Nicole's A/N: You know what this is guys? This is a team-up of epic proportions! (Spider-Man and Deadpool ain't got nothing on this) Cia and I are currently in my tent… because being indoors is too mainstream.

Cia's A/N: She's right, you know.


Hiccup looked around, seeing nothing. No. Not nothing, exactly. He felt someone behind him and turned.

"Toothless!" he sighed with relief seeing his friend. Hiccup crossed the short distance to the dragon, embracing him. "I was afraid I'd lost you."

"And I you," the dragon parted the scales around his mouth and bared his teeth as if he was speaking. Which, Hiccup figured, he was. Wait.

"Toothless, you can talk?" Hiccup pulled away, staring into his friend's eyes.

"Of course I can talk. You've just never been able to comprehend my exact words," Toothless huffed, looking slightly offended. "Most species of dragon are very intelligent, in fact."

"Yeah, okay. Sorry about that, bud," Hiccup laughed nervously, not too sure what to do with his hands so he clenched and unclenched his fingers against his thighs. "So…uh…have any idea where we are?"

Toothless looked off into the distance – if there even was a distance – squinting. "No, but maybe they do," the Night Fury nodded at something and Hiccup turned to look. Sure enough, there were two small figures off into the distance, which, apparently, did exist. "Should we go meet them?" Toothless asked.

Hiccup nodded, letting Toothless lead the way in case the strangers weren't friendly. After taking a couple of steps Hiccup looked down at his feet. His feet. Plural.

"Oh gods, Toothless! My leg, it's back!" Hiccup called. Probably a lot louder than he'd meant to.

Toothless whipped his tail around and smacked Hiccup on his head with his very real, very whole left tailfin.

"H-how does the s-s-scary stranger know T-toothless' name?" One of the figures – a small dragon – asked the other figure – a small boy.

"I don't know, Toothless," the boy looked around. "Um... should we go to talk to them?" Hiccup couldn't hear their conversation for a little bit until the boy spoke again. "Well if you're afraid then why don't you just stay here? I'm still going to talk to them!" the boy started towards Hiccup and Toothless.

"Very m-m-mean master, leaving T-t-toothless all alone by himself," the dragon pouted, following the boy reluctantly.

Hiccup and Toothless met the boy and the other Toothless. Neither boy knew what to say so there was an awkward silence until Hiccup finally decided to say something.

"Hi," he said, very articulately. "My name is Hiccup and this is my friend, Toothless."

The boy's eyes widened almost comically, his bright red eyebrows raising up until they were completely obscured by his helmet, which was too big for him. "My name's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third and this is my dragon, Toothless. That's so odd! We all have the same names!"

"It's not a coincidence," Gothi said. Hiccup spun and looked over to the old woman. "Surprised to see me?" Hiccup nodded. "Welcome to Helheim," she said. "You've been brought here for a reason." Gothi smiled at the two boys.

"And that is?" Little Hiccup prompted.

"You'll find out eventually," an old man said.

"Old Wrinkly! You're here?" Little Hiccup ran over to the man and gave him a hug before turning to Hiccup. "This is my grandfather, Old Wrinkly. He's the soothsayer back home in Berk."

"You live in Berk," Hiccup said.

"Of course. You've heard of it?"

"I – live there, too," Hiccup figured that Little Hiccup's surprised expression matched his own.

"You'd best get to explaining your situations to each other," Gothi said. "You're going to be switching places soon enough and the both of you have enough secrets that are impertinent to your lives."

"Well. I suppose that explains why we're both here," Hiccup said, eyeing Little Hiccup, a little sceptical that this kid would be able to pull off being him for Odin knows how long.

Gothi and Old Wrinkly disappeared and Hiccup, Toothless, Little Hiccup and "T-toothless" stared at each other for a little while.

"I guess we should probably start 'sharing secrets' or whatever," Hiccup said. "I'm sure that we don't have an infinite amount of time in Helheim," so Hiccup told Little Hiccup about his life in Berk: his friends, his not-so-friendly friends, his left leg and the situation with the dragons. Little Hiccup took everything fairly well, not interrupting unless he had a question that he thought he'd forget.

Afterwards, Little Hiccup told Hiccup about his life, his meagre selection of friends, the situation with the dragons and his Slave Mark.

"You can't tell anyone," Little Hiccup said, "or else Toothless and I will be exiled forever."

"Yeah. I understand. I almost exiled myself, once, but luckily Astrid decided to help me hide Toothless' existence for the time being," Hiccup smiled, bonding to the miniature, alternate version himself.

"Astrid seems nice," Little Hiccup smiled. "Are you two dating?"

"Uh…" Hiccup scratched the back of his head nervously. "No, not really. I mean, I thought we were, maybe, but then this guy from the Meathead tribe comes over and says that he's her fiancé and I'm suddenly left in the dust, because she didn't tell anyone about that. I don't know anything about this Thuggory character and he seems to care about her and all but I don't know…"

"Thuggory's nice. He's the only person outside Camicazi and Fishlegs that like me," Little Hiccup smiled. "I'm glad that I'll be able to meet him in your Berk! Um…can we tell our friends, or your friends I suppose," He laughed "About what's happening? That we're…switching places, I mean."

"I – I don't think so. It would be best not to tell anyone. If any of our close friends find out then it would be better to let them in on it than to lie but keeping it a secret should be top priority," Hiccup looked back at Toothless, who nodded.

"Make sure you keep the Drache Stein," Little Hiccup said, changing the subject. "That way you can still talk to Toothless, seeing as you can't speak Dragonese. That's what you speak, right?" he addressed the Night Fury.

"Yes. At least in Berk. Here it seems that there's a universal language, or translator or something," Toothless said. "I suppose Hel is smiling upon us."

"Smiling on us enough to make us fall off a cliff, buddy," Hiccup replied sardonically.

"So don't tell anyone you have the Drache Stein and keep it on your person at all times or you won't be able to communicate with Toothless unless Stormfly translates for you and that would definitely give you away, as I actually know the language. I suppose you could pretend to lose your memories but that would be seen through quite quickly," Little Hiccup frowned. "So, are you ready?"

"I guess. There's nothing else I can think of saying, so we might as well get this over with," Hiccup turned to the Toothlesses. "What about you guys?"

"Well we're not going anywhere but I suppose," the Night Fury replied.

"T-toothless is ready to meet his new m-meanie master," the Common or Garden pouted.

"Alright then, Hiccup. Let's hope we see each other again," Little Hiccup said, extending his hand.

"We will, Hiccup. I'm sure of it," Hiccup shook his counterpart's hand and they smiled at each other as what little colour those in Helheim had on them faded out to match the white, white of the rest of the area.