Alright everyone here we go. I hope you'll give it a chance. It is only the first chapter after all. Anyway, I have a friend of mine doing the disclaimer. Laharl?

Laharl: Dragon Master Naruto 03 doesn't own Naruto or anything else that is found in this story. As supreme Overlord, I declare this Disclaimer eternal! Ahhhh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thanks Laharl. On with the show!

Chapter One: Findings of a Lifetime

A three year old boy with blonde hair and blue eyes ducked into the nearest alley as he ran through the large village of Konoha. His bright blue eyes were filled with fear as he took another turn in the alleyway and exited out into the forest within the massive village. This was the same boy that saved the village three years ago from the Kyuubi no Kitsune, this was Naruto Uzumaki and he was running for his very life. Shouts from behind him caused him to run harder and faster then he knew he could.

"He went into the forest!"

"After him!"

"Kill the demon!"

Naruto kept running, trying to find a place to hide, finally taking shelter within a hallow tree trunk. He held his breath for what felt like hours as the sound of feet rushed past his tree. Once everything quieted down he sighed and fell onto his behind. The boy blinked when he felt the ground beneath him sink deeper than it did before he had sat down. He tried to shift only for the ground to cave in beneath him and he started to fall, his screams echoing off the walls of the hole he fell down. His screams were silenced when his body met with the floor below him, knocking him unconscious.

The small boy awoke a few hours later with a major headache. He stood to his feet, feeling his head for the sore spot he had hit. 'That hurt. I wonder where I am.' The child looked around the dark area he was in and started to walk, only to stop a few feet from the wall in confusion. 'The wall is metal? The only places I know of in the village with metal walls are the prison cells Oji-san told me about.' The boy continued moving through the darkness, using his hands and the wall to find the path he was taking.

The boy came to a stop before a metal door and he reached for it. He turned the knob and opened the door. He entered the room and jumped in surprise as lights flickered on upon the boy's entry. He looked around in surprise at the amount of strange objects in the room. He walked over to one of the few desks in the room and climbed into the chair to where what he found to be a computer.

"Huh, I wonder what's on this. Momo-san is always on one of these back at Oji-san's office." Naruto looked around for the power button and found it on the tower component. The computer came to life and Naruto watched as the screen loaded up only to blink in surprise when several files opened up on the screen, confusing the boy to no end on the many pictures showing up of a humanoid figure in different views, different descriptions of several parts of their bodies and the different models of them.

"What are these things?" The three year old looked at the first picture before him in great confusion. He didn't understand anything that was on the picture so he just left the computer alone and looked around the rest of the room. He smiled when he found a map on a nearby table of what he hoped was a map to the place he was in.

He followed the map he had found, glad that it was indeed one for the place he had fallen into, to one of the exits he had chosen randomly. He soon found himself in front of a latter leading up. He climbed the latter with hope in his eyes.

Reaching the end, he felt the ceiling of where he had stopped. He pushed and shouted in triumph as the offending object lifted and was pushed out of the way, revealing a dark blue, bordering black, sky with evidence of the sun rising. Naruto climbed out of the hole and found himself in a familiar part of the forest. He looked to the north and saw the Hokage tower, smiling as he looked back to the hidden hole as he kneeled and covered the hole again. 'I'll return to this later. I have to see jiji!' The boy ran off towards the Hokage Tower, a smile on his face.

Today was the day he and the Hokage were going to the Hidden Sand Village.


The Hokage hummed to himself as he readied for his trip to Suna. In his office were his most trusted ANBU minus one, the one that he tasked with finding Naruto. He looked up at the sound of the door opening and smiled as his secretary opened the door and a small blonde blur entered the room and hug tackled the man while his last ANBU entered the room behind him.

"Oji-san!" The Hokage chuckled and hugged the boy back before holding him up.

"So, Naruto-kun, are you ready to see another village?" Naruto nodded his head rapidly while Cat, Dog, Weasel and Bear chuckled at the boy. "Well then, we'd best be off. Did you say bye to Momo-chan yet?" Naruto nodded his head.

"Yeah, Oji-san. She gave Cat-nee-chan a book for me to read on our way there." The Hokage looked to the female ANBU in question and she held the book up.

"Just a book on the shinobi basics, Hokage-sama. Nothing to worry about. I'm sure Weasel and Dog will watch over the boy as attempts any of the practical parts out." The two males nodded at the unseen pointed look that the purple haired ANBU gave them. "Good!" The Hokage sweat dropped at the sickly sweet voice only for Naruto to giggle like the child he is.

"Shall we, Naruto-kun?" The boy nodded to the old man and everyone in the room vanished in a swirl of leaves.

