Everybody's looking for something:
Some of them want to use you.Some of them want to get used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.Some of them want to be abused.

-Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)

Her breathing was heavy. The dense forest seemed like a living hell under the black sky and thick fog, but the girl would not stop. Evil, she knew, was not far behind. She had been told stories as a girl, of the dark demons of the night: their relentless hunt for the warm sticky blood of humanity, willing to do anything for it. The ancient legends depict these devils as speciously beautiful, lethal and seductive; a haunting death sentence if you were to catch their icy stare. The demons loomed in her mind, raping her dreams until they morphed into constant nightmares. The girl knew now, that they were hunting her. She felt it in her blood; she felt it in the shutter of the wind. Evil was stalking her; waiting thirstily for their hit of warm terrified blood. Tears began to stream down her face, lacing with her horrified sweat. She would not see the light of the morning, and she knew it very well. She picked up her running pace in a final attempt at life.

"Going somewhere?" A steely voice said from behind her. The girl froze, her eyes widening to their full capacity. Her body began to shake as her skin tingled with goose-bumps. Clenching her eyes together tightly, tears streamed down her pale face.

"Please," she choked out quietly, knowing it would do no good. Her worst fears were becoming reality.

"Oh, lovely, there is no need to be afraid; it's only a little prick," a silkily seductive voice said from in front of her. As he stepped closer, his piercing blue eyes locked with hers. A calculating smirk crept onto his lips, and he softly stroked her cheek; but allowed his jagged nails to drag excruciatingly down the skin, letting the sick pleasure of having her young flesh under his nails sink into his bloodthirsty body. He inhaled deeply, his eyelids fluttering with the adrenaline of the hunt. Pulling her long blond hair away from her neck, he gazed thirstily at her throbbing veins. Taking his pointer finger, he traced the spidery blue lines of beauty, feeling his teeth elongating.

"Please don't," she cried feebly. Her jaw tightened, as she anticipated the immense pain the two demons could deliver. Clenching her fists to the point where her knuckles were white, she felt her nails breaking the skin of her palm, and the bits of blood begin to trickle down her wrist. The devil behind her yanked her wrist towards him, and licked the blood away, as his razor teeth scraped across her palm. The hand twitched at the pain, until the vampire slapped it numb.

"If you are going to kill me, please just do it!" She finally gave in with a pitiful cry. An icy chuckle came from the vampire in front of her.

"Nobody likes a quitter," he whispered into her ear. His freezing breath on her skin sent her into another set of trembles. She shook her head violently, hoping for god knows what. Hoping it would make them go away; praying it would stop her from feeling the pain. No matter what the shaking of the head was meant for, the vampire in front of her grabbed her jaw sharply, pulling agonizingly at the left side of it, and her head ceased to move. The demon's icy features froze her body in fear and awe; with her form so tense, her breathing became a shallow whoosh against the eerie silence of the forest.

"So young," the vampire whispered lustfully, clenching the girl's jaw tighter; to the dangerous point of it shattering completely. Biting her lower lip, she squinted her eyes, trying not to let the immense pain affect her.

"So innocent," the vampire behind her whispered, wedded to her in covetousness. He began to trace the curves of her torso, feeling her blood pump with unwanted yet undeniable pleasure. Feeling her back arch and her head begin to fall back, he dug the side of his thumb nails into her soft milky skin. His hands and body began to tingle with satisfaction as her body shuttered at the unwarranted and lustful pain. Her body began to sway from the stress of her current situation, and the vampire grasping her chin knew it was time to pounce. As her head rolled to the side exposing her thick blue veins, Damon plunged his antsy fangs into her neck. The girl's eyes shot open wide and a sharp gasp escaped her lips.

"Pl- plea-"the girl begged, but soon she lost too much blood for logical words to come from her mouth. As Damon drank greedily, the other vampire gazed at the many pumping veins in her wrist, licking his lips with desire. Klaus lashed at the girl's wrist, too greedy to silence her screams. The poor prisoner's breathing became sporadic, until it was only a dim memory and the body became cold. For a moment or so longer, the two demons kept sucking, but soon there was nothing left inside of the young girl but death. Klaus let go of her wrist and the girl's hand hung there limply, completely ravaged. Damon too released his fangs from the victim, and shoved her to the ground, finally shattering her jawbone as he did so. A dark snicker came from Damon's lips, as he stared down at his butchered victim. Her hazy eyes stared up at them, the look of agonized shock forever painted on her soft features. Damon wiped his mouth and blinked hard to return his face back to its fatal beauty.

"When did we ever decide that you were to get the neck, Damon?" Klaus asked as he approached Damon. Klaus's playful eyes and dimples danced with furtive evilness, hidden so speciously by his innocent features.

"You had it last night, so it was only fair…" Damon taunted, a smirk curling its way onto his flawless lips. Being the elder of the two gave Damon an unwritten superiority that Klaus grudgingly but dutifully obeyed. Seeing the distaste creep into Klaus's eyes, Damon continued, "Oh, not to worry, the next human will be all yours." He slapped Klaus on the back with a crippling smack, and continued past him, and in the direction of the clearing. Klaus laughed in delight at the prospect of the next victim being totally his, and followed after Damon with a resurrected eagerness.

