How to survive a zombie apocalypse, Naruto style!

Chapter: Prologue


"Reloading!"-Regular Speech

"Shh turn that goddamn light off"- Whispering

"RUN LIKE HELL"-Shouting

'So... this is the end, ne?'-Thoughts

And therefor they died-Flashbacks

I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it! - Albert Wesker

To think... it all started thanks to a small military experiment... They didn't mean for this to happen. All they wanted was to be able to feed their people. But as the saying goes, "The highway to hell is paved with good intentions"

This is a long highway. Must of been a lot of very good intentions. But that's for later. As for now you must be wondering who I am. Well let me tell you, I am Uzumaki Naruto! And this is how to survive a zombie apocalypse.


Sorry for the prologue being so short. I promise for the regular chapters to be longer!