X Time Skip: Suna Gates X

It took the Hokage and his company four days to arrive at the gates of the desert village. Naruto looked around in awe while the Hokage presented his papers to the Chunin guard at the gate. Over the past few days, Naruto would study from his book while Weasel, Dog, Cat or even the Hokage himself would point things out to Naruto that would be important for him to learn. Bear helped the boy in a few of the practical aspects such as kunai and shuriken.

"You're all cleared, Hokage-sama. The Kazekage has already set up lodgings for you and your escorts at the Hourglass Inn. I will escort you to the inn if you would like." The old man thanked the guard, accepting his help and led his ninja through as Naruto looked around the village from his spot on Dog's back.

The trip to the inn was filled with questions from the curious boy the Hokage had brought with him. The Chunin was patient with the boy and answered any that the Leaf shinobi couldn't, which turned out to be almost everything. The moment they arrived at the inn, the Chunin turned to the Hokage.

"Here you are Lord Hokage. I'm sure your tired from your travel so please make yourselves at home. I must report your arrival to the Kazekage. Excuse me." The old man dismissed the Chunin and looked to his company.

"Let us check in and rest everyone. Cat, you have guard over Naruto until dinner. Everyone is free to look around the village if you wish, we are going to be here for about a month after all. Naruto, don't go anywhere without telling Cat, ok?" The boy nodded as everyone walked into the building.


Naruto walked around the village while everyone else was relaxing for the rest of the day. He had snuck out of the inn, leaving Cat to rest while she thought he was in his room. He knew he shouldn't have left without her but he also knew she needed her rest after walking across a scorching hot desert. Besides, not like he was out looking for trouble.

Naruto found himself in what looked to be an abandoned part of the village as he continued his walk. He froze in step when he heard a shout coming from nearby.

"NARUTO UZUMAKI!" Naruto paled at the sound of his guard's furious tone and ran into a building, Cat passing the building seconds after he vanished. "When I find you I'm gonna whip your hide." The female ANBU muttered as she continued her search for the boy.

Naruto sighed as he looked around the house he had walked into. He spotted a loose floorboard and walked over to it. "I wonder if anything's under here." The blonde haired boy lifted the board and found a stair case under it. "Hey, a secret room! I gotta check this out!" The boy removed more floorboards that were loose and started down the stairs. He tilted his head to the side as he approached a door with a red scorpion painted on it. He opened the door and his eyes went wide at the amount of scrolls, books, tools and strange parts left about the room. He walked over to what looked to be a work bench and found a note lying on the surface.

To whomever finds this room, I congratulate you. I am Sasori of the Red Sands, master of the art of puppetry. My power is unrivaled. I have mastered the darkest arts of puppetry. I have created poisons that could kill, paralyze, drain chakra and knock one unconscious. I am killer of the Sandaime Kazekage and soon, I will be immortal. The room you see here is left as a taunt to any foolish Suna shinobi to think they could best me in my beautiful art. You may try, but you will fail to become stronger than me. Use this room how you wish, but you will never master the art of puppetry as I have.

Should I find you anytime in the future, I will laugh as I kill you and use your body as my next, newest creation.

Sasori of the Red Sands

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the note before looking around the room. He spotted a shelf full of books and smiled. Walking over to the books he found that the first book was for the beginnings of puppetry. He looked around the room once more before landing his eyes on the note that was left.

"I'll show you just how strong I can be with my own puppets, Sasori-baka." Naruto took the first book and started to read.

Thus his training began.

X Time Skip: One Month Later X

Sarutobi rubbed his eyes as he entered the Kazekage's office. The man looked up and sighed as he put his pen down. "Still no luck finding the boy, Sarutobi?" The old man shook his head.

"He's been missing since we checked into the hotel. Cat has been restless in trying to find the boy, Weasel and Dog have been helping her while trying to get her to rest at the same time. Bear however, well, he's been searching the village after the shift change and has just about as much luck as any of them." The Kazekage sighed.

"I'm sorry you haven't found him yet. I have my patrols on the lookout for him but nothing's come up and my wife is due to have my third child soon." The Hokage shook his head.

"You worry about your wife, I'm sure he'll turn up soon. I just wish I would have brought my scying orb. I would have found him the day he went missing." The Kazekage nodded.

"Now, about that treaty."


Naruto looked about the room with a careful eye, making sure that he hadn't forgotten anything. He'd been so excited about the things he was learning about from Sasori's left over books, that he completely forgot about his oji-san and the ANBU that were no doubt worrying over him. He'd learned a lot over the past month, from wall walking to chakra strings, using a kunai to forging his own, and from moving a puppet to creating his first one on his own. While it was the same design as the basic Crow puppet, Naruto thought he'd done pretty well on his own.

