Name: I'd Be Lost Without My Blogger
Words: 254. Because I like being precise.
Pairings: Not really. Could be read as Sherlock/John slash or pre-slash, or just friendship.
Rating: K
A/N: Inspired by a prompt/message via Tumblr. This took me a ridiculous amount of time, considering. Blame livejournal.
"I'd be lost without my blogger."
They fight, at least once a week. John storms out.
When he comes back, there will be an awkward pause, in which John looks at his feet and Sherlock sighs, and then…
It's such a little thing, but coming from Sherlock Holmes, those two short syllables are everything.
Sherlock seems mellowed. That is to say, he stops insulting Anderson every time he sees him. More like two out of three.
Mycroft notices a change in Sherlock. The jury is still out on whether this is for good or bad, but his brother definitely seems more settled in himself. He stops coming to Mycroft for the cocaine whenever the mood takes him, which has to be a good sign.
John meets Clara for lunch, a few weeks after the pool incident, and they are both much happier than when they last saw each other.
"I'm thinking of going back into dating," she says. "There's a friend of mine at work…" She smiles. "What about you?"
They part on good terms. Neither of them have had anything to drink, of course. They are both so unlike their common link of Harry. John sometimes wonders if this was a conscious effort.
John stops trying to read Ella's writing upside down.
In return, Ella decides he no longer has trust issues.
An impasse, of sorts.
"I'd be lost without my blogger."
But what Sherlock doesn't always realise is that his blogger would be lost without him too.