green eyes that I cover with a thin line of dark eyeliner, I have long light brown hair with highlights. My skin is fairly pale, but very clear. I'm naturally thin, but I have a sporty, petite, female figure with curvy hips. Despite the fact I'm atheltically inclined. If that's an actual word I don't know, but I can barely walk let alone run or toss a ball.

"I think you could have potential." That's her being nice.

"I'd rather not be like you by stuffing my bra with tissue and walking around with my nose in the air denying the fact I'd look like a total tramp." I smirked.

"I don't look like a tramp,"

"Sometimes you look like a tramp." I shrugged causing her to growl and shove her earbuds in her ears.

I cringed, hearing the voice of Justin Bieber blasting from them. With an annoyed sigh I put mine in tuning into DayDream Believer by The Monkees.

"Cheer up sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean to be a daydream believer and the homecoming queen."

I mouth the words before closing my eyes and resting my head back.

"Gramps this house is beautiful." I said with admiring eyes.

The house before me with a large front yard, dark green grass, an oak tree to the left. The house huge and white, with blue shutters and a big red door. A fence around the back yard hiding a pool. Stone steps leading to the large front door.

"It is isn't it." He said smiling widely, Lindsay averted her eyes from her constant phone texting and dropped her jaw from looking at the house.

"What is that." She asked looking at the yard.

"Grass?" I said in a 'duh' sort of way.

"O.M.G!" She squeeled smiling after processing the 'grass' idea. "I get the good room!" She yelled running towards the house.

I shook my head at her immaturity and helped Gramps with the bags.

"You're getting the big room," Grandpa smiled.

"Why?" I asked in a laugh.

"Because you're older and you deserve it." He explained.

"Thanks." I said with a grin as we carried the suitcases into the large house. "This place is amazing." I said setting down the bags and letting my eyes wonder over every inch of the foyer. The house is even bigger than I expected. Way bigger.

"EEEEEEPPPPP." Lindsay squeeled again, I really hate it when she does that. "I am so glad we moved, I told you Alls not to complain. I was right." She said with her hands on her hips and she walked down the stairs with a strut.

"I believe it was me who was right, you were the one who complained the whole way here." I said in a growl as she picked up her pink bags.

"Your sister is getting the big room." Gramps said with a sly smirk, he and I both know how Lindsay can get.

"WHAT! WHY!" She screeched.

"Because she is more responsible than you and she deserves it." He explained.

"But had the perfect ideas in my head." She said with teary eyes.

"Yeah me too, involves a sledge hammer." I snarled really getting annoyed by her emotional break downs.

"I was going to paint two walls pink and one lime green and.."

"Well you don't get it anyway, it doesn't matter." I shrugged carrying my bags up the stairs.

I never noticed but this house is fully furnished and everything. The whole thing is absoulutely beautiful. The master bedroom is even better. The walls are white, and the soft sun shines through the floor length window, as soon as you walk in the queen sized be to the right, a desk to the left, perfect for my laptop and my art supplies. I could art this place up a bit and make it my own.

After about an hour of putting my clothes away, posters up and furniture added.

"ALLYCAT!" Gramps yelled, his loud Irish voice startling me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Come down here and meet our neighbours." He explained.

I walked down over the stairs, feeling a little awkward meeting new people when my hair is up in a messy bun, I'm wearing a baby blue American eagle sweater with my Beatles shirt underneath, a pair of blue jeans and my black converse on my feet.

"These are the Strongholds."

I looked at the doorway, an extremely normal family before me. The pretty middle aged woman with light brown hair and brown eyes under a pair of glasses. The man almost the same, also wearing glasses. Their son looks about a year younger than me, with the same brown hair and brown eyes. All of them in very patriotic colours.

"Hi, I'm Allison griffin, but everyone calls me Ally." I shook they're hands. They looked oddly familiar, like I know them or seen them somewhere.

"I'm Josie, this is my husband Steve and this is Will." Josie Stronghold said with a kind smile. At that moment Lindsay came downstairs eyeing the Stronghold boy with a smile.

"I'm Lindsay." She shook his hand, immediately starting to flirt with him. I rolled my eyes, for thirteen she sure does get around.

"Well we just stopped by to say hello and to say welcome to Maxville." Steve said happily.

"That's kind of ya' dears, how 'bout you's sit down for some tea?" Gramps said smiling.

"We'd love to." Josie said following Gramps into the kitchen, leaving Will here with Lindsay and I.

Poor boy.

Lindsay led him towards the living room which is to the left, I shut the door with a wave of my hand startling Will.

"Did you? But you're?" He stuttered. "You were right there, how did you shut the door?" He asked.

"It was the wind, slammed it shut." I covered.

"But it's not windy out." He stated making me growl and mentally slap myself.

"It just shut, must be off level." I explained.

"Oh, so what school are you going to?" He asked.

"Uhm, probably public school." I lied, I know I'm going to that super school but he can't know.

"Oh," He shrugged.

"What school do you go to?" Lindsay asked admiring him with a huge grin.

"Uhm, I go to a private school. Kinda far from here." He said nervously.

"Oh, that sucks." Lindz sighed.

"Girls!" Gramps said excitedly walking into the living room with Mr. and Mrs. Stronghold.

"This here is The Commander and Jetstream." He said motioning towards Josie and Steve.

"SERIOUSLY!" Lindsay said excitedly getting up off the couch to approach them.

"Mom, dad! You're not supposed to tell!" Will said as if it was the biggest deal on earth.

"Relax son, they have powers. Ally will be attending Sky High." Steve explained.

"You have powers?" Will asked me, I nodded with a shrug.

"Telekinesis." I said with a smirk making him smile.

"So it wasn't the wind?" He asked.

"No." I laughed with him, Lindsay pouted walking up to her room, bored by Will and I talking about our powers and Sky High.

Thus ends the first chapter, I will have the second one up soon. I fixed most of the errors, as many as I could find. So if you find more, please tell me. It would help me a lot, I have a lot to learn. It'd be a great help.. Please review:)