He spotted a few potted plants and walked over to them, climbing a chair and pulling them down to take them with him. A few things that he'd found he liked to do as a side hobby were gardening, seeing as everything he tried planting over the past month grew quickly whenever he added his own chakra to the plant, and strangely enough, sealing.

Many would think that a boy at the age of three wouldn't be capable of doing anything that Naruto found himself able to do with ease, however, Naruto was special. In one of the books he read, he learned how to gauge his own chakra, which he came to learn he had the chakra stores of an average second year academy student. He had already learned enough on seals that he could seal all of the things in the room into scrolls and be done with it.

Sealing the plants into the sealing scroll on the floor, Naruto turned and took the last empty scroll and sealed the other twelve scrolls into that one, putting the final scroll into a backpack he had found lying around the room. He looked around the room once more, the entire place cleaned of everything that Sasori had left and the boy slung the backpack over his shoulder.

"Just you wait, Sasori-teme. I'll become even greater than you." Naruto turned and started to leave, the biggest smile on his face that anyone will ever remember.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Naruto flinched at the furious voice of Cat as she landed before him. He looked up to her and smiled sheepishly.

"Hi Cat-chan. Sorry if I worried you." The woman growled behind her mask.

"I'm gonna tan your hide so bad your grandkids will feel it!" Cat started to advance on him only for her fellow ANBU to appear and stop her.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Naruto-kun." Weasel told the boy, getting him to hang his head.

"I'm sorry. I just found some really cool stuff and got lost in it." Dog sighed and walked over to him.

"Let's go see Hokage-sama. He's been worried about you." Naruto nodded as the ANBU picked him up and they vanished. Cat and Weasel shortly after.


The Hokage looked at the blonde child on the bed before him with a sigh. "Naruto, you had me worried. You can't just up and leave. There are people out there that would hurt a child for no reason. Promise me you won't do that anymore. If you do, I just might let Cat punish you after all." Naruto nodded his head rapidly. "Now, tell me about this stuff you found." Naruto launched himself into a tale about all the books, scrolls, tools and everything else he found in the chamber Sasori had left behind. Sarutobi listened with his full attention the moment Sasori's name was mentioned, which was the very first sentence. Once Naruto finished the old man took a few moments to think.

'Hmm, if it got out that Naruto found, learned from and cleaned out Sasori's hidden chamber then Leaf could be threatened with war. However, if I allow Naruto to keep everything, he could become a very powerful ninja. His Crow puppet is already nicely made if I have anything to say about. But how do I stop a war from spreading out?'

"Oji-san?" Hiruzen was shaken out of his thoughts and looked to the blonde boy. "Can I keep them? I really like the art and I've been learning a lot." Sarutobi sighed at the look on the boy and nodded.

"You may keep them Naruto. However, you must wait until we get back to Konoha before you can go back to working on them. We can't let Suna know about you being a puppeteer." Naruto nodded happily. "Now, let's retire for the night. We have a long trek back to Konoha in the morning." Naruto nodded and got under the covers of his bed.

"Good night, Oji-san." Sarutobi smiled at the boy.

"Good night, Naruto-kun."

X Time Skip: Two Years Later X

Two years had passed for Naruto in what seemed like nothing. The day he after he arrived back in Konoha with the Hokage, the old man had given him a special gift, his own apartment. Naruto had moved in right away and turned the place into his new workshop, the underground compound forgotten to his three year old mind.

His puppetry continued to grow, becoming stronger as he trained, while his forging skills heightened with the many hours he poured into mastering the art. His sealing training was becoming second nature to the boy. He had a small garden on the balcony where he grew plants for the various poisonous plants Sasori had once grown in his hideout in Suna. He still only had one puppet however, but he continued to improve the puppet, adding traps and weapons to replace those which he found didn't fit his liking.

The village itself left him alone for the two years he began his training. The ANBU were all watching for anyone that may try to harm him, other than that, nothing really happened to the boy. He stole the food he needed, as well as supplies for his puppets and forging. The ANBU knew who was behind it, but seeing as the boy was almost always turned away the moment he entered the shop, they didn't do anything about it.

There was one place, however, that Naruto found he was always welcome and that was Ichiraku Ramen. The boy had grown a ramen sweet tooth after his first visit and made daily trips to the bar to get a meal, as well as to visit with the old man and his five year old daughter that owned the stall.