"Tell me a scary story, Jeremy!" An eleven year old Elena begged. Crossing her legs and hitting the bed softly, her big brown eyes gazed pleadingly at her older brother. Elena seemed to hold her breath, waiting desperately for Jeremy's response.

"A scary story," Jeremy taunted, "right before bed? I don't know, Elena…" a playful smirk danced across the elder Gilbert's face, enjoying leading his sister right into his mischievous trap.

"Mommy and Daddy aren't home, and I promise I won't be scared," Elena replied, holding out her pinky for Jeremy to lock his with. An eager smile formed on Elena's face, and Jeremy knew he had her.

"You have to promise you won't tell Mom and Dad," Jeremy replied, linking his pinky with Elena's, "do you promise?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I promise Jer!" Elena bounced excitedly on her bed waiting for Jeremy to start his story. Elena's brother had always had a knack for winding a beautiful tale for the eager ear.

"Okay then," Jeremy said with a content smile. "Once upon a time-"

"No, you can't start it with 'once upon a time', Jeremy! That is for Cinderella. This is a scary story, silly," Elena laughed. Jeremy shook his head at his sister, but obeyed her wishes.

"Alright then. A long time ago during the Roman Empire there was a boy named Damon. He was the son of a very powerful general, and always got what he wanted. One day, when Damon got home, his father presented him with a slave; captured from the savage Britannia."

"A slave? Aw, that wasn't nice! Why would someone want that?" Elena's eyes widened with disbelief, and she crossed her arms, shaking her head. Her curly mass of brown hair flung in every which direction.

"In those times, Elena, it was normal for families like Damon's to have slaves," Jeremy explained gently.

"Okay, but it's still mean," Elena insisted.

"Yeah, I know; but shh and listen, okay?" Elena nodded at Jeremy.

"So, Damon, and his slave Klaus began to become closer. Klaus was loyal to Damon in all ways a man could hope for. Damon was his idol, and strived to please his master any way that he could. Though Damon loved having an admirer, he tried not to use Klaus for reasons other than the basics: like clothing, cleaning, you know what I mean. But then on the eve of Damon's twentieth birthday, a horrible plague broke out."

"What's a plague?" Elena asked, tilting her head to the side. Jeremy explained to her that it was an epidemic of a disease.

"Anyways, while lots of people died, including Damon's father and family, the sickness had a different effect on Damon. Elena, you know what a vampire is, right?"

"Yeah, it's a monster that sucks people's blood," Elena said proudly.

"Pretty much. But they are also very powerful and fast; and immortal. Damon, as the legend goes, was the first vampire ever. Once Damon became a vampire, he turned Klaus into one too, since they had become friends."

"This isn't really a scary story, Jeremy," Elena said softly, trying not to upset her brother.

"Well this part isn't supposed to be. It's what they did after they became vampires that is the sick part. Well, as you know, vampires feed on blood. Damon and Klaus didn't just suck people's blood though. They turned it into a game; a wicked hunt. They would torture their victims before they sucked his or her blood."

"What did they do to them, Jer?" Elena's eyes darted back and forth, impatiently waiting for Jeremy to tell her all the gruesome details.

"There have been stories of them ripping off limbs, and breaking bones, and tearing their victim's skin to shreds. And the creepy part is they lure you into the woods so deep, that when you try to call for help, no one can hear you. And sometimes, if you scream too much, they'll suffocate you." Jeremy's voice dropped into a spooky taunt, and watched as his sister shuttered.

"Oh geez, Jer, that's awful! What kind of person would do that?" Elena's once gleeful face was now frantic with fear.

"Aw, come on, Elena, it's only a story." Jeremy rubbed his sister's back softly, beginning to regret ever telling his eleven year old sister this story.

"But what if Damon tries to kill me while I sleep?" Elena reached for her teddy bear and clutched it to her chest, fighting fearful tears threatening to fall.

"That only happens in movies, Elena. You're safe in your bed." A soft smile came over Jeremy's face, and he pulled his younger sister into his arms.

"You promise?" Elena looked up at Jeremy with watery eyes.

"Pinky promise," Jeremy said, putting out his pinky for Elena. The young girl giggled and locked their pinkies. Though her brother's words were comforting to her, Elena couldn't shake the instinctive feeling that things would not be okay.

"Get some rest, okay?" Jeremy whispered, "Mom and Dad will be home soon." Elena nodded and wiggled out of Jeremy's hug, cuddling into her bed. Jeremy whispered goodnight to his sister before turning out the lights and exiting the room. As Elena slowly drifted out of reality and into the depths of her mind, a silkily seductive voice echoed in her head, whispering the soft lullaby of sweet dreams…

Alright, so I had this idea, and had to write it. I know I already have another story in progress (Caught In a Fading Daydream) but this was just stuck in my head. So obviously, this chapter was just to get the back story of Damon and Klaus and how Elena was first introduced to the two vampires, but I promise much more exciting chapters later. As a warning, there will be dark themes and Dark!Damon. For right now that warning will be for violence, language, and dark imaginations. If anyone has any questions about the plotline, characters, or has an idea, please feel free to PM me! I will respond as soon as I can!

Remember, reviews are love, people!