Naruto, at this very moment, was walking through the forest south of the Hokage tower in thought. He was looking for a plant that only grew in Fire Country and had both poisonous and healing properties. He recognized the area but he couldn't remember clearly how. He continued to search through the forest before tripping over a tree root.

"Damn it, that hurt!" Naruto sat up and looked back at the root that he had tripped only to blink at the way it was angled. "Wait a minute, this is out of place. It looks more like a handle than a tree root." Naruto walked over and tried lifting the root, a man hole opening up as the boy lifted it away. "I wonder what's down here." The boy started down the ladder, his quest for the plant forgotten.

The boy reached the bottom of the ladder and found a sheet of paper on the ground. He picked it up and smiled when he read it. "I remember this now. I fell in here two years ago. I wonder what else is down here. Maybe I can use it for my puppets." Naruto followed the hallway until he reached a steel door. He opened the door and smiled at the room before him.

"I remember this room." The boy hurried to the only computer in the room and switched it on. After the screen booted up, Naruto watched as dozens of familiar pictures appeared on the screen. 'These photos, I remember these! They're blue prints!' Naruto used the mouse to minimize all the pictures, leaving him with a few files that he could open. "I wonder what this one is." Naruto clicked on a random file and watched as a movie started up.

Hello, if you are watching this, then it means that you have found my hidden workshop. My name is Dr. J. I am a scientist and inventor. I, along with four others, have created five weapons that will be used to save the Earth from the OZ Corp. and bring peace to Earth and the colonies.

You must be wondering what I mean by "will be used," correct? Well, the truth is I know that at this very moment, OZ hunts for the creators of the Gundams. The Wing Zero, Deathscythe, Heavyarms, Sandrock and Nataku. These five machines have the potential to save the entire human race from OZ.

I leave the blue prints to each of the Gundams, in the occurrence that we are captured before they are fully completed. I leave everything in your hands should Operation Meteor fail in stopping the coming Genocide.

Naruto blinked in confusion at the man that had appeared on the screen and began talking before the screen went blank. He looked at the two other files and clicked on another, this time a woman with glasses appeared. While Naruto could tell she was old, he knew that she should not be taken lightly.

My name is Lacus Clyne Yamato. If you are watching this, then you have found Dr. J's lab just as I had. I found his lab while I was in hiding with my husband Kira Yamato, pilot of the Strike Freedom Gundam. Mankind is suffering for its crimes against nature at this very moment. As I speak, there is a massive Hydra with ten heads trying to destroy the entire world. Mankind is using everything it has in hopes of defeating this monster, however, nothing has worked.

The space Colonies have already been destroyed in the bloodiest war in our time, the Gundam Dynasty Wars. Factions have risen and destroyed others, the colonies and even people here on earth. I, myself used to be with the Zaft Alliance before everything fell apart into the war. My husband and brother-in-law were very skilled in computer hacking and espionage while I was more of the tactician of the three.

I have fallen into step with Dr. J, and have left the blue prints for all the Gundams we have managed to collect during our spy operations. I hope that, should the need arise these Gundams will not be tools to kill, but to protect, as they were intended for.

I must leave now and help with the attack on the ten headed Hydra. Let nothing stand in the way of your destiny, let your justice prevail and freedom spread its wings.

The screen went blank once again and Naruto slumped back into the chair. He knew about nine of the bijuu, one of them having attacked the village many years ago, but a tenth? The boy pinched the bridge of his nose, before deciding it didn't matter to him. He clicked on the last file and the pictures returned.

"So, you're all called Gundams, huh?" The boy spoke to himself mostly, looking at each of the blue prints before smirking. "I think I can make these work. A metal puppet sounds a lot better than a wooden one." The boy shrank all the pictures at random before landing on the last one, enlarging it and smirking.

"I'll start with you."


Naruto crawled out of the manhole and closed it up before heading back for the village, a printed piece of paper in his hands as he ran through the forest. 'I'll need more equipment before I continue on with my new puppets. I better see oji-san.' Naruto had a wide grin all the way to his home.

It would be three years for the village of Konoha before they heard from Naruto again, only this time, it wouldn't be Naruto running around the village.

It would be the village visiting the puppet user.


Ok here we go! The first chapter in the Master of the Iron Puppet! I hope everyone enjoyed it. Before anyone starts going bonkers, remember, this is fan fiction. If you can guys can gender bend any of the characters in anything then I can do what I want to.

On a side note, before anyone asks, NO. They will not be the actual size Gundams. They will be more along the lines of Kisame's height, give or take a few inches/feet. Now, if you'll all give her a hand, Anko will take it from here.

Anko: Alright everybody, you better review or I'll toss you into the Forest of Death and chase you around with my snakes until you submit one!

See ya next time.